@ftxcommando said in Why does everything suck so much right now?:
I bet I’ve written more code than you for FAF. Aren’t all you good for is hosting games for random new dudes? Why are you even here typing as though you even matter with your stupid contributive mentality lol, go away.
No - lol - you go away. What the f*ck is your problem?
@phong has been a monumental pillar of inspiration and actually did contribute, whether that is through discussions or by designing various banners for tournaments and YouTube thumbnails - including the one for LOTS. He also never made any claims of his contributions and was just trying to have a constructive discussion. Until you came around and decided to attack and ridicule him for absolutely no reason.
Similarly how @Blackheart comes around and decides to do a personal attack and call me deranged. And instead of calling him out for it we have, wait for it:
Fifteen upvotes. Fucking brilliant. Almost all top faf players too, just pointing it out for those that are unaware . The majority of this topic is full of attacks on character and intentions. All unnecessary, but all of it is a good example of the attitude problem that I mentioned at the very start.
@katharsas said in Why does everything suck so much right now?:
The FAF community has always been conservative regarding changes that touch gameplay in any form. And parts of the community have always been rude, ignorant or lacking empathy with other people's opinions when discussing anything.
It is not the FAF community that is conservative. It's not 'parts of' the community that are rude, ignorant or lacking empathy. It's a small group of players - less than 0.1% of the 17K unique players we have playing each month - that create a toxic, unfriendly and motivation draining environment towards contributors the moment they feel their status quo is threatened. Let that sink in for a bit - less than 0.1% of the total number of unique players playing each month.
The majority of this topic is the perfect example of that. There's only a few decent contributions to the discussion, some that are even left ignored such as the post of @Lowki even though I think he manages to capture some of the essence of it at that moment. He actually took the time to read through some of it!
With regards to area orders - or as Ftx would call it 'the toys I want to add' - I've mentioned all over that I have no interest in dying over this hill. I think it can be a healthy change, together with area commands for all the other orders. Area reclaim blows up the economy a little, but that can be fixed as anything else.
Unlike the imagination that is running wild in this topic, at no point have we been 'close to having these features in the game'. They're available on FAF Develop for you to experiment with. To gather arguments based on actual games to have a constructive discussion about it. To see how we could make it work if we would want it to work. To discover the pros and cons based on replays. And then once everything is on the table we can weigh the pros and cons and make an actual, informed decision. We can document that informed decision. And then we can all understand why something did (not) happen. Forever! Something about exploring the idea, appreciating the novelty of it and then decide on whether we want it or not.
But instead what I receive is immediate rejection on all grounds based on the imagination. And I know that for a fact, because looking at the vault a lot of the players that shit on area (reclaim) orders did not even participate in a single game using the FAF Develop game type since the feature is available on it. Some of you, and @FtXCommando in particular, are just attacking character and intentions and the post I am referencing when you attack @phong is exactly what I am referring to. Again, what the f*ck is wrong with you @FtXCommando ?
To come back to what the topic started with:
This is why everything sucks as a contributor. It's not because of connectivity issues, even though I spent three full afternoons fixing the most obnoxious bug related to it recently together with a group of people including @IndexLibrorum, @Ravandel, @Tagada, @Strydxr, @Rowey and Brutus with effectively no thanks to almost everyone else in this topic. It's not because of bugs that players perceive. It's because of the relentless harassment on contributors from all angles from a small, group of players that can't even be fckng bothered to give something an honest try or help fix something if it does not suit them. And then the same group continues to create the biggest nonsense, lies, personal attacks and whatever they can think that drains the motivation out of contributors that put in hours, days, weeks or even months of their free time with the sole intention to create a better environment for everyone.
And I'm done - I'll probably be leaving soon because of all this nonsense. I'm a reasonable person. You can convince me with good arguments. Everyone I actually talk to about things know this of me. I don't want to fight people that attack my character and intentions. I've spent too much time writing (forum) posts such as these against the wildest claims that people make based on their imagination. The majority of them never even spoke to me once. They don't know who I am. The majority of them not even bothering to ask me questions about it. No, instead they just bash and bash away at it until the 'problem' - read, the contributor - loses the motivation to continue.
And you've succeeded. And apparently after a small discussion with some (previous) large contributors the same group of people succeeded again and again over the past decade. The same thing happens every few years - great contributors come up with ideas that may or may not work and the contributor is simply attacked until the motivation drops below a critical threshold and not just the idea but the contributor as a whole just decides to move on.
Imagine if all that effort into attacking contributors was put towards actually contributing to the project. Towards having healthy discussions. Towards accepting the fact that sometimes decisions are made that you do not agree with, but in the bigger picture it does not actually matter that much (the backlash towards the username changes, hello! What the f*ck was that?) We could've had so many nice things years ago that would've been such a positive impact on the community. That would actually attract new players and maybe even new competitors for tournaments.
But no, instead we have the comfort of knowing that once great player such as @Blackheart may eventually come back. We don't know when. We don't know how. There's no ETA. But when he does, everything will be exactly as it was when he left so that he can pick up where he left things.
Oh, except for the sim rate problems. Because that is something that we can all agree with. You're welcome by the way . If it were up to me, which it is not because we have an amazing moderator team, I'd perma ban the f*ck out of some people in this topic. No questions asked. And as @phong stated before - the average player wouldn't even notice the difference.