Luckily a huge amount of mapgen samples will be provided today. We gonna see first hand what the mapgen is capable of and what kind of games it provides - If it can reliably create reasonable maps.
That said, I dont think the quality assasment of current hand made ladder maps can be directly transfered to mapgen maps. The will likely never reach the aesthetic level of hand made maps - especially if you look at the astounding progress in the last maps made by Jip, Svenni, biass and other map creators.
The huge advantage of mapgen maps is, well, they are generated and no one has seen the map before. In short, its their novelty. And novelty is a quality of its own. Mapgen trains a player to adapt, to asses what a map has to offer, to think what might be good and what not so much. Hand made maps with established meta simply cannot provide that feature.
My point is, even if mapgen maps lack in comparision to hand made maps in some regards (which they do), they bring some new quality into the game which current ladder maps simply cannot provide.
Therefore I would love to see mapgen maps in ladder to some extend.

RE: About Neroxis map generator...
RE: Satellite overperforming.
@deribus Considering the Novax doesnt miss, I dont think 13% less dps per mass is actually that significant. Never really felt they are OP though, just annoying and an APM sink for the defending team.
RE: cannot log into client
Maybe ask in "technical help" on FAF discord -
RE: Why would you have left FAF?
Imo most of your observations you pointed out fall back to the maps hosted and played. Unfortunatly those are mostly Astro/Gap/Thermo in the lower to mid ranked area. Those maps are known to promote turtly playstyle and often feel like an eco-simulator without much interaction and use of all the units in all tech stages you got. The map layout simply just calls for it to be this way. On top of it, having such a distinct focus on eco and an overall clear meta seems to provoke quite some toxicity at time if someone didnt yet understand how those maps play out or just screws up. Overall, its pretty unfun if you like interaction und you may think, this is how FA is meant to be played. Lucky you, its not. There are alternatives but there should be more.There are some players in the community trying to help to overcome that issue by hosting "all welcome" games on decent maps. E.g phong already deserves a medal for that as he is hosting 4v4 all welcome games on mapgenerator maps on a rather regular basis. Those are very welcoming to new and unexperienced players, usually have spread out spawns and no dedicated air slot. Games are rather dynamic and highlight the importance of map control.
I feel, FAF could benefit alot of such kinda moderated lobbys (mapgen or not is not the point) to present an alternative to the majority of teamgames hosted on the same 3 turtle maps in the lower rating area. (Dont get me wrong. If you like DG, well you like it - nothing terribly wrong with that.)
It seems to me, players in this range are often simply to intimidated to go 1v1 ladder or want to play in a team. Team Matchmaker could/will somehow solve that issue, although players need to overcome their fear to be thrown into the fighting pit and any many new players may be reluctant to do so after getting crushed horribly a couple of times.It seems to me, it may be very beneficial to have some dedicated and welcoming FAF guys hosting newbie-friendly all welcome games (FAF kindergarden-bootcamp games if you like) on a regular basis on half decent maps. Just to have a low barrier/threshold alternative available opposed to the majority of "crap" lobbies. This could be a good and low effort way for new players to highlight all the different ways how the game can be played.
So, how to achieve that? Is it feasable to introduce "official" FAF lobbies for newbies hosted by well known community members?
RE: mod to have the ability to reorder unit construction
It is included, you need to enable it ingame though.
Menu -> Options -> Interface -> Draggable Build Queue -
RE: Newbie question
@cubeo3 the side buttons of your mouse cannot directly be mapped as hotkeys. However, an additional remapping program (eg x-mouse button control) lets u emulate a keyboard button with your eg 3rd mouse button, which in turn, can be mapped as a hotkey in FAF
RE: Cant play a random map
you need to put a game title in
RE: What makes you more or less likely to join the 2v2 matchmaker queue?
Ah nevermind then, didnt know you got it from grimplex.
I agree that 900s shouldnt be thrown into battle with 2ks (like the above examples with grimplex and turin). The limit in rating difference should not be more than 500 points or so. -
RE: how to create map without effect on rank ?
deactivate the "dummy drone" on the top right of the unit list in a game lobby. It was introduced to easily unrank a game.
RE: UEF ACU Nano Repair Bug
@edzono10 Ah, now it makes sense xD. Yeah the above is from FAF and this here is the official FAF forum. FAF has implemented countless bugfixes, performance and balance fixes, new AI mods, coop missions... All those changes makes the game way more enjoyable to play and the playerbase is considerably bigger than on the steam version.
Look here for a quick overview u wanna give it a try, start here.
RE: Stage Comparison Chart
@reckless_charger They are and the recent range buff made them even better. However, the lack of mobile shields is a big disadvantage which gets abused quite a bit in the higher rating range.
RE: UI mod guide for the improving player
@Sir-Prize There is a file named "Advanced strategic icons" in your installation.
You can open it with a file-archiver program like win rar or 7-zip and delete the icons you dont wanna use. You can also open the icons within using e.g. irfanview with a plugin to see whats what. -
RE: Any mods that make mass extractor level more clear?
Check out Ui party. Beside outher things, it has an option which shows you an overview of the tech level of your mexes
RE: 15x15 Maps for Mapgen
@sheikah said in 15x15 Maps for Mapgen:
the command line options
Thats sounds great! Whats the syntax for the command line to generate the different map sizes?
edit: @Emperor_Penguin answered the question. The syntax is --map-size [multiple of 64]. So if you use --map-size 768, you get a 15x15km map.
RE: Unusual tactic in 1v1 ladder games
@SteelTalon Try playing some mapgen teamgames. Hosts are usually quite open to less experienced players. Futhermore, mapgens games (due to their novelty) usually dont have fixed roles/lanes for players and are often quite dynamic to play. Both should be an advantage for ladder players.
RE: Random UI improvements [UI mod]
I miss the hard move feature from the RUI mod. Spamming move commands close by without accidently converting those to a patrol command is pretty good. Especially useful e.g. dodge T1 arties with ACU or backward micro a Megalith.
RE: Game stuck and crash
Jip mentioned yesterday that for some the shader's might not update.
try and host one game on FAF dev to force that -
RE: Hotkey to lower selection prioritization of selected units
afaik the "unit lock" feature from ui party can do something similar already. Having a standalone mod would be better though, Ui-party is causing some issues lately and is quite a big mod
RE: Experiencing a technical problem with queueing for tmm
Afaik the "still queued" issue and the notification thing are bugs of the current client which are already fixed in the alpha version. here is the link.
In case u gonna use the alpha client, I suggest to also pick the tester role in discord and report any issues with the alpha version - Client testers are always needed and feedback helps the devs alot to catch bugs in the next official client.
@ArkAngel_ @jusbeginning