Ythotha, time for a change

There seems to be a lot of love for Ythotha. Dont get me wrong, I like it as well, I just think the "killing everything in the area it dies" feature is too stong in the 4v4 ladder.

And I dont agree that it's easy to kill with just some micro. usually it doesnt attack alone, it has also an army and t3 mobile shields with it. it has also a pretty good range which gives it a micro and safety advantage as well.

I don't say it's broken, but maybe needs a nerf regarding to the 4v4 ladder games.

don't you feel like nerfing a unit because it's "broken" in a very specific game scenario is a bit weird?

queuing with a newbie to show him the beauty of tmm and meeting tagada be like:

@rezy-noob said in Ythotha, time for a change:

don't you feel like nerfing a unit because it's "broken" in a very specific game scenario is a bit weird?

To be honest, no because in this case the Ythotha is the ONLY t4 that deals large amount of area damage AFTER it dies. That gives the Seraphim player an uncountrable advantage which makes it imbalanced in my view. it's already a decent t4 unit but having the colussus death has a (too?) strong impact in team games imo.

It's the land unit equivalent of fall damage from air experimentals. The difference is that I'm pretty sure a single t2 shield with some assistance negates storm damage. Could be mistaken though I feel like that doesn't come up much. It's much easier to stop it before it gets to close to something important than an air exp is if things are relatively equal.

@exselsior said in Ythotha, time for a change:

It's the land unit equivalent of fall damage from air experimentals. The difference is that I'm pretty sure a single t2 shield with some assistance negates storm damage. Could be mistaken though I feel like that doesn't come up much. It's much easier to stop it before it gets to close to something important than an air exp is if things are relatively equal.

That is a possible explanation but the air t4's are MUCH more expensive and come therefore much later in the game. They are also arguably easier to kill since by that time you should have large amounts of ASF's which can bring them down quickly if focused. That a much cheaper t4 land experimental has that feature (and only 1 faction of the 4) makes to me no sense.

I can count the number of games the ion storm did anything noteworthy in any game I watched/played on one hand.

imo if anything is done about it, it shouldn't be storm nerf, it is one unique thing about the unit and should remain, it also isn't that strong, just move out of the way for 10 or so seconds that it is happening, it is also completely random anyways that whoever used it can't guarantee it will attack the proper target or even a hostile one (friendly fire is just as easy), it is more like a damage over time death nuke

I also thought that monkey dying used to cause an instant aoe damage and stun, but maybe that was only in steam FA or even original supcom

I think the Ythotha is in a good spot, there is probably a better argument that the unit could do with a slight buff rather then a significant nerf.

Never Fear, A Geek is Here!

imo both the gc and Ythotha need sligth range nerfs

Why can the death lightening ball target units but not structures (assuming full intel)? Units within range are always hit, while structures within range are only hit apparently at random.

@ftxcommando said in Ythotha, time for a change:

It isn't a bunker buster, it's used to kill big t3 armies. Monkey sucks at killing big t3 armies.

Ehh design schema of ALL experimentals was/are bunker bustering (or more pedantically/specifically stalemate breaking). But that is neither here nor there.

I’m a shitty 1k Global. Any balance or gameplay suggestions should be understood or taken as such.

Project Head and current Owner/Manager of SCTA Project

T4 dont need a nerf, T3 was just screwed way too hard. Aeon&seraphim have snipers, but bricks and percivals are utterly pathetic now. Nerfing T4 will make PD and air stronger

frick snoops!

Percy could be made human by adjusting bubble boy statline, cybran suffers from deep onset skill issue tho

Their first solution would be at least giving them an absolver, giant clumps of bricks isn’t really their end game land gameplan anyway at least.

The only thing about Ythotha is that is moves kinda goofy.

We've been trying to fix that, but to no avail 😞

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