RCIV - Spacenet ~ 3v3 ~ $1,200
My rating is currently 1837 global if that matters
Today is the last day to register for the RCIV Tournament.
Registration will end at 2400 US time, or 0500 (UTC) time,
the Draft will commence a few hours later at 0800 (UTC) Feb 7th.If any players "in the draft pool" have had their rating rise since registering and
would like to update their ratings,
leave your new rating below, or make contact in private chat and
it will be updated.We have set up a temporary # Discord thread named
#rainbow-cup-draft -- here:
so everyone can follow along with the draft process.Captains will start Drafting their players there, and
as each Captain makes their draft pick,
they will then 'ping' the next Captain whose turn it is to make next draft pick.This process will most likely take 2-5 days to complete,
as Captains will being doing their due diligence,
by contacting players to make sure they are still available to play on the 26th and 27th,
checking the players ratings history, and perhaps looking at their 'replay' vaults.Players do Not have to be present for the draft, as the 12 Captains will do the drafting.
Good Luck to All, and Thanks for Playing.
Изменение рейтингах Salnik global 1787
Might as well go for it. RandomWheelchair 1730 global - 1130 Ladder.
Not that ima get in but im 1480 global now
The Registration period is now over.
Captain's will now start making their draft picks and either post on this forum,
or Preferably on the FAF Discord thread, named# rainbow-cup-draft
https://discord.gg/TPFENehSAs each draft pick is made,
the next Captain in line will be 'pinged' to make his selection, and
the team roster in Post #4 will be updated, here
https://forum.faforever.com/topic/3016/rainbow-cup-iv-3-v-3-1-2k/4We had a large turnout, and 60 players have registered for 36 positions.
For those who did Not get selected in the initial 2 draft rounds,
you will be placed on the "stand by" list. (also in Post #4)
A few players, will have last minute scheduling conflicts and
good chance 1 or more substitutes will be needed.
Just be ready on Saturday morning to play,
A FAF client aeolus channel -"#rainbow" will open a
couple hours before the tournament begins,
and all are welcome to join in and monitor.There will be good chance you can fill in for a game or match, or
be a permanent substitute for the whole tournament.Best o'luck to all, and thanks for participating.
F Fearghal referenced this topic on
@fearghal I would like to sign up. eXxited - Global: 1624 - 1v1: 1234
Hi exxited,
Sorry to inform all,
that the registration period has ended and
teams have already begun to form.It is now too late to add any new players.
Thank You for the request.
This is an annual tournament,
so hope to see you sign up for the Rainbow Cup V. -
Sorry for being a little late on this & and i hope it doesnt cause too many complications, but i'm gonna have to drop out. Just realised I'll be too busy around 26-27 feb
@zwaffelnoob said in Rainbow Cup IV ~ 3 v 3 ~ $1.2K:
Sorry for being a little late on this & and i hope it doesnt cause too many complications, but i'm gonna have to drop out. Just realised I'll be too busy around 26-27 feb
If possible, may I take the void thrown into the mix by this absence?
Hi Morax,
thanks for the offer, to step up and help,
but LimeZ3 and Wifi_pain have already filled the vacancy. -
There's a few things I'm a little confused about concerning the AIs. Dilli-Dally hasn't been updated since July of last year (and is marketed in the description specifically as a 1v1 AI), so I question whether it's the best AI to use for this tournament.
Additionally, Swarm-AI has been updated within the last few days and specifically says in the description that the latest update is designed for the Rainbow Cup tournament.
I'm just a little confused, are these 3 AIs going to be updated in the near future for the tournament?
As far as I am aware all 3 work fine on the current version of the game so should not need to be updated. The reasoning for the different AI's is depending on the map different ais are needed. Some maps are most suited to ais designed for 1v1 specifically whereas other ais are designed for larger maps and different styles.
Good day and Thanks for the good questions.DilliDalli will be used on mostly land maps, where it performs very well in the computer cup versus the other AI's.
(right now, DilliDalli does not make Water units, one of the new versions will eventually)
Every AI and map have been play tested numerous times to make sure the AI's behave acceptably.
And, although DilliDalli is self described as a 1v1 specialist,
it is very good at multi-player, in that it 'fully' utilizes 'full share' of units,
and after a ACU kill, it will transfer bldg's and units, and make use the units and factories.
Some of the other AI's do Not utilize the 'gifted' units or factories.
(Uveso also utilizes full share gifted units)Swarm does mention the "Rainbow Cup" ... but if you read closely - It say's RC III .
Swarm is an excellent AI, and performed great in last years RCIII,
try it out and put in your rotation of AI to play,
but there was a conflict when it was loaded with RNG,
at time of tourney announcement .
The newest version released has fixed this,
but there was not enough time to play test and balance each individual map.As far as updates:
(hints from dev's I've heard, with non specific date ranges - check the Dev's thread's on the AI-Development forum)DilliDalli has new version "almost" ready,
but not before the tournament.RNGAI is also in similar update phase,
one in works, but "no release" before the tournament.Another very strong AI is M27,
but it was relatively new a few months ago when the Tourney was planned/announced.
The author is a very active Modder, and updates frequently.
Looking forward to see M27 compete in next years RCV.Sorian Edit by Marlo! is also excellent and runs the performance tests at top rating.
Also check out the Loud Project - FAF client - by Sprouto, where:
Much of FAF Sup Com game core code has been changed to speed up play,
you can run 5,000+ units at normal speed, and on maps up to 80x80!
Works great for slower pc's!Next tournament will be open to more AI's.
Hope you are able to watch the FAF Live Casts and observe the AI's in action!
Alright Our first round of draft picks have been completed.
Any players in the draft pool who would like their ratings updated,
make contact by PM'ing or in the Tourney Forum and I will update.At the end of Draft round 2,
the players in the Standby pool will have their names listed
in order of the latest 'submitted' rating. -
@fearghal Изменение рейтинга Salnik 1808 global
Broken mexes discovered in Map #5 Big Bang Mountain...( by unknown author) and
map has been replaced with Big Bang Dry (by original author)
If anyone discovers any other broken maps, please notify, thanks -
The draft selection process has now been completed.
Congratulations to All who have been chosen.
Players not selected in the initial 2 draft rounds are now in the standby pool of players.
Standby players are eligible to substitute on any of the tournament days for players who do not show.
Good Luck to ALL our players and see you all soon!
Due to the high number of players who signed up for this Tournament,
and the many players who did not get an opportunity to play in this years event....I have 2 Exciting announcements,
that will be made on Saturday Feb 26th,
during the RCIV FAF Live Cast.
One of which, will surely please someThanks!