The Commanders of Calypso
Sundays 15:00 UTC – Casual 2v2 for everyone –
Next matches : 26th of September. Results on this forum post.
IRC: #Calypso -> Add it to your favorite IRC chats in the client parameters !
Discussion and questions about the event : here. This thread is only for rules, results and registrations.
==== Casting and Tournament Director ====
Current TDÂ : Auriko.
The event will be casted by Auriko and any willing experienced co-caster.
========== LORE ============

During the Infinite War, mercenary commanders were many, selling their services to the most offering. Traitors to their nation not yet willing to side with their old enemies, they wandered the Galaxy, looking for opportunities to display their combat skills. Courageous knights for some, lawless pirates for others, they devoted their lives, regaining the honour that they once were stripped of.
Without bond, home or family, they had to gather in order to survive, forming a powerfull guild: the Commanders of Calypso. Cybrans, Aeons and the UEF despised them, viewing them as rogue soldiers without ethics, faith or order. Yet, they couldn’t do without them, and were paid handsomely, as their aptitude in combat was unmatched, their prowess, legendary.
For centuries they served the 3 factions .. Until they decided to put an end to their involvement in this useless war, and to go their own way. Their hiddeout was situated on planet Calypso, surrounded by mountains. There, they would build their homeworld. A city where the law of the strongest reigns, for the betterment of everybody. Abuse was rare and severely punished by the two Champions of the Guild. From their throne at the top of the mountain, they would reign, in the name of justice.
Since the beggining of the Guild, there has always been just the two of them, chosen among the bravest of the Commanders of Calypso.
To become Champion, is to accept the rules of Calypso.
One such rule: never turn down a challenge. Only then can you prove your worth, and stay in function. Losing means steping down in the ranks of the Commanders, and accepting the rulership of the winner.
Throughout the ages, the wise and courageous Champions of Calypso have left their mark on the history of the Galaxy. Victory after victory, the most glorious of them are now part of the Pantheon of greats, and will forever be remembered by humanity as the Masters of Calypso.
Such glory however, comes at the high price: acquiring many enemies.
And while their advanced tactics and wits would allow them to evade death, defeat would sometimes spell the end.
Battle after battle, their numbers dwindled, leaving too few commanders to maintain the colony on Calypso. The place was long forgotten, but its spirit lived up to legend, passed on by the survivors.
Today a new generation of renegade commanders have risen up. They’ve heard the story of an abandonned planet, and they are ready to make Calypso great again!
"Commanders ! You have been expelled from your faction, and are now Commanders of Calypso! Will you be strong enough to challenge the Champions and become Masters of Calypso?"
======= Event Structure ========
Win a match to become the current Champions of Calypso, then ascend to the Pantheon and prove you’re real Masters of Calypso by winning 5 matches in a row.
Each week, two teams of Challengers will try to defeat you, if they win they become Champions, and will try to ascend themselves ! Anybody can challenge the champions ! You don't have to play every week, you just need to play at least 2 sundays when champion, see extra rules.
Register here to fight. First to register is first to play.
Commanders of Calypso love to watch a good fight, the event will be covered live for everyone’s enjoyement.
Two separate leagues:
Champions of Calypso (rating limit <3800), Admirals of Calypso (rating limit <2800). Your rating is the best of all ratings (TMM, Ladder or Global).
===== Game Format. Maps Selection ======
Each Challenger Team plays a single BO1 on standard TMM rules (which means fullshare) against the current Champion Team. No veto. There are two teams to play in each league, which means 4 BO1s will be played in total, each Sunday.
Maps are selected by the challenger team and are kept secret until the day of the event. No map pool, be creative! Keep it between 5x5 and 20x20, and don’t pick obvious cheat maps … Mappers can’t play on their own maps.
Time restrictions : turtles are lame, you fight to kill your opponent, not to kill the audience with boredom! When the match exceeds 45 min, the TD have the power to stop the game ! He will turn to the cheering crowd and ask if the participants are worthy of continuing to play (we vote on FAF Live).
If the public consider the game to be lame and campy, the game is stopped and is considered a draw. Shame on you ! Champions will stay but won’t get any point, challengers walk away in shame. Think about it before picking your map and strategy …
========= Registration ==========
To register:
- Post a message on this forum with your current names and ratings
- Send a pm throught discord at Auriko#5386 or with the !offlinemessage command on Aeolus, telling me what map you wish to pick.
I will then validate the map or not.
You’re considered registered only after I validate your map. You’ll be put on the waiting list, where you can see at which date you play.
Remember that if you win, you will have to play for a few more sundays ! You can always drop and leave your place to the next challengers, but we won't keep track of your wins, you'll start again from 0 !
====== Upcoming Challengers =======

(first two to register will play mapgen 10x10 to determine who are the first champions, so the two first teams to register don't need to pick a map)
- Team xxxx and team yyyy - 26th of September 15:00 UTC (3800 rating)
- Team xxxx and team yyyy - 26th of September 16:30 UTC (2800 rating)
- Team xxxx and team yyyy - 3rd of October 15:00 UTC (3800 rating)
- Team xxxx and team yyyy - 3rd of October 16:30 UTC (2800 rating)
========= Extra Rules ===========
- Champions have one joker: they can ask for the game to be played another day other than sunday (if they are unavailable). In this scenario they play their two BO1s or a BO3 against a single challenger team, which then will be casted on sunday. They can’t use this twice. If they can’t come next sunday, they will have to drop out of the competition.
Note that champions need to play 3 consecutive weeks to ascend to the Pantheon.
Giving the base or groups of unit to your ally is allowed. Hidding in the water to force the game to go longer and exceed the time limit is a lame trick, and therefore punishable.
Champions and challengers can drop at any time, and would be replaced by the next challengers, but to avoid last minute drops, I will ask to be informed 2-3 days previous to the event. Failure to comply means you can't register for the next 3 month.
Note that with the time limit, the event cannot last more than 3 hours, and one team of champions does not have to play more than 1h30m on sunday. It’s meant to be short, so you can play every week!
You can register again once you have lost. Challengers play in order of registration, so if you want to try again, you just register again (this will put you bottom in the queue). Teams that have ascended to the Pantheon cannot register anymore. Challenger teams can substitute at any moment, but once champion, there is no substitute possible, you play all your games with your mate.
The TD might change if i’m not available. Check this post when registering to know who you should contact with your map pick.
For the very first games of the series, or in case Champions drop from competition, the map will be 10x10 mapgen with tournament settings, and the 2 first challengers by order of registration will fight.
If one week, not enough player are registered, a BO3 can be played against one team of challengers instead of 2 BO1 against 2 teams.
It’s a fun a casual event with no money involved. If anything comes up, I might have to take arbitrary decisions, like i took many arbitrary decisions while making up the rules of this event. I’m open to discussion, but ultimately, you’ll just have to deal with it, or overthrow me and host the tourney yourself 
– Thanks to Yew for correcting the spelling and grammar.
– Credit to lilSidlil for the screenshots