Questions about performance
Ah, I think I understand what happened here. Thank you for sharing.
edit: found and understood the issue.
I'm still not sure if this applies to games with observers off (i.e. most of the games) at all.
Edit: woops, meant to post this in the other thread, sorry
@BlackYps You can continue the other discussion here:
@Jip In the same game that Crota reported, MaximusXXX said at 38:21 that he was able to build t2 navy despite the HQ being dead.
oh no
I'll look into that too - thank you for mentioning it.
@utopian Thanks to KionX we may have found out what caused this crash. It will not be part of the next patch because its deadline is too close - but we'll certainly look at it. Again, thank you for reporting it.
@jip said in Questions about performance:
@crotalus It is fixed - thank you for reporting it! This was also the issue @excelsior (discord) described and @Crotalus experienced during that replay.
Is the fix live on the dev branch right now? Just wondering if I should warn people or not when hosting games.
The fix with the mantis is live - yes
I failed to reproduce MaximusXXX's error and the game now desyncs for me, too. Probably because of the Mantis fix.
However, while testing just now, I found new problems:Game: #15195914
Timestamp: 20:00
Issue: UEF T1 Attack Bomber seems to do very little damageGame: #15195914
Timestamp: 28:00
Issue: Cybran T2 Naval Support Factory auto-repairs VERY quicklyLog isn't much help, as I didn't have debug enabled.
Game: #15195914
Timestamp: 20:00
Issue: UEF T1 Attack Bomber seems to do very little damageThis is a known issue, it has to do with a change unrelated to performance. The Janus is hit hard too by that same change. Keyser is going to look at it this weekend.
Game: #15195914
Timestamp: 28:00
Issue: Cybran T2 Naval Support Factory auto-repairs VERY quicklyI'll look at it - thanks for reporting it.
Hello Jip, thank you very much for your work in the forum and the game. Thanks also to the team. I think it's great how the community helps with every question. That's what I wish for in every game.
Regarding the question, I have noticed a drop in performance in the game so far (1 - 2 players vs 4 AIs)
There is an issue with the current faf develop that was introduced yesterday. It causes a lot of warnings. It is fixed in about an hour
@Saver it should be stable now again
Hallo zusammen, ich hatte zwei Patien hintereinander diesen Fehler,
...EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at address 0x0050dfd8
attempted to read memory at 0x0000005cProgram : C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe
Cmd line arguments : /init init.lua /nobugreport /log C:\ProgramData\FAForever\logs\game_15248616.log /gpgnet /mean 1366.81 /deviation 289.003 /savereplay gpgnet:// /country DE /numgames 8Callstack:
Unknown symbol (address 0x0050dfd8)
Unknown symbol (address 0x0068af40)
Unknown symbol (address 0x2046e5fb)Last 100 lines of log...
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
debug: Current gametime: 01:32:30
debug: Current gametime: 01:33:00
debug: Current gametime: 01:33:30
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff0274b) supplied in a pose update.
debug: Current gametime: 01:34:00
warning: Scanning: unit ["xsl0307"] has no MaxWeaponRange - "RNGAI Response BaseRestrictedArea"
warning: Scanning: unit ["xsl0307"] has no MaxWeaponRange - "RNGAI Response BaseRestrictedArea"
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
debug: Current gametime: 01:34:30
warning: Scanning: unit ["xsl0307"] has no MaxWeaponRange - "RNGAI Trueplatoon Large"
warning: Scanning: unit ["xsl0307"] has no MaxWeaponRange - "RNGAI Trueplatoon Large"
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff029fa) supplied in a pose update.
warning: Scanning: unit ["xsl0304"] has no MaxWeaponRange - "RNGAI Trueplatoon Large"
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
debug: Current gametime: 01:35:00
warning: Scanning: unit ["xsl0307"] has no MaxWeaponRange - "RNGAI Trueplatoon Large"
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
info: UI_MakeSelectionSet 1
debug: Current gametime: 01:35:30
debug: Current gametime: 01:36:00
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff02abc) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff02abd) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff02abe) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff02ac1) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff02ac5) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff02ac7) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff02ac8) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff02a90) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff02ace) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff02acf) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff02ad0) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff02ad2) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff02ad3) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff02ad4) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff02ada) supplied in a pose update.
debug: Loading module '\000/projectiles/aifquantumwarhead02/aifquantumwarhead02_script.lua\000'
info: Hooked /projectiles/aifquantumwarhead02/aifquantumwarhead02_script.lua with /mods/rks_explosions/hook/projectiles/aifquantumwarhead02/aifquantumwarhead02_script.lua
warning: ACU kill detected. Rating for ranked games is now enforced.
debug: Loading module '\000/effects/quantumwarhead/quantumwarheadeffect01_script.lua\000'
info: Sending game result: 8 score 1
info: GAMERESULT : \000score 1
info: Sending game result: 3 defeat -10
info: GAMERESULT : \000defeat -10
debug: Loading module '\000/projectiles/adfgraviton01/adfgraviton01_script.lua\000'
warning: Error running lua script: ...ogramdata\faforever\gamedata\lua.nx5\lua\platoon.lua(4005): attempt to call method `GetLocationCoords' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
...ogramdata\faforever\gamedata\lua.nx5\lua\platoon.lua(4005): in function <...ogramdata\faforever\gamedata\lua.nx5\lua\platoon.lua:3995>
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff02abc) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff02abd) supplied in a pose update.
info: UI_Lua import("/lua/ui/game/confirmunitdestroy.lua").ConfirmUnitDestruction(false)
debug: Current gametime: 01:36:30
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff02b78) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff02b7b) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff02b7c) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff02b7d) supplied in a pose update.
info: CWldSession::DoBeat() unknown entity id (0x2ff02b7f) supplied in a pose update.Das Spiel lief so lange gut, bis ich die Units von der besiegten ACU รผbergeben bekommen habe.
Team 1
1 xPlayer 3x Sorian AI VS 2 x RNGAI 2 x Sorian AIMods:
RKS Explosion
Graphicenhancement mod v1.1
Saver Fatboy2Ich hoffe der Bericht hilft evtl. fรผr den Patch.
Und nochmals vielen Dank fรผr eure Arbeit an dem Game.
Thank you for sharing it, this is a known issue and is being solved
edit: it is the same issue described here:
And the source is found.
TOP und viel Erfolg.
@Jip In , somebody said that the explosions from UEF T2 Destroyer shots looked like the ones from a battleship. Might apply to UEF T2 PD, too.
Yes - that is part of the change by @keyser if I am correct. It is intended, to give the unit more 'wow'.