It feels to me that there's a lot we can do with those funds that we should definitely not do. One of them is paying casters or channels to promote our community. It never ticked for me. If a channel wants to promote FAF then they can already do so out of the kindness of their hearts. Paying may costs thousands.
I think it is better to use the funds to empower content creators to help in various tasks. As two examples:
- (1) A premium account on to make it easier for veteran mappers to retrieve high quality textures and to experiment with them
- (2) A premium account on to make it easier for campaign / co-op / mod authors to create high quality voice overs
- (3) Access to premium tooling such as World Machine or Gaea to help create maps
The difficult part is that neither of these services have proper support for sharing an account across multiple users. Therefore there's some sense of trust involved with sharing credentials.
One idea I'm tinkering with is to have a mapping tournament where the reward for the winner is a one-year license to World Machine or Gaea. That would be an interesting prize to win for sure, and it would be given to someone that would be able to appreciate the prize. It is also a lot easier to give someone a key code then to give someone money.