Why would you have left FAF?

Maybe instead of trying to get them to adjust to our values, you can try and dive into theirs. I'm sure the majority of all of us are just messing around but due to a language barrier and a preconception of a situation one can quickly draw the wrong conclusions.

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

@jip Hearthstone solved that with 6 standard messages, especially if it is just text it shouldn't be to hard to develop, write and mod in.

  1. List the required messages. (Example: Prepare to attack soon, Scale up Eco & Tech, I take your lead, Follow my instructions, No / you idiot, Yes / good idea - to be accompanied with pings and general understanding)
  2. Get nationals to write it in every language.
  3. Mod in under hot menu

Tbh I might use this sometimes even without a language barrier...

I'm all in for such a feature - we just need to figure out what we want to type.

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

Sounds like something you have e.g. in Killing Floor games and maaany other FPS/Co-op type of games behind a button, opens up some communication menu with default messages categorized.

@valki said in Why would you have left FAF?:

@jip Hearthstone solved that with 6 standard messages, especially if it is just text it shouldn't be to hard to develop, write and mod in.

  1. List the required messages. (Example: Prepare to attack soon, Scale up Eco & Tech, I take your lead, Follow my instructions, No / you idiot, Yes / good idea - to be accompanied with pings and general understanding)
  2. Get nationals to write it in every language.
  3. Mod in under hot menu

Tbh I might use this sometimes even without a language barrier...

Same shit in dota, chat-wheel has like 10 translated commands and its enought for a game. Somethling like attack/fallback/don't go here/look. Basically same as 3 existing pings but more different texts

If someone can open up a different topic and discuss what type of messages they'd like to have, then I'll think about a way to implement it intuitively.

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

@jip said in Why would you have left FAF?:

If someone can open up a different topic and discuss what type of messages they'd like to have, then I'll think about a way to implement it intuitively.


Ctrl+click on "small guy" icon on scoreboard asks for engi already. The same with asking power and mass. Shift+click gives unit, or in case of power/mass, gives 25%.

Most of on screen messages I have seen are easy to understand/universel: ACU, nuke, antinuke, mavor, tml, eco, yellow ping for assist, blue for move and red for attack... People use multiple pings for more precision: Blue ping on unit (group) you want to be moved, followed by blue ping in place you want it to be moved to.

Official FAF language is english. I am not native english speaker, but as most players I respect to use of english ingame. Even when there are players from my nationality ingame, I speak english. As almost all other players (ecxept russians somtimes). And I dont use my langauage to make worst teams for other nationalitys. Or to bully them. Or to insult them.

@wikingest said in Why would you have left FAF?:

Ctrl+click on "small guy" icon on scoreboard asks for engi already. The same with asking power and mass. Shift+click gives unit, or in case of power/mass, gives 25%.

I did not know that! This is so counter-intuitive, imagine a noob figuring this out on his own.

Other case, if information like this was added to the loading screen tips.

@fiercelv I don't disagree, but if you happen to hover on the icons, it will tell you.

Inverted response... why I don't leave FAF now that Age of Empires 4 is out.

I like Age of Empires 4 more overall, the resource gathering is less punishing and seeing that I am behind or understanding why I lost is much more intuitive.

I'm still here though because:

  1. We consider FAF suitable for young kids watching unlike AoE4 (melee combat, people dying), So between 0700 and 2000 FAF is only RTS I play.
  2. Ladder 1v1 game length is more reliable and shorter than AoE4. Also I can force an ending to the game without just throwing it with an all-in snipe.
  3. I can't leave before I can play 10 games in a row without ruining my own game through power stall or whatever...

Im 32 years old and i´ve discoreved FAF last year
I´ve been playing strategy games all my life, shogun total war, civ2/3/4/5/6, red alert a (bunch of them), age of empires 2/3, knights of honor, rome total war (and a bunch of total wars), dungeon keeper, empire earth, rise of nations, europa universalis 1/2/3/4 etc. etc. and when i found this game is was dumbstruck this is the best game ever and who disagrees with me can fight me 1v1 in real life. 😃

New player here, I love RTS games but never get into online play because I'm not very good and get destroyed instantly, I at least like to stretch my legs before getting steam rolled. The FAF client is amazing though for mods and maps and letting me set up custom games against AI with all the new balance changes and what not. AAAAND I just realized this is a year old thread ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Keep the thread going forever

@aaronmorgan1989 said in Why would you have left FAF?:

New player here, I love RTS games but never get into online play because I'm not very good and get destroyed instantly, I at least like to stretch my legs before getting steam rolled. The FAF client is amazing though for mods and maps and letting me set up custom games against AI with all the new balance changes and what not. AAAAND I just realized this is a year old thread ¯_(ツ)_/¯

The campaigns are a good warm up to online play. You'll get a feel of the units. From there on try beating hard ai's and watch some casts. This should be enough to not get stomped in low rated online games. And then just play and improve. I wouldn't play gap though, as it's not representative of maps where you can't turtle.

Check out my maps here:

Madness 1 - 10


Been playing for 3 years now. Dropped off for a bit...... Boy this game is ruthless if that muscle memory slips.

The 3v3s are amazing and have been the best addition since i have started. I wouldn't be on as much if it wasn't for the quick games i get from it.

Theres nothing else like faf! Pls stop balancing too! the latest aeon navy balance.. feels bad. If you come back and all of a sudden units are to different its confusing and frustrating

This post is deleted!

Players losing connections with each other and devs are not seeing that issue.

I play maybe 2 games a week, and the only disconnect I can recall that had nothing to do with one of the players internet was one where the player NEXT to me, on the same LAN was desynced from myself and the rest of the group who were not local. that was odd.


The balance patches really are way too frequent. The game is decades old. It should have been balanced years ago. Don't know why there are constant changes. Is it to try and force a personal preference on meta?

I stopped playing for a few years, then came back and everyone was spamming SACU'S and mass fabs. The change in meta to encouraging and rewarding endless ecoing was weird and a bad choice, and this is coming from a player who only plays survival and large two team camping maps. Honestly, a team that has lost map control shouldn't be able to win.