EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at address 0x00915402

@azath0th Unfortunately, I don't understand what exactly you mean, but yes, the crash is ingame from about 2 - 3 minutes.

You have a sound bug which you can tell by the SND/XACT warnings. You should go to Windows key > Control Panel > Sound > Playback > select the Device you use > Configure to ensure that your sound device is set to Stereo then look in Properties to make sure that all Enhancements & Spatial Sound are Off. After you've verified those settings, usually a simple Restart or Shift+Shutdown (not just Shutdown) of your PC will resolve the sound issue.

If that doesn't work, then you can have a look at this thread for further troubleshooting: https://forum.faforever.com/topic/4084/solutions-for-snd-error-xact-invalid-arg-xact3dapply-failed

Thanks for trying to help, but unfortunately I don't have a sound problem, but a crash/freeze in the game. Or does the sound problem trigger the other problems?

What changed to your setup (system, hardware, os, etc) since this started?

Or does the sound problem trigger the other problems?

The warnings can cause a crash, yes

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

I have a new headset. I will check the case based on the settings suggested in the link.

That is the issue then 🙂

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

I will test it 🙂 thank you again

Everything is going great as usual, thank you very much 🙂