Supreme Computer Cup
@swkoll said in Supreme Computer Cup:
AI devs are no longer required to be around to control their AIs
That's great.
Am I still needed to sign in my AI ?My AI would be happy to play with AI friends
PS: The marker issue on open palms is fixed in v93 (already released).
I need to drop, because my work scheduled me on Saturday's now.
I'll join as a player, I'm 1k ladder so I guess it's close enough.
I'd like to join in too
I sign up! After my very pleasant experience in rainbow tourney ( im Protect)
sing up. 700 1v1 rate.
I'm interested in this tourney, sign me up please. 900 on ladder, so the rating should be good enough
hello, i would like to participate! I am rated between 1000 to 1100
I need to drop, will be traveling....
Can you start 2 hours later for the California crowd?
Sign me up -
Hi, I would like to participate if accepted. Thank you.
Hi, I'd like to play as a human player against AIs. My 1v1 ranking is 800~900
Hi signing up for the tournament as human player. 600~700 1v1 ranking
Why not have some fun, 1.1 k ladder imfine
Please mark me as interested. I am new to the game but I will try to have a fundamental beginner tier level by 26th. How do I join it?
Just show up at the stated time on the client and then type /join #computercup in aeolus or some other chatroom.
Nice Project, its very intessting
please sign me up!
Sign me up - I'm around 800-850 1v1 rating.
Note I've never done a tournament before (so let me know if I need anything more than being able to type in chat on discord and using the join command FtX has noted), and there's a chance I won't be able to make it on the day and/or for all of the games (depends on family commitments) - since it's an AI tourney I'm assuming it isn't a big deal if I'm a no show or have to drop out. -
Looking forward to watching this tourny.
Will likely have the top 3 AI's who win, show and place in this tourny,
be in next years Rainbow Cup IV.