Supreme Computer Cup
Sign me up and I will get back to the ai dev ^^ hopefully I will have one for the tourney ^^
I'll sign an AI up, a new one if I can get it working or just Dilli otherwise
Quite far out but I should be able to join in, might pm me when it gets close as a reminder
Just an update for the tournament, we are still looking for lots of players who might be interested!
We are also changing the AI vs AI component of the tournament to use a tool that Softles wrote to automate the AI vs AI games. This means AI devs are no longer required to be around to control their AIs. If this was a sticking point for your participation, you are always welcome to sign up now.
My automated AI testing tool can be found here:
Feedback/suggestions welcome
@swkoll said in Supreme Computer Cup:
AI devs are no longer required to be around to control their AIs
That's great.
Am I still needed to sign in my AI ?My AI would be happy to play with AI friends
PS: The marker issue on open palms is fixed in v93 (already released).
I need to drop, because my work scheduled me on Saturday's now.
I'll join as a player, I'm 1k ladder so I guess it's close enough.
I'd like to join in too
I sign up! After my very pleasant experience in rainbow tourney ( im Protect)
sing up. 700 1v1 rate.
I'm interested in this tourney, sign me up please. 900 on ladder, so the rating should be good enough
hello, i would like to participate! I am rated between 1000 to 1100
I need to drop, will be traveling....
Can you start 2 hours later for the California crowd?
Sign me up -
Hi, I would like to participate if accepted. Thank you.
Hi, I'd like to play as a human player against AIs. My 1v1 ranking is 800~900
Hi signing up for the tournament as human player. 600~700 1v1 ranking
Why not have some fun, 1.1 k ladder imfine
Please mark me as interested. I am new to the game but I will try to have a fundamental beginner tier level by 26th. How do I join it?