Nerf transports loaded with t1 assult bots

Make it so only engineers are dropped quickly by transports 🗣🗣📢

Getting crushed by a ghetto is a skill issue though, its not overpowered at all

frick snoops!

Ghetto is incredibly easy to scout ahead of time. They need a transport and 6 LABs to do it.

In that game though it wasn't even the ghetto that was the problem, it was that your opponent finished their air factory a full minute and 10 seconds ahead of you and then assisted it with 6 engineers vs your 0. By the time that transport has dropped an engineer on the island and arrived above your base he has 7 interceptors defending it vs your only air unit being 1 transport.

They could have spent the same mass on T1 bombers and you'd still have gotten shredded.

Ground based AA kills the LABs in the transport before the transport, if any projectiles hit a bot it blows up. It’s super expensive for the dps as well. Drops are the only thing that make setons dynamic in the earlier stages.

put the xbox units in the game pls u_u

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imho biggest problem is the map:
•it makes commander leave the base early so when you make aa labs will just drop from transport
•Only frontline is the middle player, nobody else makes land units - after labs are dropped they can run to the back and kill more engineers
• trees get broken if labs escape
It is pretty strong on setons, so kinda weird that it is rare there, however rock players already often start with air fac and 4 engies and then and air scout to scout beach to see if they rush toward island

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@zlo It is rare, because everybody play setons for large scale late game battles with huge economies. Also the player base is small enough so you can remember every player that does chees. Except for opti when you dont know who is your opponent, that exactly what happened to me.
Im not sure how the map can be a problem as it is one of the most iconic maps in the game.

@band228 The map is a 'problem' in this context, because the specific playstyles used on this make it easier to use this strategy.

In any case, the strategy is not OP and is readily countered by decent scouting and a bit of AA.

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Would be nice if Selens could actually fire from a T1 transport. They'd still be worse than any other Ghetto due to lower DPS I think. But would give Seraphim a little more tactical diversity.

Think it would be better if they would be cloaked in transport and drop cloaked so you can’t be sure if the sera player only had 4 engies or 4 engies and 3 selens

@ftxcommando I like this idea.

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