Hello everyone
Check out my new mod "Calibers Balance Mod" although it has very little to do with balance at all, its more about exploring unit design and changing small things like projectiles, sounds and abilities of the units.
Here are some examples of these changes.
Turning the tac missile defense of the summit into a short range gatling gun to deal with pesky frigates who get into your personal space.
Changing the Corsair projectile from rockets to a unique emp bomb that can stun those stubborn T2 UEF turtle bases.
Turning the Absolver into a rather expensive but OP EMP tank that fires a cloud burst projectile that stuns enemy units for 4 seconds, giving Aeon a much needed buff in the t3 phase.
Creating a cybran SACU shield disrupter preset, taking that perk from the Aeon as in my opinion it suits the cybrans alternative aproach to gaining an advantage on the battlefield.
Speaking of SACU's the seraphim now have a regen aura preset, stolen from the commander, aswell as an ARAS preset.
Giving the Aeon T3 arty the ability to hover, as it suits the unit and has no visible tracks as the original movement type seems to suggest.
One of the largest changes I have made is to T1 and T2 navy, as all submarines are now T2, there was no real dynamic to T1 subs. These new T2 subs have very low Hp but very high DPS, designed to kill frigates, cruisers and battleships with ease but get wrecked by destroyers.
Here is an example of a projectile change. the cybran t3 gunship only fires a single shot dispite having a double muzzle and that projectile isnt very interesting. So I utilized the double muzzle funtion as it now fires two shots at once with a more interesting projectile.
A small change made was to the UEF and Sera T1 PD, all T1 PD are essentialy the same, theres nothing interesting that seperates them, until now, I noticed that the UEF PD sound effect cant quite keep up with the high fire rate so slowing the fire rate and increasing the DPS helped with that issue, unless you pay very close attention most wont notice the sera T1 pd has a double muzzle but fires in a way that doesnt show, so I doubled up the shot by adding a delay that makes it more interesting and seperates it from the other PDs adding a little bit to the faction diversity.
These are just a few of many changes I have made alongside some visual and sound changes. aswell as swaping projectiles that I think suit some of the units better.
If you have any suggestions for new abilities or things you think might fit other units let me know and we can have a look.