Top 3 that would be surprising:
#1 Subterranean theater of war
#2 Weather & environmental effects
#3 5 minute setons lobbies
RE: Supreme Commander in 2020 MAY SURPRISE YOU
RE: Does FAF *need* Admin Access to Install
@Brutus5000 Just realized what you probably meant was to go to download the latest release .zip file from Git-hub, and extract to a local directory. 100% working thanks.
RE: Setons Opti Ballancing
@dorset said in Setons Opti Ballancing:
Wouldn't it be better for the lowest rank players to battle it out on air and have a slower building air game while the higher ranked players held the front line arc created by the other three positions?
It seems like that, but in actual fact- recovering a broken front is MUCH easier than a broken air.
RE: All the reasons Aeon sucks - T1 worst of all
I agee it seems odd that while all other factions have upgradable T2 -> T3 shields, Aeon does not. Seems a bit like a mistake and less of a unique faction trait.
Forgive my newness to the community, am I missing a past & lengthy balance decision here?
Also I was surprised to see the ACU Chronofield absent from @funkoff's list. I've tried it and is too expensive for early game, and late game, you've already lost if you're using it. It seems too situational and a false leg to stand on. Anyone have a replay where it was useful?
RE: Full game + computer crash
Thank you @Katharsas @Uveso and @Jip so far I've not had any crashes provided I have nothing else open. This probably confirms what Katharsas was saying in that maybe my computer can't handle FAF + x.
It's probably time for a new computer just holding on to the nostalgia tower abit longer.
RE: The Last Thread about RAS SACU Balance
@LittleBoyBennis said in The Last Thread about RAS SACU Balance:
This is not dealing with their fundamental problem: the combination of power and mass generation which removes the need to protect either generation in lategame, and their overall currently underpriced value proposition, they are too good for their cost (the little bp nerf doesnt cut it)
Would introducing diminishing returns mechanic make this viable?
Say first (5) SACUs are 100%, next (1) 125%, next 150%, etc cost? The 10th SACU would be 225% more (15k mass) which would be very cost prohibitive. Lore wise, that also makes sense as it's supposedly a human in each one...What of the Quantum gate? If SACUs are nerfed, kinda makes them useless. I saw one mod YEARS ago that turned them into Nydus Canal like structures or very rapid T3 factories... ...just saying if nerfed too much- what's the point of the QG?
Only 1100, sooo just some noob thoughts. vid of awesome gate mechanic
RE: The Last Thread about RAS SACU Balance
What about the suggestion about incorporating diminishing returns? Did I miss a response to that suggestion?
Seems like that would be easy to tune by the balance team and keeping RAS SCUs useful.
RE: Satellite overperforming.
Sat scaling is the main thing that really makes them hard to manage.
What if they had a power drain as a limiting factor-? This isn't a major change, just a response to scaling.
Won't break the unit, won't make it unviable, just respond to scaling issue.