@stormlantern All you would need to do is send me a list of what maps got removed, what maps got added, and what new maps got added. With the "Final verdict" thing, I'd probably have access to whatever chat you moderators talk in, (without chatting perms if you want,) and I'd summarize all the opinions in one DM to the map author, reducing the hassle and frustration of explaining everything to them. This will also improve overall morale, as it appears that both sides get frustrated with each other easily. Basically I'd be a record-keeper and mediator, allowing you guys to focus on moderation, instead of getting frustrated over communication. There might be an initial shock load as I won't know much about the current lists, however, once I know more, all you'll end up telling me should be ~2 sentences, and with that I can handle the "wym my map is broken?!" people.
TLDR: I'd have a role that lets me read your mod chat, (nothing more,) and I'd summarize it and send it to the map author. This should save time and/or frustration. You'd only need to send me the reasons for a map's removal, and what brand new maps were added, and their author's discord username. Over time I shouldn't need to know what maps are brand new, as I could just see that it's new via it not being on the list.
Thanks for considering my suggestion