“salem is the best destroyer”
“percy is the best t3 unit”
“aeon has bad t2”
“uef is the defensive faction”
“janus is bad”
“janus is op”
“ras boys are op”
“air is op”
“navy is op”
“salem is the best destroyer”
“percy is the best t3 unit”
“aeon has bad t2”
“uef is the defensive faction”
“janus is bad”
“janus is op”
“ras boys are op”
“air is op”
“navy is op”
Starting an acu upgrade on less than 200 energy
Building a line of t1 PD
Not building any units and still managing to be behind on eco vs someone holding the frontline
starting on building a game-ender (on any map that doesnt have a crazy amount of mexes at base)
M27AI and M28AI developer; Devlogs and more general AI development guide:
Focusing on some pointless stats or wondering if T2 fab is better than T3 fab. Much more important things/"low hanging fruits" to focus on for improving than those.
Really new to the game usually shows in idle Units. And the well known storage around t1 mex or hydro.
Making t1 spam when the enemy has T2 or T3 units on the map.
Not ringing T2 mexes before upgrading them to T3.
Ringing T1 mexes.
Not checking you can meet the power requirements of radar/shields/etc before building them
Overlooking the extreme importance of reclaim and starting mass on map
Not playing your position on the map
Dying quietly, never asking for help or advice
Never trying to communicate with the team and trying to get everyone working to the same aim
Behaving childishly as soon as anything goes wrong.
Unable to see challenges and setbacks as the strongest learning opportunities
Decides on what they want to do at game start and never adjusting to what is occurring on the battlefield
Sunk cost fallacy. I see ppl upgrading their ACU all the time and then insisting on throwing it into danger and suiciding just because they feel that as they spent the mass they must use their upgrade. Sigh.
Not hosting lobbies. Easiest way to find other noobs and learn is to host all welcome
Not understanding that with team games, you will lose most games. All it takes is one player on your team to mess up and your team will be behind.
Flaming team mates. No one plays better or learns from abuse and insults
Stalling power for long time.
Forgetting to eco or doing it in wrong way. Ringing t1 mexes and not ringing t2-t3 ones.
Not scouting.
Not reclaiming.
Being very polite. Much more than high rated players. Thanking for e. Thanking for units. Thanking for help on battlefield. Thanking in many words for teaching the game, in the end. etc.
Never complaining. Never accusing or insulting. Never of course is bad word, but I don't remember ever seen someone new to game complaining, it usually comes much later.
Very open for teamwork. Tell him to build eco, he builds eco. Tell him to build t3 air, he builds t3 air. Tell them to push all together in south, they push all together in south. If they don't know, they (sometimes) ask and discuss to learn.
I am active practice everything Wikingest said, so dont listen anybody If u lose means ur team is bad, if opponents lose, u are carry guy. Thats all u need to know about faf.
Attempting to build a 5th mex before hydro is finished
(and it happened again to me in a tourney game ..)
These are not noob mistakes but things that noobs have a hard time finding out, it took me like two years!
Some noob give aways:
Joining a custom game and expecting to actually play.
Some of the ones that don't just uninstall the game after getting repeatedly kicked from most lobbies (even all welcome) go on to develop some sort of Stockholm syndrome and say things like "should I leave?" immediately after joining a game, maybe because they don't want to wait 10 minutes before getting yeeted and would like to know upfront.
@ftxcommando your reply is an interesting outlier in this thread. Most people mentioned things noobs do, while you only mentioned things noobs say. I was wondering, how often you play games with noobs in them ?