Username rules updates
proposes change
requests feedback
receives overwhelming negative responses
remains adamant about the proposed changes and tries to invalidate all negative responses
like wtf is even the point of asking? just force the updates without asking if you're never letting your mind get changed
@thewheelienoob said in Username rules updates:
proposes change
requests feedback
receives overwhelming negative responses
remains adamant about the proposed changes and tries to invalidate all negative responses
like wtf is even the point of asking? just force the updates without asking if you're never letting your mind get changed
i think this is a bit of an over exaggeration. Jip posted his take (not gonna talk about that), but not the mod team in general didnt. It makes sense for the mods to talk about it internally first based on this feedback and then come with a response the mods can represent
the responses of various mods on discord weren't very internal, but i get what you are saying
Ah, i did not read anything on discord
@goodgamepleasety said in Username rules updates:
@jip What is so difficult about right clicking ones name in FAF, right clicking "show user info", then selecting their name history.
You can determine who the user is that way. Doesn't that by and large negate much of "player impersonation".@theweakienoob said in Username rules updates:
@jip cool that you think checking the name history or posts is too much effort, I think otherwise.
What is so difficult
, I'll just assume you're both trolling here. It did make me laugh, I'll be honest. If we reach the point that we need to either use a different application (FAF Client) or the forum history of a user to determine whether this is the same user that I spoke with last week then I'll just no longer use the forums. The amount of overhead that you suggest to be normal is just hilarious and I may try to put it on a tile.
@nuggets said in Username rules updates:
As gieb mentioned in his post, might aswell remove rename altogether (i don't even have to talk about how ridiculous that is).
Given that it breaks soft links on the forums it's not that ridiculous.
And I may agree on something with @ThomasHiatt ; since when is renaming such a vital feature of the FAForever experience that the first comment (with 14 up votes, what (!)) in this topic states that it helps the author decide whether the author wants to stay or leave? I thought we were here to see robots fight and talk about how to improve the Fatboy.
I'm going to casually ignore @FtXCommando as you take things to some extreme again and I have no interest diving into that.
If renaming creates such a hassle for the forum, why not keep lobby and forum names separate?
Jip surprised there is a human being behind the screen and not another script running to optimize game productivity hours. Half the benefit of small communities like FAF is the capacity to create more robust bonds than bigger communities. You’re just ruining one way people do things like have fun with one another (funny renames) or identify with one another (snf-like renames). Nobody with a capacity for human emotion agrees with the change.
I think one of the points here is that, whilst having the ability the change your username on a somewhat regular basis: 1 week, 2 weeks, monthly, like you can in most games, isn't a be all and end all for players.
It does however add an element of freedom. It's also fun and a useful feature to have for a number of reasons.
It seems senseless to restrict this freedom and feature to such a degree as suggested.
Most gaming community's have little to issue with players renaming to something similar to someone they like or admire, or just for the lols. Whatever the reason, taking such measures for the sake of pacifying a select few who have presumably complained about this seems unjustified and unfair.
Why restrict this nice little element of freedom players have in a community that is so small.
In fact, if you change the renaming rule so that players can't change their name for at least 1 year, then this could have the exact opposite effect of which it intends to remedy.
Consider this, leading up to the new rule, player x changes their name to player y to look like or seem like he is player z, or something similar to player z, thereby "impersonating" player z right before the change occurs. This Player y will now be subject to player impersonation for an entire year. He will carry his so-called impersonated name for 1 whole year, leading players to think, or be confused as to whether player y is actually player z, when he is in fact player x.
As the current 1 month rule stands, player y can revert his name back to being who he is normally know as, that is player x. Thereby resolving any "confusion" some players may have surrounding his identity in a relatively short space of time.
That goes away if 1 month changes to 1 year.
(Not to mention the fact - as I keep stating - that players can check who players are by simply checking their name history)
@jip said in Username rules updates:
since when is renaming such a vital feature of the FAForever experience that the first comment (with 14 up votes, what (!)) in this topic states that it helps the author decide whether the author wants to stay or leave?
I recommend you checking the Discord, general chat after this rule got announced. This rule is only the last droplet which lead to my response. I'm both tired and sick from the actions and I wasn't happy to be in the community for a while now, yet I stayed with the hope it might change and continued to contribute in several teams and discords. All these nonsense rules simply show me what direction FAF goes towards to, and I do not want to be a part of that if it continues aka. I do not support these changes at all.
Same for other players with things like "Area Reclaim" which causes the current mood, but I will not even start a debate here as you can check Discord again.See these reactions not as a "this rule in specific is trash and it's the cause", see it as a "we are tired of every nonsense change and all of them together lead up to this" (Again, for more details, discord general chat)
Just out of curiosity I went a lookin:
Call of Duty: Every six months (you get a new name change token every six months)
Starcraft II: One free change every season (~3 months)
Fortnite (lol): Every two weeks
League of Legends: "You wanna see the cards you gotta pay the money" ($10)
Warthunder: First is free, all after $2.49.
AOE2: Connected to steam/xbox username (steam you can change as much as you want, xbox first time free/second time fee--also what masochist is playing aeo2 on the xbox)
Rocket League: Platform name (steam/epic/etc.)
Valorant: Free every three months, looks like LOL is going in this direction as well.
Blizzard games: One for free, more for fee
EVE Online: You will be who you are forever
@cocainediesel said in Username rules updates:
Just out of curiosity I went a lookin:
Call of Duty: Every six months (you get a new name change token every six months)
Starcraft II: One free change every season (~3 months)
Fortnite (lol): Every two weeks
League of Legends: "You wanna see the cards you gotta pay the money" ($10)
Warthunder: First is free, all after $2.49.
AOE2: Connected to steam/xbox username (steam you can change as much as you want, xbox first time free/second time fee--also what masochist is playing aeo2 on the xbox)
Rocket League: Platform name (steam/epic/etc.)
Valorant: Free every three months, looks like LOL is going in this direction as well.
Blizzard games: One for free, more for fee
EVE Online: You will be who you are forever
Runescape: once per 28 days (free)
What is so difficult
, I'll just assume you're both trolling here. It did make me laugh, I'll be honest. If we reach the point that we need to either use a different application (FAF Client) or the forum history of a user to determine whether this is the same user that I spoke with last week then I'll just no longer use the forums. The amount of overhead that you suggest to be normal is just hilarious and I may try to put it on a tile.
By the fact that you actually think they are trolling makes me feel like you are completly out of touch of any multiplayer community. I will admit that forum names should probably be split from faf-names. But that is only because the forum does not have the feature to look into past names like in the client.
@nuggets said in Username rules updates:
As gieb mentioned in his post, might aswell remove rename altogether (i don't even have to talk about how ridiculous that is).
Given that it breaks soft links on the forums it's not that ridiculous.
It is insane to even think about removing the rename feature because there is a bug / something unexpected happening because of that in the forum.
And I may agree on something with @ThomasHiatt ; since when is renaming such a vital feature of the FAForever experience that the first comment (with 14 up votes, what (!)) in this topic states that it helps the author decide whether the author wants to stay or leave? I thought we were here to see robots fight and talk about how to improve the Fatboy.
Yes it's completly insane to think that by removing fun features people are less inclined to stay.
I'm going to casually ignore @FtXCommando as you take things to some extreme again and I have no interest diving into that.
I do not believe FTX comment was that extreme. I do believe that you do not get our perspective.
*for paying members (<$12.49 a month in burgerland)
@cocainediesel or free by buying in game bonds with GP. So depending on how much effort you put into the game (or have built up your account), can be a function of whether or not you essentially get to play for free indefinitely.
Better off comparing it to FAF-like games than live-service AAA games monetizing everything they can. Town of Salem divides game names from account names and the former are able to be changed game to game. Don’t recall BAR rename policy exactly but pretty sure it was also every month or so. Empire at War MP allows you to rename as you like. Most other MP games I’ve played (civ, paradox games) with smaller communities just use Steam names so they don’t need to be concerned with it.
- every 90 days
@goodgamepleasety Only if you disregard the value of your time!
@cocainediesel said in Username rules updates:
Call of Duty: Every six months (you get a new name change token every six months)
Starcraft II: One free change every season (~3 months)
Fortnite (lol): Every two weeks
League of Legends: "You wanna see the cards you gotta pay the money" ($10)
Warthunder: First is free, all after $2.49.
AOE2: Connected to steam/xbox username (steam you can change as much as you want, xbox first time free/second time fee--also what masochist is playing aeo2 on the xbox)
Rocket League: Platform name (steam/epic/etc.)
Valorant: Free every three months, looks like LOL is going in this direction as well.
Blizzard games: One for free, more for fee
EVE Online: You will be who you are foreverSteam: no limit (also changes your name in around 100 billion games)
Google: no limit -
Honestly i dont understand why its so hard to understand. I play in this community to 1. Play the game and 2. Have fun with friends. If you remove a fun feature then ofc the overall experience is gonna leed to being less fun.
If anything, the fact that this apparently was such a big issue is only evidence that a lot of people like to use this feature. You have clans where people pick similar style names (snf), you have tournaments where players rename with their teammates (last rainbowcup where a team renamed to the 4 ninja turtles), you have random waves of renames of multiple groups of people which just creates fun moments for the community. I and some friends renamed to dave1 to dave9 like 5 years ago. We would all join a lobby only to hear responses like "aaah watch out here come the daves", and something like that would be the talk for an entire week because its a small community.
I personally have never heard anyone complain about this in my 8 years on faf. I even had a mod at some point join some joke renames as well.
You say that we're just here to see robots fight. Well youre wrong. Im here to see robots fight WHILE having a fun time with friends. The community at this point is way more important to me than any gameplay.
Using the steam username could be a good solution that makes everyone equally unhappy.
Which google username? That seems unusual for... them.
@cocainediesel your google name, the one that will be used in stream chats/yt comments/whatever