strategic icon
@nine2 said in strategic icon:
Why not just upgrade his mod and give him 100% credit
He has a copyright tag on his code. It even mentioned that no modifications are allowed without his explicit permission.
It's quite a bummer what some people do.
Some try to help, but others use that help to exploit something else.
It's a shame, really.I can only hope the Author replies soon.
I quite enjoyed that ASI, and have gotten used to it, so much so, that it feels unnatural to me to use another icon mod, or vanilla icons.Does anyone know of any other icon mod(s) that are nearly identical to ASI?
Or at least, similar? There are so many out there, and I have only had the time to test out a few, but so far...
they just aren't the same.
~ Stryker
@comradestryker said in strategic icon:
I can only hope the Author replies soon.
It's been two years; you can try contacting the author again of course.
@comradestryker said in strategic icon:
Does anyone know of any other icon mod(s) that are nearly identical to ASI?
Or at least, similar?I would suggest having a look at either the BrewLAN Small or Classic icon sets as they're pretty close to ASI, imo.
Depends on what you mean with similar. I created the mod Reworked Strategic Icons in different sizes to address the issue of too small icons. I also changed the tech markers a bit, so for me the tech level of units is now much more salient than before. Other than that it tries to stay close to the vanilla icons, so if you want additional colors etc, then that is probably not your cup of tea. You can check for yourself here:
J Jip referenced this topic on
Sorry for my English, it's not my native language.
But all the suggested options break my eyes.
Are there any options to return to the old strategic icons in any way? -
would be nice.
B BlackYps referenced this topic on
@jip said in strategic icon:
Advanced Strategic Icons (ASI) will not return using the setup that it did.
nice.. well its just the look and feel of the game but hey..
Not really the fault of faf that the mod author specifically forbid any changes or derivative work of his mod
Yeah right that's a totally different story then
Some discussion happening on the discord too fyi:
Hello everyone again (I use a translator)
I would just like to speak out
FAF discovered a couple of years ago, yes, everyone has failures, problems, etc. But despite all the difficulties with discounts and errors, I was happy to play the "best strategy of the 21st century" every evening after work
And I am grateful to the entire FAF team for the work the scale of which I do not even realize
But after the last update, the game delivers only frustration
I have played 1100 rating games, the number of user matches played is beyond counting
Over these few years, the perception of the game using strategic icons has become so ingrained that playing with standard icons or using other modules does not give any pleasure and breaks the whole gameplay, it really feels like I've become worse at playing
It's like driving a car with a 26-inch steering wheel and now using a toy 10 steering wheel, I hope you understand what I mean.I really hope that the FAF team will find a solution so that the old icon mod can be used.
But at this moment, returning home and having the desire to play with those people with whom we are not familiar in real life, but knowing each other by heart by nicknames, it hurts me that I can't do it because of such a small situation in my opinion.
There are icon mods on the vault, some better than ASI. Try some out
@cheeseberry said in strategic icon:
Some discussion happening on the discord too fyi:
and ? all that discussion creates more confusion.
What is the problem to Copy a "save" mod and exchange the icons with the ASI icons. -
@reckless_charger I tried all the available mods for icons that are in the repository, from all the blood from the eyes
playing with standard icons or using other modules does not give any pleasure and breaks the whole gameplay, the desire to play with such icons disappears
@hoschmosch said in strategic icon:
What is the problem to Copy a "save" mod and exchange the icons with the ASI icons.
It would be copyright violation, so you couldn't discuss it on the forums. But nothing would stop you from using it when you played FAF
If anyone has a problem with strategic icons and no mods help, I’ll share my solution that helped me get back the old icons:
1 Download in Steam game discussions (old strategic icons)
2 Go to the folder (where the game is stored) C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\gamedata and open the textures file with Winrar
3 Go to the directory \textures\ui\common\game\strategicicons and copy here, replacing the files, all the icons that you downloaded earlier(I apologize for the Google translation)
ASI are installed in the folder c:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata.
The file "Advanced strategic icons.nxt" will be there.
You need to change the extension of the .nxt file to .zip.
Now if you unzip this archive you will find all icon textures with the extension .dds.
Now you need to install the mod "Reworked Strategic Icons".
In the folder with the installed mod will be directory "custom-strategic-icons" with files with the extension .dds.
Now all you need to do is copy the dds files from the ASI mod into the "custom-strategic-icons" folder with replacement.
Now you need to enable the mod when creating the lobby.
The lobby should be created 2 times.
Hope this helps. -
Thanks @deVasto I had to delete that copy of "Advanced Strategic Icons.nxt" in order to get the icon mod to work at all.
For some of us, there is also a copy of "Advanced Strategic Icons.nxt" in ProgramData/FAForever/ReplayData/GameData
I don't know if it is also necessary to delete that file, it's probably a good idea to do that also.
Also, I can confirm that what @deVasto is suggesting (to get another custom icons mod, delete that mod's custom icons, and then paste in copies of the ASI icons) works. It only took a few minutes to do and it works great.