@sainserow balance despots will ban you for life for speaking against UEF favoritism!
novax need rework or a nerf.
@sainserow balance despots will ban you for life for speaking against UEF favoritism!
novax need rework or a nerf.
well , i wanted to start playing 1v1. but after this balance patch nerfed hives and soul riper, i will stop playing faf. maybe my brother will play faf, but he likes more Beyond All-Reason.
good maps, sadly i stopped playing faf
something is strange with cybran tml, the rocket misses the target even when I aim accurately. sometimes hit, sometimes miss
i was looking at supreme commander wiki,
(One unique feature of the Cybran Hoplites is that they only take as much space as a T1 unit on a transport. Therefore up to 6 Hoplites can be placed on a T1 light air transport and 10 on a T2 transport. This is probably its most valuable asset; when considering whether to use Hoplites or Rhinos, whether they will be used with transports should be the a deciding factor. This feature (or bug) does not work in the Forged Alliance campaign (using the 3603 version of the game).)
why is this removed from ladder game?
@indexlibrorum well you are tempting me but no. when balance despots fix cybrans and stop favoring uef i will come back.. i will just try mods like m28ai, but the maps are so good all of them.
@jip yes i have 2 replays. i build 1 tml in both games.
1 game number id 21119279 ( go to 13 min) i aim at 4 targets, 3 mex and 1 hidro, it miss 1 mex.
2 game number id 21118985 (go to 15,30 min) this is a game where it miss offten, my target are 8 mex,
@thewreck said in The End of FAF:
Final Thoughts
An honorary mention that I did not include in this post is that a number of community members have also expressed frustration regarding the development and balance team in relation to things such as tele Billy and area reclaim but I will leave that for another post.
@maudlin27 just nerf the damn thing and let cybrans live longer
@veteranashe i like your idea, but our balance despots will just dawn vote your comment like my. the more we talk about nerfing uef. how do we shot dawn(idea)?
@tarantellaswan i like your idea so much, but how we will resurrect novax satelite after rework, so smd can shot it down.
@zlo they are spamming every game novaxs! i stoped playing this game bc of spamming nowax, at list it is often in my games.
С нами Бог
@sainserow balance despots will ban you for life for speaking against UEF favoritism!
novax need rework or a nerf.
@maudlin27 I was also thinking of adding a torpedo because with cybran it's very punishable if you lose the navy and HARMS because now it's totally bad and easy to counter with ground fire... and laser is not a bad idea either, there would be interesting combinations with laser and torpedo
@rowey thanks, why isn't there a laser or torpedo option on the cybran sacu enchancment?
@rowey i only care for novax rework, nerf it down!!!!
@resin_smoker what is the name of your mod
@resin_smoker you need to bee the new and only balace overlord in game, sadly the balance team wont let your idea stand
@snoog i like SMD idea to conter novax. tx comrade
@blackyps the main problem is frustration in the game. for me it's when 3 uef vs 3 cybrans, one team together builds fast novax and the other team can't counter it at all. of course there are still disagreements with balance overlords. there are more examples in the game, I don't like how the new scatis works, hives are too weak now, harms is also too weak and all that was needed to counter harms was ground fire, T2 ARTY omg reverse this nerf, wtf, but balance overlords says it's not like that. they have some of their own parameters that follow. just compare the strong points of the factions against the weak points of the factions and there you have the frustration doubled. for me it is nothing more than that. that's why now I play bar and dual gap. but balance overlords does well as far as the external aspect of the game is concerned. sorry if anyone got mad.
i forget to add , no hover for cybrans, it is super frustrating when you are the only player on island and all the others all sera.
conclusion, we need to make a great revolution, the reds will rise again!