Need UI Mod? Let me know

@Dragun101 said in Need UI Mod? Let me know:

a mod that summarizes enemy eco and otherwise based on known information

That one sounds pretty cheaty. I'd run that by @biass before making it.

Its only avaliable information to the player. Basically like Supreme Economy it counts the enemy mexes for example you see or scouted and determines income.

I’m a shitty 1k Global. Any balance or gameplay suggestions should be understood or taken as such.

Project Head and current Owner/Manager of SCTA Project

Yeah I understand that part, but I still think it's too cheaty. However it's not my call to make which is why I said to talk to Biass

@Resistance lobby.txt

This isn't perfect, but I updated kyro's for UI scaling, and few other things that didn't work. It still has issues though which I cannot fix, such as colors not always assigning correctly. Works fine for me otherwise. You will have to rename it from txt to lua since it wouldn't let me upload it otherwise.

@macdeffy ah thank you,can you also send me a downloadable link since the old forum is down?
find me here-Resistance†#1630(discord)

queuing with a newbie to show him the beauty of tmm and meeting tagada be like:

Hey @Dragun101, is it possible to add a mod or edit this mod to create hotkeys that cycle through these icons that appear when you have a unit selected: a185727d-41b5-4b48-9eba-a436d8626866-image.png

And preferably these icons if it's an ACU/SACU: 52fdd21a-0212-4e00-904d-663c06207a97-image.png

This will mostly just allow quicker upgrades, so perhaps just making bindable hotkeys for various upgrades would also be good?

Possible yes.
Doable? Easier said than done. Also Prize you on Discord?

I’m a shitty 1k Global. Any balance or gameplay suggestions should be understood or taken as such.

Project Head and current Owner/Manager of SCTA Project

@Dragun101 Yup "Sir Prize#9720"

UI mod idea: a patrol that does not make unit follow enemy units. so basicly move orders instead of attack-move-orders.

  1. autododge mmls, t1 arty and maybe other things, (frigate vs arty vs bomber vs mmls for example)
  2. ASFS and inties don't chase enemy units to enemy AA
  3. maybe other cases when you want to have units follow certain move orders and not diverge from them to chase random stuff

Could be implemented by clicking move orders and then pressing certain hotkey to make it into patrol or making a patrol and pressing hotkey and turining it into a non agressive patrol

TA4Life: "At the very least we are not slaves to the UI" | |

A mod idea i had: 'back-off after shooting command', basically attack-move with a twist for slow firing units like mmls/snipers/ships/arty.
It will 'attack move' to specific location and after after using a shot will move units in opposite direction for half time of firing cycle and will use attack-move to same place again, repeat until arriving to attack spot. This can be considered a bit 'cheaty' cause squishy slow firing units won't stand in same place waiting for arty shot each time they encounter enemies.

Techmind what your discord username btw?

I’m a shitty 1k Global. Any balance or gameplay suggestions should be understood or taken as such.

Project Head and current Owner/Manager of SCTA Project

@Wainan said in Need UI Mod? Let me know:

I'd love a mod that makes players on a team all have similar colours if possible please. So Team one would be light blue, dark blue, light green, dark green, turquoise and team 2 would be red, dark red, pink, orange, yellow for instance.

I get so confused in team games and the built-in option turns the entire team the exact same colour which creates its own problems.

In case it's relevant I use this icon mod already so please only spend time on it if they would work together.

Thank You! I Love it, The Whole reason the Rainbow Tourny exists...
is I hate seeing mixed colors like you mentioned.
My OCD with this has me even sorting colors when I play AI solo.

These are the colors for the Rainbow Tourny going on now,,
finishes on Feb 6,,
watch streams on faflive twitch and others to see your idea in action.
Color Chart Rainbow Cup III.jpg

@Dragun101 said in Need UI Mod? Let me know:

Techmind what your discord username btw?


"a bit 'cheaty'"
no, its cheaty and would result in a ban if used in competetive games

Forumpros doing balance .
When a canis player remembers to build more than 3 units .

Techmind I won’t be making the mod, was gonna PM you privately telling you that. And given conversations I won’t be making the counting mod either

I’m a shitty 1k Global. Any balance or gameplay suggestions should be understood or taken as such.

Project Head and current Owner/Manager of SCTA Project

I would like a mod that adds a sound effect when one of two things happen:
(1) someone on my team sends a team-chat message; or
(2) anyone in the game sends a chat message to me only

From watching replays I see that during the game I won't always notice when someone sends me a chat message. It would promote better teamwork if a sound cue helped me to notice the chat message.

It would be best if the sound effect was subtle but also completely unique, so a player would always know that it represents a chat message.

@arma473 vault->search "chatbeep"

can we get an UI that disables chat and marks at the same time?

queuing with a newbie to show him the beauty of tmm and meeting tagada be like:

@Resistance said in Need UI Mod? Let me know:

can we get an UI that disables chat and marks at the same time?

Probably y can just destroy chat window's handler + replace default chat-sound with null-sound, but this would be game mod like 'kyro's lobby' which would not be installable from vault.

@Resistance @techmind_

it would be easy to remove chat from showing up (all chat, or according to specific rules, like muting a list of players). The ChatBeep mod in the vault almost shows you how to do it.

ChatBeep always calls the underlying function and then adds a beep sound. You could modify it to put logic in to decide whether to call the underlying function. Logic like: if the name of the sender of the chat message equals "arma473", don't call it, otherwise, call it. If you don't call that underlying function, the chat message never shows up on your screen.

it's probably equally easy to remove "pings" from showing up, or at least to take their sound away. again, it could be done according to specific rules, or it could just be muting everyone's pings