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    If these are the Aeon weaknesses, it contains three of their strengths.

    The destro is still the 2nd best destro, of course it’s worse than the best destro but both salem and valiant suck against exodus.

    Harbs are absolutely not just good early on, they are the overall highest utility t3 land unit and are good across the entire t3-t4 stage. They are great at drops, at raids, at small number attacks, and at large number attacks. The only unit arguably as useful as harb is brick since it got buffed to just be a strictly better percy, putting percy over harb is completely nuts and not based in reality. Percy is like the 3rd best t3 unit for UEF let alone a unit to put into an argument on strong t3 units.

    GCs are the perfect complement to harbs. Harbs suffer late game from not being able to force engagements due to range. A GC not only provides excellent HP tanking but it also forces essentially anything that isn’t a mega/fatboy into a fight when supported by either harbs or potentially snipers. Talking about GC dps just sounds like you aren’t using GCs properly nor do you understand what purpose it serves alongside harbs. You thinking this is how you use it just goes to show how strong it is, because you can just meathead spam GCs and still get completely solid results.

    Czars are just really big restos, you’re not supposed to just fly over sams and have it die. I'll admit it isn't a strength tho.

    posted in Suggestions
  • RE: What happened to the map vault?

    What maps are missing?

    posted in General Discussion
  • RE: SUGGESTION: AEON T2 Shield Generator Fix

    @Nomander covered my thoughts on the subject better than I could have myself. Stats wise Aeon has a very good shield, especially once you factor in its build time. I could see a buff for another 0.1-0.5 radius, but moreso as a consistency fix than because it's underpowered.

    Reworking it to a 2x2 structure with ED1 (or worse) stats would be interesting, but the balance implications of such a huge change are so massive that I don't feel confident theorizing whether it'd be a good idea without testing.

    posted in Balance Discussion

    Most players have no idea what they're doing. They aren't picking factions based on what is actually good. I still get 1200 rated players telling me Aeon T2 is bad because they watched a Heaven video 8 years out of date. The faction pick rates have hardly ever adjusted based on meta strength across time. UEF and Cybran have always been the top 2 factions by a large margin, Sera and Aeon have always been the bottom 2. This was true when Cybran was the dominant faction, it was true when UEF was, it was true when Aeon was. Aeon was picked less than UEF when they had all their current advantages + a t2 tank only slower than t1 land scouts + chrono autowinning any engagement prior to t3 + a gun acu that was impossible for 2 factions to counter outside of indirect/air combat + a destro good enough to trade mass efficiently against battlecruisers. Using overall player data is bad data. I could have literally told you Index's results without seeing them just because of paying attention to these trends from years ago, it's always been around 30/30/20/20 as a general rule split. You could remove the UEF t1 tank from the game and it would still be picked more than Aeon.

    If you look at 1800+ faction pick rate, you have a more robust view of faction strength or at least you did more in the past but these days basically everybody plays random. So the only area you really have to look at for a statistical sample on faction strength is high rated tournaments where people are invested in winning games.

    In generic land teamgames, Aeon and Cybran are probably top 2. In generic navy teamgames, Sera and Aeon. In a teamgame air slot, Aeon and UEF would be my generalist ratings if I had to pick top 2 factions in roles.

    If you think Aeon is a bad faction, you're the reason it's bad when you roll it. It's incredibly strong and is ALWAYS an inclusion in your team faction rollout in a tournament because of the generic strength the faction provides. It's extremely difficult to thing of a situation where you're actually making a mistake for going with Aeon. Its weakness is entirely reliant on some snowball t1 stage which is extremely rare to exist in teamgames compared to 1v1.

    posted in Suggestions
  • RE: Crush after 30 - 90 s in every 10th game :(

    Do you not get a popup with the "warning: SND: XACT3DApply failed." issue? Last client should auto-detect such things.

    Solution: https://forum.faforever.com/topic/4084/solutions-for-snd-error-xact-invalid-arg-xact3dapply-failed/1?_=1701727567076

    posted in FAF support (client and account issues)

    @Dorset said in AEONS are GARBAGE!:

    @IndexLibrorum in the world of statistics a sample size of 25 is actually not very good considering the large data pool of games. (I'm guessing a thousand games every 2 to 3 days)

    Also does this sample size of 25 include games like dual Gap and Astro? If so I would argue that those need to be separated and compared to map generated matches. (Or delete it from the data pool entirely)

    You're free to share your own analysis 😉 . I'm not feeling the urge to spend several hours on data wrangling in Rstudio to get paper-ready data. You'll note I didn't include confidence intervals or whatever. This is good enough for a quick look at the data.

    @Sainse said in AEONS are GARBAGE!:

    I would not even be so sure that last 25 games were actually rated. It’s not specified. Could as well be 6 players survival.

    That’s the general problem which was brought up on many occasions inside faf statistics megathreads for example. Most raw data is meaningless until you apply a multiple filters to it. But if it was, the result of additional work would likely far exceed quick forum reply format

    Didn't specify, but yes I selected only rated, non-modded games with at least 6 players.

    @TheVVheelboy said in AEONS are GARBAGE!:

    Hell, people are still gonna play cybran and Uef due to them just being the cool dudes that people like thematically. Even if they were weak.

    That's my understanding as well. UEF is not in a terrific place right now, but from my quick review looks like it's the most popular faction. Style and the factor of COOL counts for a lot, I suspect.

    posted in Suggestions