goodbye hybrid
Time to go
@brutus5000 said in Time to go:
@yew said in Time to go:
@brutus5000 said in Time to go:
It's Endranii, once again pointing out how silly the renaming thing is.
Right click user check name history. Checkmate server admin guy.
In the forum? On mobile? Tell me more, Mr. Passive Aggressive
In the Forged Alliance Forever Client, Mr. Woke Snowflake
Surprise: Not everybody is participating in the community via the client all day long.
"Nerds have a really complicated relationship with change: Change is awesome when WE'RE the ones doing it. As soon as change is coming from outside of us it becomes untrustworthy and it threatens what we think of is the familiar."
ā Benno Rice
News flash: You do not need to be in the client all day long to find out the name history of a user.
@dorset said in Time to go:
I never understood leaving something you love rather than staying to help build it. Whatever makes you happy I suppose
If your SO slaps you in the face everyday, each day harder while gaslighting you that it's all your fault, then I'm not sure I wanna stay in such relationship. Especially when the reason for being slapped in the face is just having casual conversation with your neighbor in the hallway in front of your apartment door.
@thevvheelie said in Time to go:
goodbye hybrid
Loved being featured in your casts, especially rainbow cup!
Gonna miss them but alas new games await.
@thevvheelboy this ain't your SO though....this is FAF....we all love it and we all love you and it won't be the same without you so I vote that you stay.