Personal/Custom Avatars

This is a bit off topic, but keeping the funds 'on hold' until the sanctions are gone is just flat out false hope towards the sanctioned players and complicates the responsibilities for future treasurers and/or board members.

Looking at the geopolitical narrative there's not a single indication that either side is about to give up, let alone that Europe will drop sanctions even if the war would end tomorrow. The world has simple changed and we need to act on that.

In my humble opinion the only thing that we (read: the board) did wrong was not make this (more) clear. Starting with the statement we should've pushed a clear message/post to every tournament that involves FAF funds that sanctioned players can not receive any form of monetary compensation for participating in that tournament and therefore effectively only play for the honor and perhaps a (special) avatar.

And because of that mistake sanctioned players and the tournament directors are rightfully frustrated. I get that, and I wish we thought of it in March 2022 when we wrote the initial statement. But we didn't, and I'd like to personally apologize towards the people that we let down by that.

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned


I don’t really see how you could arrive at the conclusion that it’s false hope when nobody, even higher level officials, are going to be predicting the results of the current offensive let alone the situation in a year. I hear any and everything from both sides. But it’s off topic and we don’t need to get into it.

There should have been a general adjustment of how things are going to work if the Board has decided that Russia is now North Korea. If avatars are being given as some barter equivalent to prize money, then there needs to be rules ironed out about how much money equates to an avatar and whether only FAF official prize money is capable of being spent on said good. Doing this in dms without any rules set up as NOC did clarifies nothing for anybody, really. Even if gieb and whoever else is involved. Money is transferable to avatars now and that needs to get explained.

I would personally have given people the option of having funds reserved or transferring it into some sort of service ie avatars as long as it matches some criteria set up by the tournament team. I think the “complexity” argument is quite silly, the account ledgers for FAF are not that complicated where this is an insurmountable obstacle.

@ftxcommando said in Personal/Custom Avatars:

Money is transferable to avatars now and that needs to get explained.

Avatars being an alternative prize does not mean that avatars can be bought for money. Quite a jump of logic there.

"Design is an iterative process. The required number of iterations is one more than the number you have currently done. This is true at any point in time."

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@indexlibrorum said in Personal/Custom Avatars:

@ftxcommando said in Personal/Custom Avatars:

Money is transferable to avatars now and that needs to get explained.

Avatars being an alternative prize does not mean that avatars can be bought for money. Quite a jump of logic there.

Please read what I wrote and realize that I put in the question of whether only FAF provided prize funds can be used for the purpose.


You said

Money is transferable to avatars now and that needs to get explained.

It's not. Money is not transferable to avatars. Avatars are an alternative, not an equivalent or a product bought for money.

"Design is an iterative process. The required number of iterations is one more than the number you have currently done. This is true at any point in time."

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This is a sentence, yes. Now read it in the context of

“then there needs to be rules ironed out about how much money equates to an avatar and whether only FAF official prize money is capable of being spent on said good”

Avatars being a prize substitute equates to avatars being bought with money. You’re just deciding what money is allowed to be considered. The Board and tournament team already took the plunge into making it viable to buy personal avatars with this policy, this is about the details.


Avatars being a prize substitute equates to avatars being bought with money.
making it viable to buy personal avatars with this policy

This is exactly what I'm saying is a leap of logic beyond the reasonable.
No avatars were sold. No avatars were bought. No one has even hinted at the posibility of buying avatars with money. One thing replacing another does not equate being able to buy that one thing with the other.

"Design is an iterative process. The required number of iterations is one more than the number you have currently done. This is true at any point in time."

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They were bought as Pepsi was compensated for the loss of his prize money through the avatar. For this to be reasonable, rules need to exist on what an avatar is worth, because if it’s worth any amount then any russian getting 16th place in LotS could potentially get a unique avatar. If it’s too high, only 1 russian a year is going to be getting one, if that.

Avatars are given a market value for fair compensation, it’s a price. It’s a price that can be paid. It’s a question of what the market structure is.

And frankly, I think it’s pretty ridiculous and inane to only apply to Russians in a situation outside of their control. It’s not fair to either them nor everybody else. The rule should be uniform if this is seen as legitimate enough to be a solution to this issue.

@ftxcommando You're stretching the meaning of the word 'bought' to mean things that it doesn't. You can stretch your logic in whatever shape of argument you want, but fact remains that avatars cannot be bought, and that offering them as a replacement for a financial prize does not mean that they suddenly can.

The above notwithstanding: as you say, guidelines need to be established for the avatars and when someone should get one. I'm sure those kind of decisions would have been made properly, if it wasn't for the weird situation that resulted in (what I understand to be) one NOC handing out an avatar without further really discussing it.

"Design is an iterative process. The required number of iterations is one more than the number you have currently done. This is true at any point in time."

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No I’m not. You don’t understand what a substitute good is and that for it to work, it still requires a price. If money is the substitute good, it’s bought. That’s what it is. Are you describing the avatar Pepsi got as a gift unrelated to the prize money? If not, the two are obviously related, nobody is even denying it.

If avatars can’t be bought, the situation above is arbitrary and shouldn’t have happened. Because it’s really just NOC deciding based on his personal vibes that day what is worth a personal avatar. Coherent principles aka a price needs to be established for transparency and fairness. You can argue about who is allowed to buy it or what money is allowed to be used, but it’s still a good with a price.



Then you will forgive me for the fact that 95% of other gaming communities continue to pay Russians even large gaming corporations continue to pay Russians despite sanctions (especially those in Europe) and yet here we are.

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Because heaven forbid if they paid Turbo2 Pepsi's winnings he "could" find a way to send them to Pepsi.

What have FAForever to do with financial actions of person they paid? This is not FAForever money any more so the Turbo2 can do whatever he want with them

It would not be hard to establish the causal link that makes FAF complicit in that. The better question is why anybody would care about it to go through the motions of getting it proven in court.

@noc said in Personal/Custom Avatars:


Then you will forgive me for the fact that 95% of other gaming communities continue to pay Russians even large gaming corporations continue to pay Russians despite sanctions (especially those in Europe) and yet here we are.

A quick look says the opposite with major companies no longer providing prize winnings to Russian residing players.

Eg: 3987fa26-d658-4ed8-9a63-8fbb7cc0dbfd-image.png

All the major esports leagues I researched have banned Russian teams from competing and cancelled any events held in Russia.


The closest we get is Team Spirit which was Russian but is now Serbian based.

This is all ignoring the fact that transferring funds to a Russian bank from our Danish one is nearly impossible due to EU's SWIFT ban on Russian banks. Are we forgetting the pain we had (have?) with not being able to access our account in the past? Do we want a repeat of that happening? Even if its only a small chance of happening its not worth risking.

@ftxcommando said in Personal/Custom Avatars:

the situation above is arbitrary and shouldn’t have happened. Because it’s really just NOC deciding based on his personal vibes that day what is worth a personal avatar.

That's a pretty good description of what happened.

There is a thread in the promo-public channel on discord now that discusses avatar rules. All input is welcome.

Given there's someone clearly motivated to seeing FAF fail presumably at cost to themselves (the ongoing DDOS attacks), I don't believe the proposition that that FAF could get away with breaching the law because no-one will care.

@maudlin27 Explain how is it a breach of law? Any law that states that you can't send money to turbo2? This is the presumption of guilty not of the innocence

"Good luck and a safe landing commanders!"


I’m not saying FAF should work to breach the law, my solution was still to reserve the funds while providing in kind services as options for people that don’t feel like waiting.

Though I also feel like the “waiting” isn’t really a necessary condition and the transfer of FAF money for a service should be viable for anyone that wins FAF money.

@lunyshko It's been made clear in previous iterations of this discussion that several people were intending to forward the money to Russian members who otherwise would not be able to receive prize money.

You can argue that such actions fall beyond what the board should be concerned about, but the worry remains that FAF remained possibly liable for such actions nonetheless. Legal advise was sought, but no definitive answer obtained. As such, the board has chosen to err on the side of caution, as it is most important to not jeopardize the FAF project, even if this meant that a handful of Russian players were unable to receive any financial prizes. I'm sure you'll be able to understand that the (perceived) risk involved here does not outweigh the rewards (pun not intended).

This sucks for those players and it's not their fault, but such are the consequences of living in a warmongering state.

Again, all of this has previously been discussed to death, and the conclusions that were reached by the board are unlikely to change. It's time to stop this discussion, if only so that we can return to the issue at hand:

We were discussing on how to deal with avatars, both in the global sense of needing proper guidelines to handle future assignments, as well as the specific sense of how to deal with the custom avatar given out by NOC as a replacement for the tournament prize.

There are efforts made to work out a good set of guidelines, mostly based on the earlier framework by FTX and some current revisions by Fichom. Further input on this is very welcome, please see the relevant discord channel.

"Design is an iterative process. The required number of iterations is one more than the number you have currently done. This is true at any point in time."

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Yes, lets risk the entire FAF project for a few measly bucks. Great idea lads.