Made a mod which reminds you to scout by color-coding unscouted squares and prints last time you saw what area (with 'vision', not radar) (uses the same key as 'reclaim view').
Only checks for 'scout' units for performance reasons (so any other units won't be checked) and only cares about 'move' and 'patrol' commands.
Will check only your own units so probably not that useful in team games (UI mods don't know anything about 'allied' units).
I only checked that it works correctly with 'better reclaim view', so it is a dependency.
In the vault as 'scouting overlay'.

Best posts made by techmind_
Scouting overlay mod.
RE: Atlantis
Find replay of useless unit being used to prove that is useless is a usefull rule)
RE: Why would you have left FAF?
There might be a auto-ban from custom/team games probably, You won't be toxic if you play ladder 1vs1)
I am avid dota player and i'm quite toxic then i see people doing dumb shit.
if you get reported for 'communication missconduct' you get banned from chat, but still can use 'pings' or predefined chat commands like 'retreat/attack/etc'. It works pretty nicely.
You also have 'behaviour score' and griefers/players with boosted rank/etc get it low and basically get matched with same low score, so where is like cesspit for all griefers who can grief each other but they get seprated from 'good behaving' players.Also even if y get 3+ reports and get low behaviour score you can play nicely and get commended so your score jumps back. So it's sort of easy to fix by being nice and helping your team and playing properly.
Something like this requires a ton of coding, but maybe something simpler can be coded, even simple system like seeing public comments or negative downvote from someone i know like "zlo" or other 'decent' players, would make me consider playing AGAINST that person in team game. Currently i 'foe' players, but it works kinda bad cause you can't see foes in lobby, half the time i just forget i foed someone and later find out i already foed someone for example.
RE: Proposal: T3 Arty & Movement
t3 arty for aeon is already the worst. Insanely slow fire cycle + bad precision. It can move so it kinda balances that.
But giving movement advantage to cybran needs to up the aeon arty then, cause then trebushet is clearly way better.
Aeon t3 is not exactly very usefull, cause its fire cycle + damage distribution is not that good, and the only real advantage is outranging t3 uef pd. There is like a single reason why you would ever use t3 aeon pd. -
RE: Need UI Mod? Let me know
@Resistance said in Need UI Mod? Let me know:
can we get an UI that disables chat and marks at the same time?
Probably y can just destroy chat window's handler + replace default chat-sound with null-sound, but this would be game mod like 'kyro's lobby' which would not be installable from vault.
RE: Sacrifice Modification: Proposal
It is actually a nerf. Sacrifice kinda gives same mass as ctrl-k + reclaim, x1.5 buildpower for 30% of hp does not give mass, if you actualyl try to repair them this is straight mass waste, using this on sacus is really bad, becasue they cost too much.
Killing engi to have 20 seconds of 1.5x buildpower is SUPER situational. I don't even sure why i would use this ability.
At least i use sacrifice of t1 engies during t3 phase to get some mass to current building to get rid of pathfinding issues.TLDR: mod does not fix any problem and makes sacrifice even more useless. Maybe remake sacrifice to 'merge engies' ? merge 2 t1's and get an engi with 2x buildpower, 1.5x range and 2x hp. Merge 4 engies for 4x buildpower, 2x range and 3.5x hp and so on ?
It will allow you to have sort of 'mobile' engineering station which has worse range but kinda scales after up to t3.5. -
RE: Need UI Mod? Let me know
Also an idea for mod 'select units with <25% hp(to fallback and ctrl-k), <50% hp'(to fallback beside healthy units), select veteran units with <25% hp (so they can heal a bit)', probably a best way for UI is to filter current selection like 'no fuel' does.
Latest posts made by techmind_
RE: More visible direct fire ground hits
Game probably can be modded (similar to strategic icons with editing core-files) so particle effects for hitting ground would be some unusual noticeable color (very bright pink ?), dunno how to change particle effects colors, but probably possible.
RE: About Neroxis map generator...
@tatsu said in About Neroxis map generator...:
(yes neroxis_map_generator_1.3.5_ie5pi2ly4cy44_aiea_ works for me)
I'm still wondering how one would recover a mapname from a replay?
Checking c:\ProgramData\FAForever\logs\map-generator.logs is probably the easiest way)
Replay is just json it seems:
If y have cygwin/linux:C:\ProgramData\FAForever\replays>cat SOMENAME.fafreplay | grep -o 'mapname":"[a-z0-9A-Z_\\.]*"' mapname":"astro_crater_battles_4x4_overmap.v0001"
RE: About Neroxis map generator...
Yeap, something wrong with water rendering. Dunno how to debug this.
RE: About Neroxis map generator...
@tatsu said in About Neroxis map generator...:
here's the replay link : it generates the right map. I just want to be able to host it.
Flying engi is this working as intended ?)
@Sheikah take a look as well) -
RE: Why would you have left FAF?
There might be a auto-ban from custom/team games probably, You won't be toxic if you play ladder 1vs1)
I am avid dota player and i'm quite toxic then i see people doing dumb shit.
if you get reported for 'communication missconduct' you get banned from chat, but still can use 'pings' or predefined chat commands like 'retreat/attack/etc'. It works pretty nicely.
You also have 'behaviour score' and griefers/players with boosted rank/etc get it low and basically get matched with same low score, so where is like cesspit for all griefers who can grief each other but they get seprated from 'good behaving' players.Also even if y get 3+ reports and get low behaviour score you can play nicely and get commended so your score jumps back. So it's sort of easy to fix by being nice and helping your team and playing properly.
Something like this requires a ton of coding, but maybe something simpler can be coded, even simple system like seeing public comments or negative downvote from someone i know like "zlo" or other 'decent' players, would make me consider playing AGAINST that person in team game. Currently i 'foe' players, but it works kinda bad cause you can't see foes in lobby, half the time i just forget i foed someone and later find out i already foed someone for example.
RE: Rename/Reupload Maps to the Vault (FAF Map editor)
Maybe you can delete work-in-progress maps ? Also all replays are probably from the dev itself so they can be safely deleted too, cause there is 0 chance it's popular enough to be played.
RE: Merge engineers into support engineers to circumvent pathing issues.
The main problem is 1) shit pathfinding 2) small assist range.
It's same shit pathfinding and bad range at all tiers.
Kennels/hives fix both problems, kennels have worse bp but can fly anywhere.Pathfiding is not fixable, but better range is changeable.
We need a way to contrate bp efficiently in specific area.
2 ways: better range or better bp with same/similar range.
Reuse sparky model and make either- 1.5x-2x range + 1.5x hp with same bp as t3 engi from t3 factoty with 1.5-2x costs or
- make 2-3x bp with same range and more hp with 1.5-2x cost.
It could be tier 3.5 engi it can be produced from factory or 'made' sacrificing t3 engi into other t3 engi, we can even add another cheapish upgrade(800-1000 mass) to t3 factory HQ so it could produce them.
RE: Need UI Mod? Let me know
Also an idea for mod 'select units with <25% hp(to fallback and ctrl-k), <50% hp'(to fallback beside healthy units), select veteran units with <25% hp (so they can heal a bit)', probably a best way for UI is to filter current selection like 'no fuel' does.
RE: Need UI Mod? Let me know
@Resistance said in Need UI Mod? Let me know:
can we get an UI that disables chat and marks at the same time?
Probably y can just destroy chat window's handler + replace default chat-sound with null-sound, but this would be game mod like 'kyro's lobby' which would not be installable from vault.