Hoplite Rocket bot

i was looking at supreme commander wiki,

(One unique feature of the Cybran Hoplites is that they only take as much space as a T1 unit on a transport. Therefore up to 6 Hoplites can be placed on a T1 light air transport and 10 on a T2 transport. This is probably its most valuable asset; when considering whether to use Hoplites or Rhinos, whether they will be used with transports should be the a deciding factor. This feature (or bug) does not work in the Forged Alliance campaign (using the 3603 version of the game).)

why is this removed from ladder game?

Aside from the beetle all t2 Land will take up 2 slots due to it bing hight tech so Generally it is T1 = 1 slot , T2 = 2 and T3 = 3

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