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    Matchmaker Pools February 2025




  • The real competition starts here.

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    Paradox_of_War 1780

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    Hello there,

    It is a common thing that sometimes you have to wait for a while for lobby to fill in. And even when it fully fills, you have to wait for people to press the Elon Mask twitter button, it may also take up to 5 to10 mins for some respected individuals. People who play faf are usually highly productive and want to use this waiting time in alt+tab mode for example watching documental videos and can eventually miss the game has been started, which will ruin the game and cause another "re" circle.

    Also you can not fully enjoy this waiting time because you are panicing to miss the game has been started and you need to alt+tab back every minute to check if the game has not been started.

    Is it possible to make a sound of game has been launched (like in TMM?) or return the fuction when the game pops up upon all other windows. I remind we had it not so long time ago.
    Or maybe another usefull suggestion?

  • A place to talk about whatever you want

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    Also games with AI, or with unequal teams (like 2 vs 3), are by default unranked.

  • For people who want to add more stuff to FAF

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    We need ice for our drinks, commander. Remove these enemies and secure that ice! -- Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Based on a map design by StaySane0.

    Project Glacies is a 10x10km map made for at most 4v4. The map is a rework and redesign of a map originally designed by StaySane0, who was kind enough to give me permission to adjust his original concept. Changes involve significant changes to the heightmap, a redistribution of mexes and reclaim, as well as a complete overhaul of the textures and decals. Assets from my previous map Project Albus were used for the design of this map.

    As with most of my maps, there is a good amount of reclaim spread out all over the map, with larger chunks of reclaim on the route most engineers will take to reach mexes. Those players with the extra APM to spare will find it rewarding to give the manual reclaim orders to their expanding engineers.

    This map also features clumps of dense forests, which also contain a hefty amount of mass and energy. Like with Project Tumulus, keeping the tree clumps intact will make scaling your economy significantly easier. Some slots may find that an extra greedy build of starting with 2 factories and no mexes is just about possible if you pay enough attention at manually reclaiming the trees.






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