RCIV - Spacenet ~ 3v3 ~ $1,200
update my rating please
Signing up ladder 1863 global ~1800
F Fearghal referenced this topic on
Signing up
cant wait for this -
Boost me up pls (update my rating to 1813)
Signing up
Emperor_Penguin 1600 -
Not sure if I will make it next week and don't want to screw up the teams. Signing out
Updating my rating.
1704 Global
My rating is currently 1837 global if that matters
Today is the last day to register for the RCIV Tournament.
Registration will end at 2400 US time, or 0500 (UTC) time,
the Draft will commence a few hours later at 0800 (UTC) Feb 7th.If any players "in the draft pool" have had their rating rise since registering and
would like to update their ratings,
leave your new rating below, or make contact in private chat and
it will be updated.We have set up a temporary # Discord thread named
#rainbow-cup-draft -- here:
so everyone can follow along with the draft process.Captains will start Drafting their players there, and
as each Captain makes their draft pick,
they will then 'ping' the next Captain whose turn it is to make next draft pick.This process will most likely take 2-5 days to complete,
as Captains will being doing their due diligence,
by contacting players to make sure they are still available to play on the 26th and 27th,
checking the players ratings history, and perhaps looking at their 'replay' vaults.Players do Not have to be present for the draft, as the 12 Captains will do the drafting.
Good Luck to All, and Thanks for Playing.
Изменение рейтингах Salnik global 1787
Might as well go for it. RandomWheelchair 1730 global - 1130 Ladder.
Not that ima get in but im 1480 global now
The Registration period is now over.
Captain's will now start making their draft picks and either post on this forum,
or Preferably on the FAF Discord thread, named# rainbow-cup-draft
https://discord.gg/TPFENehSAs each draft pick is made,
the next Captain in line will be 'pinged' to make his selection, and
the team roster in Post #4 will be updated, here
https://forum.faforever.com/topic/3016/rainbow-cup-iv-3-v-3-1-2k/4We had a large turnout, and 60 players have registered for 36 positions.
For those who did Not get selected in the initial 2 draft rounds,
you will be placed on the "stand by" list. (also in Post #4)
A few players, will have last minute scheduling conflicts and
good chance 1 or more substitutes will be needed.
Just be ready on Saturday morning to play,
A FAF client aeolus channel -"#rainbow" will open a
couple hours before the tournament begins,
and all are welcome to join in and monitor.There will be good chance you can fill in for a game or match, or
be a permanent substitute for the whole tournament.Best o'luck to all, and thanks for participating.
F Fearghal referenced this topic on
@fearghal I would like to sign up. eXxited - Global: 1624 - 1v1: 1234
Hi exxited,
Sorry to inform all,
that the registration period has ended and
teams have already begun to form.It is now too late to add any new players.
Thank You for the request.
This is an annual tournament,
so hope to see you sign up for the Rainbow Cup V. -
Sorry for being a little late on this & and i hope it doesnt cause too many complications, but i'm gonna have to drop out. Just realised I'll be too busy around 26-27 feb
@zwaffelnoob said in Rainbow Cup IV ~ 3 v 3 ~ $1.2K:
Sorry for being a little late on this & and i hope it doesnt cause too many complications, but i'm gonna have to drop out. Just realised I'll be too busy around 26-27 feb
If possible, may I take the void thrown into the mix by this absence?
Hi Morax,
thanks for the offer, to step up and help,
but LimeZ3 and Wifi_pain have already filled the vacancy. -
There's a few things I'm a little confused about concerning the AIs. Dilli-Dally hasn't been updated since July of last year (and is marketed in the description specifically as a 1v1 AI), so I question whether it's the best AI to use for this tournament.
Additionally, Swarm-AI has been updated within the last few days and specifically says in the description that the latest update is designed for the Rainbow Cup tournament.
I'm just a little confused, are these 3 AIs going to be updated in the near future for the tournament?