I had some stuff I was going to make a thread for but seeing as you made this i'll just chuck it in here.
Two things I wanted to mention to the public (other td's etc) since the first qualifier stream:
1. Regarding Spoilers
I can't believe I actually need to say this first point.
If people didnt know, the stream was operating on a delay of a couple minutes to prevent cheating. It needed to happen, and I don't have an issue with it.
This does of course mean however, that the results are updated and visible before the casting ends. One can just go see the results and then spoil the game before it is finished on the stream by posting them in the chat.
And somehow, people decided this was a good idea to do. They know who they are.
The purpose of watching a stream is not to provide viewers with results information as soon as it appears. It's there to give a viewing experience. By posting results of the game before it ends, you're ruining that experience.
A couple of things can be done for this, first: people who spoil the games on the main channel should be immediately and permenently banned from posting in that chat. There is not an excuse for doing so and I cannot imagine what would compel someone to spoil games other than either outright stupidity or being a troll. It's not on.
Other things can be done including either hiding the challonge results or delaying them. Unless a TD communicates the next games to be played without it; delaying said stats might mess with how some TD's run tournaments (including me). I don't think this change would be enough to make it not worth doing over people using it to ruin the main channel stream.
2. Regarding footage.
Before I say this point; cheers for all the feedback regarding the trailer, and a second cheers to the people to chose to credit me for making it. It wasn't required and not everyone had the tact, so I felt it deserved a mention.
To the point, there should not be any additional observers in ANY tourney games.
I think we can all agree that people want to see media that is not necessarily "guy commentates game". The only thing we see from that is someone occasionally taking some almost unparsable footage and putting sabaton behind it.
Additional observers make it extremely difficult to record footage, and prevents us from progressing past sabaton hell.
Why? First of all, your backseat commentary is better reserved for twitch chat, and not ingame. It can be "hidden", but that is not justification for what should just be elsewhere.
Second is notify. It's common that in a game when a player upgrades, notify pings the chat for all observers as well. So if one guy upgrades gun, 8 other random people also upgrade gun, complete with your very unfunny upgrade messages. This is the same issue as above, but worse. Depending on your audio setup, it might sound very horrible when 8 players trigger the ping at the same time and it might not be removable.
Third is cheat messages. The game glitches out and spams them in a certain spot right in the middle of the screen. You can even see a cheat message in the LOTS trailer if you hunt for it. I'm lucky enough to be able to be in contact with people who can mod that out on a moments notice, but others cannot.
The solution to this is something that we already know, just don't put random people in live observers. I'm letting other TD's know about this and frankly, I wouldn't mind if this was a rule of thumb between all tourney games.
Third is that the graphics/UI on the main channel are not the best, I guess if I want that part to change I probably need to do it myself...