Updated Mods for FAF and Vanilla Steam
@holybeast67 said in Updated Mods for FAF and Vanilla Steam:
im wondering if the conversion to FAF compared to the steam is it worth it?
Based on what you wrote, it sounds like you would like LOUD:AI more than FAF. That provides an easy way to play against AIs in big games with lots of big super-powerful units. As I understand it, LOUD:AI even supports multiplayer so you could play with other people, like multiplayer games where you cooperate against enemy AIs.
Also: you should be able to keep mods separate for use with FAF and use not with FAF. So you should be able to try out FAF without wrecking any setups you have that already work. To be safe, you could backup your files (make copies of the relevant directories where mods are kept)
i checked the download link on the first post for XtremWars and Wyvern Battle Pack.
Both downloads are working!Maybe your browser is set to only accept HTTPS pages? the download is on a HTTP page.
Thank you for updating the mods as the time goes by, i did however have an odd questions so i know that Both Xtreme war and the Experimental wars are not compatible with each other however why is that? I tried playing one over the other but they both seem quite rather identical aside with experimental assigning build techs to certain units. And also if they are still continued being worked on? like new additions etc?
Also does anyone know where i can find a 4th Dimension Mod which works for FAF?
Hello, I have a problem with the Black Ops mod for FAF, the mod for some reason gives me a bug that makes the ground units stop doing their animations or don't respond, besides that they don't attack anymore, any solution
M MostLostNoob referenced this topic on
Hi, I also want to report some issues with Xtreme Wars , a lot of Cybran units movement animation is not working, and the T3 Scorpion also not shooting.
@Uveso What is the repo of Xtreme Wars?
Unfortunately, there is no Extreme Wars repository
I only have a repo for Black Ops and Uveso-AI
Hello again, I encountered a problem, or maybe I'm just too greedy. I tried to install M28 AI on top of all my other mods (AiUveso, Wyvern Battle Pack, BlackOpsFAF: ACU, ExUnits, Unleashed, BrewLAN + Additional unit mods, Storage Z Rebalanced, T4 Energy Generators, Total Mayhem , Extreme Wars), but when I start the game, it crashes with an "Unhandled Exception" error... And I saw on Youtube to you CAN use both AI simoultaneusly... Maybe conflict with one of the mods ?
if its a mod issue best easy thing to do is start disabling them one at a time
Why doesn't your AI do anything with a 4 digit mass income? This is 5x cheating multiplier. https://i.imgur.com/Dn9h47C.png
I'm sorry, but from the screenshot I can't tell what happened here.
Do you have maybe a game.log? -
After 15 minutes it had built T3 factories, economy, and engineers, but only like a dozen T1 offense and no other military apart from a few PD.
Sorry, but do you have a game.log so that i can see what settings you have, maybe buildrestrictions or errors in general?
U Uveso referenced this topic on
@Uveso BUG report: The AEON experimental siege weapon (BAL0401) in the blackops MOD will summon 8 meteorites from the sky to attack, if you command the unit to stop or move when the 8 meteorites are halfway summoned (e.g., 3 or 4), The unit would be completely stuck here, unable to attack, unable to move, unable to give any commands.
People on FaF Launcher XTreme Wars page says that the mod it's half broken, is that true ?
BlackOpsFAF-Unleashed (v20)
- fixed AIEconomicBuilders.lua (removed dependency for sorian buildconditions)
- fixed SorianEconomicBuilders.lua (removed dependency for sorian buildconditions)
- fixed VisionRadius, OmniRadius, WaterVisionRadius
- fixed cloak
BlackOpsFAF-EXUnits (v22)
- UEFClusterCruise01_proj.bp fix DesiredShooterCap not matching health
- fixed VisionRadius, OmniRadius, WaterVisionRadius
- Unit eeb0402 (Stellar Generator) Fixed collision size (for torpedo hit)
- fixed cloak ERL0301
BlackOpsFAF-Unleashed (v25)
Fixes by Basilisk3:
- Unit bes0402 (Experimental Dreadnaught) Hitbox enlarged downwards so that torpedoes can hit the unit more effectively
- Unit uaa0310 (Experimental Aircraft Carrier) Add switch and fix animation for Superweapon
Fixes by Uveso:
- fixed SorianDefenseBuilders.lua (removed dependency for sorian buildconditions)
- fixed TransportClass on several units
- GargEMPWarhead01_proj.bp fix DesiredShooterCap not matching health
- ArtemisCannon02_proj.bp fix DesiredShooterCap not matching health
- Unit eeb0402 (Stellar Generator) Hitbox enlarged downwards so that torpedoes can hit the unit more effectively
- Unit uaa0310 (Experimental Aircraft Carrier) Add shield from FAF CZAR
- Unit bal0206 (Medium Assault Tank) fix collision box
- Unit bel9010 (Jammer Crystal) fix collision box
Ninja Reclaim Drones (v19)
- fixed cloak
@Uveso - can you (or someone else) explain what effect the 'DesiredShooterCap' fixes have on gameplay?
@Doompants You can read more about it on GitHub, see also #3893 and #5518.
Thank you, Jip, I wouldn't have been able to explain it like that.