If you make it 10dps gun it won't matter. But will make it look cooler in-game where the BS will look like they can at least try to fend themselves off from the little bugs.
Posts made by TheVVheelboy
RE: Check out a new mod
RE: The State of FAF
If you are playing the game then it seems to be in a decent state for pubs/custom games. But if you wanna just watch content like tournaments/high level casts/analysis then honestly it's pretty bad. Tuning in into the last tournament, just to see muted foley stream his beach excursions was pretty sad moment tbh.
Maybe I'm missing some YT casters etc, but I don't think we have anyone like Jagged at the moment.
And no, watching Gyle cast a "hIGh LEvEl" game doesn't count.
RE: Why does everything suck so much right now?
Last wish, ban those 2.
RE: Time to go
@dorset said in Time to go:
I never understood leaving something you love rather than staying to help build it. Whatever makes you happy I suppose
If your SO slaps you in the face everyday, each day harder while gaslighting you that it's all your fault, then I'm not sure I wanna stay in such relationship. Especially when the reason for being slapped in the face is just having casual conversation with your neighbor in the hallway in front of your apartment door.
@thevvheelie said in Time to go:
goodbye hybrid
Loved being featured in your casts, especially rainbow cup!
Gonna miss them but alas new games await. -
Time to go
Been here for a while so might as well say goodbye for that one last time.
But yes, I'm cutting off FAF as it's current, soulless and corporate like direction killed any kind of involvement I want to have with the project. Sure, I was not really involved past this few years, as I would mostly come out to stream a game or two on FAFlive or play a game here and then. With most of time just being spent watching mr.streamer or lurking on discord.
But even then I found it kinda worthwhile to stay around, as there are great people here. Seeing people enjoy the content on FAF YT was pretty nice too. As it seemed like even I could give back something to community after all those years of digging salt on setons and RMG's.
But with the way things are going I just don't see reason to stay here and keep antagonizing the moderation team until I'm perma banned from discord anyway. Obviously, there are other reasons why I'm quitting. But the mishandling of the discord community is the biggest one for me. As it was still a place that I found fun to drop by every second day and catch up on the ongoing discussions.
Like honestly, SMD deribus.
RE: The End of FAF
@maudlin27 said in The End of FAF:
Also while we have you saying FAF is dying because (amongst other reasons) the mods have cracked down on insults, we have the most active thread on the Supcom steam discussion pages prompted by someone saying people should stay away from FAF because (amongst other reasons) the mods do nothing about insults.
Sone excerpts from the OP of said post.
"Stay away from FAF
It used to be a great thing. As it is now, developers are completely incompetent: the real developers left long ago and what's left only add more bugs with every patch they release, not knowing the first thing about programming, and the moderation and community is, for the most part, just a bunch of mindless fascists.It's still one of the best RTS games ever made. Just don't fall for FAF. The people involved are toxic, rightist simpletons. Moderation is openly leading the persecution of people who are different in some way. It's just one big circle jerk of rednecks you wouldn't want to get involved with, if you're remotely right in the head.
I'm not one of those LGBTQ+ radicals, but I did witness how sexual orientation was brought into the "discussion" on discord for no other reason than a profile pic and a person got ganged up on by these pitiful creatures, attacked for what they are and then banned for trying to defend themselves.
Stay away from this filth. They are not worth the air they are breathing."
"Just from the top of my head:
They broke the connection loss recovery (the most important part of the game). It used to be that you could still reconnect after a minute of silence or more. That hasn't been working in years now. A few seconds of silence and you're gone.
Connection losses between 2 people in a match have become significantly more frequent at some point, not that long ago.
Moderation doesn't give a about griefers and abusers or flamers/harassers. The report system is still in place from the time when people who were actually competent were still working on the FAF client, but there are only clowns dealing with reports now. I had times when a player lost connection to 3 or more others, but instead of leaving, so the rest can go on, they just went silent and sat it all out until, half an hour later, all the others had finally given up and left. And they don't ban these or other griefers. They don't give a .
Factory queues often don't respond anymore. They just broke it and never fixed it again.
Artillery stopped firing uphill at some point for no apparent reason. Never got fixed either.
The player score/rating system is an absolute joke. It's made for 1v1 matches, win or lose, nothing else matters - except nobody plays 1v1. Most people play 6v6 or other team vs team setups. As a result, ratings are just completely random and lobby hosts stack their games, instead of using opti (auto-balance), to ensure they don't drop to a 400 where they can't join any serious games anymore. Most games are decided by who has fewer disconnects anyway.
The game still constantly freezes and crashes, usually on starting. Maybe 1 in 4 games started can actually continue at all, and that's a generous estimate. Rarely any of those also finish without several disconnects, though. When it's not the crashes, then it's lag from bad p2p connections beyond playability. I'm sure it would be possible to do a stress test while still in the lobby before starting and figuring out first-hand that the match is an unplayable lag-fest...
And on top of that, you can't even properly report an issue with bugs or balance without getting swarmed by the local redneck trolls on discord. It's mostly a place where idiots hang out, circle jerk, post funny gif memes or gang up on "woke" people."
"Everything I posted is factually right. Some fanboys jumping in trying to undermine someone's credibility without actually having a point - that can actually be considered trolling and adds to internet toxicity. You fit in nicely on their discord. You can howl and circle jerk with the other trolls there in mutual confirmation, if you aren't already.
"You can play something else", lol. I am... You can bring up that kindergarten-level argument whenever someone critcises anything. Only shows where you are coming from."That's some parts of the post in question. Makes you really wonder how genuine it is. Considering the man behind it seems pretty butthurt due to his own lack of understanding.
Honestly, just go read it: https://steamcommunity.com/app/9420/discussions/0/4336474207081809919/
It makes it pretty clear dude is a bad actor.
RE: Please show rating changes in replay vault
Also, If my memory serves me right. Wasn't the plan to just remove the "in-game" ratings. Not the outside of games too?
Like the whole idea was that people get intimidated seeing enemy rating in-game. Not outside of it. So removing the information outside of the games seems like a pretty steep jump.Cuz' let's be honest. If you are already looking up your replays then you couldn't give a shite about being intimidated by the rating.
So I guess in-game rating being hidden behind badge is okay, but removing this information from outside the game seems like a step backwards.
RE: Please show rating changes in replay vault
It's the very outspoken "silent majority" that lobbied for those changes!
RE: Novax needs to be nerfed, here's why.
Ayo, my opponent invested more than Paragon worth of mass to finish the game. Please nerf for there was nothing we could do against it!
If you wanna make a change, then it would be decent to include something more than what you wrote.
Even a replay ID.... -
RE: Username rules updates
And people are paying for them all the time. Or admittedly making new accounts to have funny nicknames that poke fun at new memes and shit.If you will look at many of the bigger streamers you will often see them renaming their accounts or making new ones to have a new nickname that fits the community meme that's been popular lately. Hell, they would even exchange nicknames to troll people at the highest level of ladder.
The renames also allow you to create additional bonds within said community and make for thriving communities that are closely interacting all the time. Instead of being this sad robots that are only here to mindlessly play the game.
Faf was nice in this regard that you just didn't have to cough up the money up front to actually have harmless fun with the nicknames.
Honestly, the simple fact that they are charging for the renames proves that there is a FUCKING MARKET FOR IT AND PEOPLE ACTUALLY PAY FOR IT.
Another thing is that often when making new accounts on new servers people will also decide to go with funny nicknames instead of the ones their are known for in their main server/role w/e.
Like hell, thanks to that we got some absolute bangers of a stories like the one of "Chinese Spy" on korean server.
RE: sera t3 subs have become op?
Balance team will do everything but give Stinger his buddy mechmarine
RE: Solving the problem of keeping noob allies alive and active
@melanol said in Solving the problem of keeping noob allies alive and active:
@indexlibrorum Would you want to be that noob? "Hey, your rating is too low. Could you please gift your entire base to me and go suicide your com please? Appreciate". Way to expand the playerbase.
I genuinely rather be told to "go get them beast" while playing for example mid on setons than be relegated to sitting on some shitty 4 mex spot and being told to do nothing but make engies...
It's PVP RTS game, not an offline city builder...
RE: Can we Pleaassee have 1 v1 random map only queue?
@dgun said in Can we Pleaassee have 1 v1 random map only queue?:
@sladownoob its not about winning or not, I just don't enjoy. There is a reason why other rts ranked only use random generated maps - because then it is completely fair.
And why is it unfair to prepare for the games? The map pools are open to everyone. And everyone have access to the replay vault so you can just spend 3 minutes and get BO for a map.
RE: Discussing the "rename rule"
Stop being disrespectful to one of the top FAFlive chatters, you toxic rat!
RE: T2 gunships hit inties
The thing is, that it's not really a balancing problem, as inties still absolutely crush gunships. Not to mention, it's part of the Supcom flavour that I would hate to see it gone.
After all it's not like gunships can just target inties and fight them head to head. Instead you have to try groundfiring to even hit them. Making it wonky at best, and not something that you can rely at all. Especially considering just how fast inties make work of the gunships.
RE: Discussing the "rename rule"
@jip said in Discussing the "rename rule":
@ftxcommando said in Discussing the "rename rule":
Does it contribute to a healthy environment to ban people that are having fun having impersonating names and not being toxic within the rules? Because currently like 10-15% of the active 1800+ players have taken each other’s names and are impersonating each other. Do we stop that?
Do you need to impersonate others to have fun?
Tbh, at this point you can just remove renames all together. Cuz what's the reasoning behind allowing them once a month, if you are gonna have multiple names be off the list cuz someone once used them?
Like, are we gonna start banning everyone who renames to a name that was once had by someone?
I can fully understand if someone is malicious with the renames and behaving like a twat/breaking the rules. But if nobody is getting hurt then why be so uptight about them. Especially when all the parties actually involved don't see a problem with it apart from the moderation team.
Like how many "hide on bush" are there in league? And yet none of them are getting banned as long as they are actually behaving like a normal human being instead of being toxic pos.
RE: Why don't we have t3 sera gunships, but we have this?
@firv said in Why don't we have t3 sera gunships, but we have this?:
@melanol said in Why don't we have t3 sera gunships, but we have this?:
@firv And water. They swim like engis, so counter shield boats and floaty shields
wait what? really? because cybran needed an other buff??
Least picked faction in the last big tournament. Outclassed in many areas.
Meanwhile aeon still just chilling with the best roster, being the most picked faction in the tournament and yet nobody bats and eye.