League System Feedback Thread
@exselsior said in League System Feedback Thread:
@morax said in League System Feedback Thread:
Honestly, I can't tell how and when I would progress from one division to the next, the 5 tiers, etc. The previous one was easy because it was <300, 300-799,... >1800, etc.
To this date I am unsure of how to set up the league system other than knowing it is 3 months long and to take the top 10 from Grandmaster to equate to what it was previously for "league months." I suppose we could just do the top 10 starting with Grandmaster and down, but oh well.
I thought it placed you in some tier based on placement rating after ten games, then you get one point for each win or lose a point for each loss. Get past ten points you move up. Win or lose a bunch then you get more than 1 point per game. Could have sworn I read that somewhere
It certainly appears that way but it does take ELO into account with the wins. I need to read up on BlackYps post again, find the details. I also just realized I only looked at "Grandmaster" and everything below it has max 9 points, so that makes sense.
The divisions have been very useful when doing TMM with friends. Much easier to gage their performance when we can talk about our gold V friend, our Diamond I or master. I agree with FtX that it should be put on more places, also easier to understand for average people when we say "I'm diamond V" than saying "I'm 1500"
@femboy i am Gold Master X what rating do i have?
I miss the utility and convenience of being able to scroll down a single sortable list (as opposed to 30 sortable sub-lists) for all active players for a given type of rating (ie: 1v1 rating). It would be nice to have that functionality back, whether via the old system or a new implementation that fits with the current system.
@eternal leagues are even worse at showing skill than numbers
@eternal obscuring rating is the whole point of the league system and I would consider that its strong!, not its weak side. Most ppl dont understand how the rating works/what it means and that its a system to gauge gamebalance/skill and not sth you wanna farm up at all cost.
I dont even know what you want the actual (TMM rating) numbers for. TMM autobalances, leagues (after some fine tuning) will (in the long run) provide the same "status" that ratinig gives and most 1.5k+ ppl have a usable global for custom balance anyways.
Its not even like rating is a great indicator either, since (talking from my 1v1 experience, not sure how diretcly that translates to e.g. 4v4) my rating can go up/down by 100-200 points
on a good/bad//very good/very bad day. So a 1.9k after a bad day (week) can be 1700, same as an overperforming 1500. If you dont know the history/average performance of that person even current rating - in the end - can be as uncertain of a skill indicator as some league placement (for 1v1).One issue I see with the current system (very sidecase) is that it can take ages to climb if your innitial rating during placement was low. I think im still in the +2/-1 phase, even after 70 games (though I might be wrong there, and last 5-10 games were +1/-1).
@turinturambar These ranks won't solve the problem. They just hide numbers behind of rank
@eternal gold is kinda like 1100, master is like 1800.
Ask any gamer outside of FAF the difference and I'm sure they would understand the big difference between gold and a master, same as a 1100 and 1800
@magge said in League System Feedback Thread:
The No Shared 4v4 can be removed honestly, because everyone plays the shared thing.
Attention should shift to the disconnection and dodging behavior of some players to avoid specific maps/players. One possibly fix, would be, not to show the map/players in the lobby before you are in the game.
The No Share league is coupled to the No Share Queue, not technically, but it only makes sense to remove both or none. I don't really know why it is that dead, given that a lot of people seemed to hate that 2v2 was only full share. We'll discuss the future of the No Share queue.
We are in fact working on an autoban system from matchmaking if you repeatedly dodge a found game to address this issue
Leagues aren’t pervasive enough
I plan to integrate the leagues more and to improve their visual presence. I don't consider the transition to leagues finished yet, I just didn't find the time yet to further work on them. One thing I definitely want to have is that matchmaker games show your division instead of rating in game.
@morax said in League System Feedback Thread:
To this date I am unsure of how to set up the league system other than knowing it is 3 months long and to take the top 10 from Grandmaster to equate to what it was previously for "league months." I suppose we could just do the top 10 starting with Grandmaster and down, but oh well.
I'm not really sure what your question is. If it wasn't answered already you can also message me directly.
@emperor_penguin said in League System Feedback Thread:
I miss the utility and convenience of being able to scroll down a single sortable list
What is your use case? I'm not really sure why you need that. I think another table to list all at once would be too redundant in the client. There is however a list on the website with the raw ratings that you can use, but it is paginated, I think for performance reasons.
@yellownoob said in League System Feedback Thread:
@eternal leagues are even worse at showing skill than numbers
Can you elaborate? I don't understand what you mean.
@turinturambar said in League System Feedback Thread:
One issue I see with the current system (very sidecase) is that it can take ages to climb if your innitial rating during placement was low. I think im still in the +2/-1 phase, even after 70 games (though I might be wrong there, and last 5-10 games were +1/-1).
If you got placed in the first few weeks after the season start you have been affected by a bug where everybody got placed two divisions lower than intended. Normally it should take only about 20 games to climb (assuming your rating stays constant during that time).
This post is deleted! -
@freedom_ said in League System Feedback Thread:
I think the 4v4 one is broken, I'm sandwiched between players who's 1v1 ladder rating is about 500 points higher than mine (Turin and Turbo)
It clearly does not represent skill levelI should be down in about masters 5 or diamond 1 but I'm still gaining 2 points a win...
It's the other way around. Turin and Turbo should be higher. They would still climb if they continued playing. I think it is because of a combination of the above mentioned bug with placements and the soft rating reset for 4v4, so high rated players take a while to float to the top again.
I believe that next season we won't see these problems anymore.