Ranked vs unranked games
How do you see if a custom game/ match is ranked or not. please?
I have a habit of playing any custom game i can get in, but I win in the non-ranked matches and lose in the ranked all the time. It's getting really annoying and killing my global score, so i'd like to be able to tell from the lobby.
Is there a way to see this please?
In the lobby check all the options are standard options, all sim mods will auto unrank any game, but some maps are also unranked but the only way to check this is to look for the exact map in the map vault because it doesnt show in lobby. or stick to maps you know. mapgen maps are all ranked.
In short - there is an option "hide standard settings" or something like that. It will hide all settings set to standard and only changed settings will show. You kinda have to know what to look for if its unranked, but its mainly sim-mod / unit restriction / the setting "unranked" set to yes
Also games with AI, or with unequal teams (like 2 vs 3), are by default unranked.