Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread

Salem is worst or 2nd worst destro, wtf are you even talking about

good luck using ur bs to kill subs

@ftxcommando said in Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread:

Salem is worst or 2nd worst destro, wtf are you even talking about
good luck using ur bs to kill subs

I understand that you have a strong opinion about the Salem and it being in a bad spot.
And I am with you on that. Cybran Navy does currently need an adjustment.

If I may mention... It's important to keep in mind that different people may have different experiences or perspectives.
Especially in FAF and rating brackets.

I may not be a god-like 2K, but at my rating, what I mentioned as part of my concerns, comes into play.

Range is very powerful.
Barring all other factors, a game of FAF is usually simplified to range.
In short... it comes down to who can attack first.

And adding or taking away without looking at all the factors;
That would be... "lazy balancing".

Hence why I am sharing my viewpoint.

(Regarding subs, various factors come into play.
Different units will have an advantage or disadvantage in different situations.)

~ Stryker

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Different units indeed have advantages. That's why you make an Atlantis to deal with barracudas or t3 sub hunters. Doesn't really matter to me if it gets an intel buff honestly but it still serves a role against late game sub spam while cooper is ass. Though I didn't really get to gauge if the new changes make cooper decent or not.

Micro against salem is click to each side every second. All destros are the same speed and all frigates are faster. You catch it and if it needs to turn away it loses 90% of its dps so it dies. It having more range just means you click for 3 seconds longer. It's some of the easiest micro to learn in the game because salem shoots at a constant rhythm unlike something like aeon destro.

@ftxcommando said in Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread:

cooper is ass.

The extra range is commendable and the stat reduction is also a good change.
But, I would think the opposite may be the way to go... no?
Being honest, though, I don't have the slightest idea of what to suggest for that unit.

Maybe it would be better off as a T1 unit?
But, then it would make the Sub kind of pointless, and then you have other factors...

I guess the Cooper will always be in a predicament as it is 1 of 2 navy units in the UEF that counters subs.
It has to be strong in its role, but as a T1 unit, then it'll be the complete opposite.

Either way, I can see the new stats being a positive change for it.

~ Stryker

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

@ComradeStryker all beta chanegs are listed here :

"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" - Spock

@rowey Tldr of the changes: We hate aeon. We deleted their cruiser from the list of useful units, now its time for aeon gun and mercies because screw aeon I guess.

Also apparently we need to make sure that big failed pushes are harder to punish, oh and transports even more broken, and not really fix the atlantis or HARMS

@thecodemander said in Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread:

@rowey Tldr of the changes: We hate aeon. We deleted their cruiser from the list of useful units, now its time for aeon gun and mercies because screw aeon I guess.

Also apparently we need to make sure that big failed pushes are harder to punish, oh and transports even more broken, and not really fix the atlantis or HARMS

Aeon have been receiving buffs for a while now without nerfing their most OP stuff. To list:

  • Obsidians and Blazes were steadily buffed until they became strong, without nerfing the big ACU gun range advantage that was meant to offset weak T2 land.
  • Their T2 gunships now have big alpha damage and AoE making them the best T2 gunships in the game to offset Aeon not having a fighter-bomber equivalent, but nothing was done with Mercy's cancerous aspects.
  • Aeon labs are now the strongest for actual combat and are the best for ghetto gunships to cover for Aurora's low mobility, but big clumps of Auroras are still way stronger than other T1 tanks.
  • Aeon T3 mobile arty is the only arty that can fire on the move. All other arties, notably Cybran T3, were nerfed with a 4s deployment time so it's nigh impossible to use them in the field against armies, indirectly buffing Aeon and Sera.
  • Recent buffs to T1 frigates without really nerfing destros that much. They still outrange and are more powerful than UEF and Sera, and Cybran destroyers are no less shit than they were.
  • Arguably GC claw fixes, but that's being nerfed again.

I don't think the balance team hates Aeon based on all that.

codemander really looking to become #1 faf clown. got some big contenders, but good luck

frick snoops!

Who would even pay for the 2nd Aeon ACU range upgrade?

Energy Cost: 31000
Mass Cost: 900
Build Time: 1100
New Range: 35 (from 30)

@waffelznoob Shame I'll never be as much of a clown as people who get triggered when I dont agree with some of the balance changes

I'm a little confused on the reclaim changes. Is there an explanation as to why it was done?

@snagglefox said in Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread:

I'm a little confused on the reclaim changes. Is there an explanation as to why it was done?

Seconding this. The fact that reclaim ratios are universal for all units is pretty intuitive and fundamental to the game balance. Making higher tier units give less reclaim seems unwarranted.

put the xbox units in the game pls u_u

@snagglefox the beta parthenotes is more to let you know what changes are currently live a more in-depth explanation for each change will come along with the official release of the patchnotes. but i will ask for a simplified version of why this is being changed for the beta notes

"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" - Spock

@snagglefox said in Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread:

I'm a little confused on the reclaim changes. Is there an explanation as to why it was done?

essentially promotes aggression as before attacks were way too punishing late game

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@kazuya said in Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread:

@snagglefox said in Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread:

I'm a little confused on the reclaim changes. Is there an explanation as to why it was done?

essentially promotes aggression as before attacks were way too punishing late game

it doesn't make a lot of sense at the current stage though because T3 land rush meta is way too oppressive and with the reclaim-change it just becomes even stronger, being the direct opposite of what the Balanceteam wants


@sladow-noob said in Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread:

@kazuya said in Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread:

@snagglefox said in Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread:

I'm a little confused on the reclaim changes. Is there an explanation as to why it was done?

essentially promotes aggression as before attacks were way too punishing late game

it doesn't make a lot of sense at the current stage though because T3 land rush meta is way too oppressive and with the reclaim-change it just becomes even stronger, being the direct opposite of what the Balanceteam wants

probably will see when oc nerf is put in, then t2 is kinda worth it.

Developer for LOUD Project |
AI Development FAF Discord |
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FAF Developer

@kazuya its in jsut pushed it to beta

"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" - Spock

@kazuya said in Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread:

@sladow-noob said in Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread:

@kazuya said in Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread:

@snagglefox said in Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread:

I'm a little confused on the reclaim changes. Is there an explanation as to why it was done?

essentially promotes aggression as before attacks were way too punishing late game

it doesn't make a lot of sense at the current stage though because T3 land rush meta is way too oppressive and with the reclaim-change it just becomes even stronger, being the direct opposite of what the Balanceteam wants

probably will see when oc nerf is put in, then t2 is kinda worth it.

[Ima move the discussion / my thoughts to the Discord channel aka gonna reply there]


The torp launcher change seems like they will never be built after the change.


Maybe not a good idea to have the reclaim nerf in sea combined with the tech reclaim adjustment.