I like UEF cause they are cool looking, espacially their T3 bots that reminds me of Half Life 2 and their exp units, although it's clearly not the strongest faction at those stages.
Otherwise it's just the best T2 faction on land so it's quite good for ladder where a lot is decided at this stage. Also love to make people with skill issues rage at random units or upgrades that this faction possesses.

RE: Weekly Discussion #13 - What faction do you like playing most?
RE: Knights and King Tournament
King of Aeon ready to teach the future Sword of the Way.
Did you know that Aeon officials call the player "Knight" during the first campaign missions before you're chosen to be the champion of the Princess ? I can role play as Rhiza and call you my knight if you want -
RE: Chrono Dampener Rework
I've thought about the rework a bit, and I tend to like harzer's idea : just make it into an early game upgrade that prevents from dying too hard from shift g.
Reasoning :
- As i've stated before, the upgrade is in a strange spot atm since it''s quite expansive, and comes up at a time (late T2 / early T3) where you really want your ACU to be safe and not on the frontline.
- So now that it's going to be weaker, i think it should also be less expansive, otherwise it will never be played : it will be too weak to handle t3 units, and barely strong enough to juggle a big t2 army, and it doesn't protect you from air snipes, why pick it over shield then ?
Solution : maybe this upgrade should be used as UEF nano : a secondary upgrade for t1 and early t2 stage, that doesn't require a t2 pgen.
Another idea : maybe the shield could be a direct upgrade of chrono, so it would remove the awkward choice we have to make right now. Again, if shield is just a better upgrade than chrono (cause it protects you against air as well as land units ...), you will never seen chrono chosen over it. -
RE: Weekly Discussion #10 - Frequent noob mistakes
Attempting to build a 5th mex before hydro is finished
(and it happened again to me in a tourney game ..) -
Lab stuck on rocks : Volume 1
Everytime desert arena or Bermuda locket comes into the ladder pool, this infuriating issue resurfaces.
Exhibit A : https://replay.faforever.com/17499057
Labs get stuck on rocks, lose move orders and then stand idle. Clicking fast might cause them to turn and break free, or not, depending on your current level of luck this day.
Since this has been around for ages, i guess there is no easy fix to this. I'd like to know the devs opinion on this. I don't know if this is specific to aeon labs or not.
RE: Personal UI Waifu [UI]
Hey, what controls the frame rate/ speed of the animation ?
I replaced the gif by a 34 frames one, but it goes a bit to fast for my liking. -
RE: Weekly Discussion #6 - Most awesome ACU nuke
I've always loved this part of an ACU explosion.
RE: BO Request - Auburn Canyon
Don't listen to those haters, they're only here to be mean, kill your dreams and make you quit FAF.
Here's a reasonable one : 17199921
I would advise to look at harzer's POV (BangerNOOB), his take is closest to generic BOs (so easier to reproduce), it looks better rounded and safer. Grim's one is interesting though.Here's my wacky aggressive BO : 17305261
Not perfect by any mean, bomber side is questionable, depending on what results the first lab got. Number and direction of labs can vary depending on your elo's meta. I'm making a bit too much power, you can remove one pgen after the second land fac. Follow up can be lots of power into gun, more land fac, more air fac, a transport if cliff build fails ... -
RE: Weekly Discussion #4 - Sexiest Unit
@giebmasse said in Weekly Discussion #4 - Sexiest Unit:
Another Aeon contender for the beauty contest: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f1qdz3oiygv4cor/AeonCatwalk.mp4?dl=0
I'm in love, definetly using it with the "Personal UI waifu" mod.
RE: Weekly Discussion #5 - What's the ONE UI mod you can't live without?
SupCom Vanilla Music of course, the extra bit of nostalgia is key to improve moral
Serious choice : selection deprioritizer. I've been playing for so long with it that i can't go back. The most usefull part of it is to avoid selecting engis with military units, and planes with land units, but I also use it for some niche stuff like not selecting land scouts or mobile shields when it assists an aurora (pro secret aeon technique)
Bonus : when viewing a replay, Supreme Scoreboard is of course the NĀ°1
RE: Weekly Discussion #4 - Sexiest Unit
Come on now let's be serious
Doesn't it have the sexiest legs ???
At the time of release, i remember thinking "nice this one is like the dope tripods in Half Life 2 !". What a better way to cleanse the city of your opponent but with giant guns on long legs ?(but i'll have to admit, the crunchy sound of the fatboy, the mavor and the submit are all pretty dope, but that's more about the sound than the looks)
RE: 2022 Summer Invitational Qualifier
Quantum disruptor operational, chrono dampener queued, mercies at the ready.
I will be here to cleanse. -
RE: Are walled T1 PD useless now?
Has it been considered to make the wall hitbox much taller so it blocks 100% direct shots and 0% arty shots ?
And to compensate, have their HP reduced for example ?Or is it out of the question cause that would allow t2 pd to be walled, and other unwanted side effects ?
RE: 1v1 Ladder Map Pool Feedback Thread
In celebration of the 15th anniversary of SupCom, I propose that one ladder map pool will contain only OG SupCom/FA maps.
Few maps I would personally like to see again :
- Finn's
- Crag Dunes
- Blasted rock
- Canis river
- Four leaf clover
- Haven reef
- High Noon
- The Dark Heart
- Saltorck Colony
- Snoey triangle
- Sentry point
- Field of Isis
RE: klutz writes an out-of-season april fool's balance patch
@kalethequick said in klutz writes an out-of-season april fool's balance patch:
Flare no longer takes damage
They do take damage atm ? Shocking !
The galactic colossus can now hug other t4 units to death.
It should also be able to double tractor claw them into its open arms.
RE: Mercy simple suggestion: reduce damage vs ACU
I don't understand tagada's point, but i can see myself using mercies if they are like this.
Gunships are slow and vulnerable to AA, while fighter bomber tend to be able to snipe stufff without taking too much of AA damage. There's also the element of surprise. Random grey triangle isn't a scout, it's a mercy sniping your t2 mex, while gunships are more easily spotted, alone or in group.
On a big 20x20 maps, i can definitly see those mercy replace gunships when the ennemy has 2-3 AA turrets or few MMA to protect.