Hello Jip, once again a big thank you for your work and efforts to improve the game. I'm very excited about the shadder I mentioned. Unfortunately, I can't help because I don't really know how to program. And work more with trial and error ^^ with my maps and mods.

RE: Game Councilor
RE: Issues with the heightmap in the FAF Map Editor.
Hello and thank you again for the new brushes
Here is my new card with the brushes. Maybe some people will like it.
RE: stand-up animation like the GC
I hope it can help other people working on their own units or help improve the game. I had great support from other modders who gave me good tips. Thanks to everyone working on FAF
RE: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at address 0x00915402
Everything is going great as usual, thank you very much
RE: Talking about the Fatty
Hello everyone
I think the topic is great because I love Fatboy. The point about the slots sounds very interesting. Since I am unfortunately not a good player myself, I created a mod for the Fatboy, which received TMD and other weapon modes. If I have time again I would try to implement the suggestion to see how it works. However, the balance part is and remains very demanding. I wish the balance team every success
sy for my bad english
Improve area attack and reclaim orders #6095 - bug
Hello everyone, first of all thank you for the patch and special thanks to JIP for your work over the last few years. I think some of the functions are great. But when testing the function #6095 Improve area attack and reclaim orders. I get error messages in the log. However, I test in offline mode, without mods.
WARNING: Error running lua script: index expected but got nil
stack traceback:
[C]: in functionSetTargetGround' ...\lua.nx2\lua\sim\weapons\uef\tifcarpetbombweapon.lua(46): in function
...\lua.nx2\lua\sim\weapons\defaultprojectileweapon.lua(1055): in function <...\lua.nx2\lua\sim\weapons\defaultprojectileweapon.lua:968>
WARNING: Error running lua script: index expected but got nil
stack traceback:
[C]: in functionSetTargetGround' ...\lua.nx2\lua\sim\weapons\uef\tifcarpetbombweapon.lua(46): in function
...\lua.nx2\lua\sim\weapons\defaultprojectileweapon.lua(1055): in function <...\lua.nx2\lua\sim\weapons\defaultprojectileweapon.lua:968>
WARNING: Error running lua script: index expected but got nil
stack traceback:
[C]: in functionSetTargetGround' ...\lua.nx2\lua\sim\weapons\uef\tifcarpetbombweapon.lua(46): in function
...\lua.nx2\lua\sim\weapons\defaultprojectileweapon.lua(1055): in function <...\lua.nx2\lua\sim\weapons\defaultprojectileweapon.lua:968>
WARNING: Error running lua script: index expected but got nil
stack traceback:
[C]: in functionSetTargetGround' ...\lua.nx2\lua\sim\weapons\uef\tifcarpetbombweapon.lua(46): in function
...\lua.nx2\lua\sim\weapons\defaultprojectileweapon.lua(1055): in function <...\lua.nx2\lua\sim\weapons\defaultprojectileweapon.lua:968> -
RE: RCV - AI Masters ~ 3v3 ~ $1,200
Hello, is it still possible to watch the tournament on YouTube or Twitch?
RE: Civilians Defence
Hello everyone,
I'm looking for the Mod Civilian Defense. Does anybody know him?
In the old forum -https://forums.faforever.com/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=3916
- I saw at least one discussion about it.
RE: M28AI Devlog (v193)
hello, here is a replay 3vs3 without bugs ^^ https://replay.faforever.com/20437080
stand-up animation like the GC
Hello everyone, I am currently working on a unit (RAMROD- Alpha Status) and would like to give this mech a stand-up animation like the GC. The animation is finished, but I don't know if it will be integrated. The line is defined in the blueprint, but I don't know what else is needed? Could you tell me where the animation goes?
RE: M28AI Devlog (v193)
Hello Maudlin,
your AI is really overwhelmingly good. Now the BUT ^^ During the course of the battle, the Sorian AI always hindered the build-up with various landing troops and surprised a careless player who only had the front in view. Could you maybe in your AI? also integrate more landing troops? Thanks for your great work so far.