Connection issues never been this bad

The yelled frustration on the forum or at the developers about the DDoS is not helpful either. If you, @HOSCHMOSCH, want to assist instead of venting your anger, you are very welcome to contact the developers and contribute your IT expertise and coding professionalism to FAF. Even if you lack those abilities, the team is always open for constructive critic.

Everyone wants to have it fixed asap, just give it some time and it will be resolved like it always has been in the past.


If I had these skills, I would start working on it today.. Unfortunately i dont habe them, I don't possess them, and one should also admit it when that's the case. It's apparent that you don't have them either. Don't accuse me of not wanting to participate. I was even willing to donate specifically for this issue. I applied to be a moderator because no moderator has been online for weeks, but I didn't even receive a response. So much for that.

But, in the end, it's not really that important anymore. FAF is just a shadow of its former self. Only hardcore gamers like me and the FAF team remain. Everyone else is already looking for other games, and many have already found them.

Sadly, mentioning this trend is perceived as an attack. And unfortunately, everything that stands between success and FAF is the team's complete incompetence and their utter lack of direction."

Engaging the Russians could be a solution. Whoever finds irony can keep it.

@hoschmosch said in Connection issues never been this bad:

I applied to be a moderator because no moderator has been online for weeks, but I didn't even receive a response. So much for that.

Mods just dont show up in aeolus. We are still online.

Only hardcore gamers like me


@hoschmosch said in Connection issues never been this bad:

Engaging the Russians could be a solution. Whoever finds irony can keep it.

Surely appeasing people with delusions of persecution willing to destroy a community with no remorse will lead to nothing but good things

@hoschmosch said in Connection issues never been this bad:

I applied to be a moderator because no moderator has been online for weeks

I think I might be happier with no moderator than with you looking at how you present yourself here.

@hoschmosch said in Connection issues never been this bad:

Sadly, mentioning this trend is perceived as an attack

No mentioning things aren't working isn't seen as an attack

@hoschmosch said in Connection issues never been this bad:

highlights the level of incompetence this project is in

actively insulting the team however is.

The problem is not a lack of skill, but a lack of time to invest (aside from your own lack of skill)
The people that know how to solve the problem simply don't have the time to invest into it.
And lack of skill is also just an excuse for not wanting to invest the time to learn them.
So if you don't want to invest that time, then you have no right to demand this from anyone else.

@spikeynoob said in Connection issues never been this bad:

Mods just dont show up in aeolus. We are still online.

"Thank you. This is just another indicator of how messed up FAF is, and there are plenty more of them.

Only hardcore gamers like me




@mazornoob said in Connection issues never been this bad:

Surely appeasing people with delusions of persecution willing to destroy a community with no remorse will lead to nothing but good things

Whoever finds irony can keep it. u know what that means ?

Dumb opinions lead to sarcastic responses and there's nothing you can do to prevent it

Proof that faf is broken. If only the devs could solve the real problem instead of this ddos thing.


@nex said in Connection issues never been this bad:

@hoschmosch said in Connection issues never been this bad:

I applied to be a moderator because no moderator has been online for weeks

I think I might be happier with no moderator than with you looking at how you present yourself here.

That's your personal opinion, and that's okay. What does one need as a mod? A lot of time, a great deal of knowledge about the game, and a respectful, neutral, and objective approach. Do I have all of that?

@hoschmosch said in Connection issues never been this bad:

Sadly, mentioning this trend is perceived as an attack

No mentioning things aren't working isn't seen as an attack

Then do me a favor and just take a look at any random forum thread discussing criticism of FAF . Afterward, reconsider your statement.

@hoschmosch said in Connection issues never been this bad:

highlights the level of incompetence this project is in

actively insulting the team however is.

That was certainly an exaggeration but not far from reality.

The problem is not a lack of skill, but a lack of time to invest (aside from your own lack of skill)
The people that know how to solve the problem simply don't have the time to invest into it.
And lack of skill is also just an excuse for not wanting to invest the time to learn them.
So if you don't want to invest that time, then you have no right to demand this from anyone else.

I won't casually learn all aspects of IT just to solve a specific and highly granular issue. as you mentioned, the admins claim to know what to do, but their precious time prevents them from investing that time in their own project and the community. Okay, fair enough. Do what you want with your time. But then step aside and say that you don't have time for us. an admin who invests more time in constantly giving us long-winded statements instead of addressing the problem? And again, this is about a core issue, not the design."

Considering that the quality has been in the gutter for about a year, and playing is hardly possible, you can be sure that everyone now knows that you either don't care anymore or you're trying to divert attention from your lack of knowledge and helplessness. The Russian has exposed you.

@spikeynoob said in Connection issues never been this bad:

Proof that faf is broken. If only the devs could solve the real problem instead of this ddos thing.

Wow. So this is what moderators look like these days. I wish for the old team to be back with each passing day

@hoschmosch said in Connection issues never been this bad:

That's your personal opinion, and that's okay. What does one need as a mod? A lot of time, a great deal of knowledge about the game, and a respectful, neutral, and objective approach. Do I have all of that?

Given your response to the ddos attack, it is evident that you are neither knowledgeable nor respectful. Hope this helps!

@hoschmosch said in Connection issues never been this bad:

an admin who invests more time in constantly giving us long-winded statements instead of addressing the problem? And again, this is about a core issue, not the design."

From my perspective that's far from the truth. There's multiple people with sysadmin experience investing enough time into FAF for it to be a part-time job, all for free. FAF's infrastructure is non-trivial and takes much more effort to maintain and develop than say, a Minecraft or CS server, even without a few vindictive people hammering its services.

To give an exaggerated example, doomsaying of your sort is about as reasonable as saying that people running the economy are idiots and if they just printed and gave everyone a ton of money then everyone would be rich. It just doesn't work that way.

This thread is just "Gap addict in withdrawal" at this point.

I can only imagine this guy is one of those people that think fixing software issues is as simple as

TurnDDoSProtectionOn = True


@spikeynoob said in Connection issues never been this bad:

@hoschmosch said in Connection issues never been this bad:

That's your personal opinion, and that's okay. What does one need as a mod? A lot of time, a great deal of knowledge about the game, and a respectful, neutral, and objective approach. Do I have all of that?

Given your response to the ddos attack, it is evident that you are neither knowledgeable nor respectful. Hope this helps!

Yes, it helps, but not in the way you might imagine

In the first place, it is evidence that I don't care as little as those who could solve it. In the second place, you seem to have trouble understanding the meaning of your words. I was respectful by not addressing anyone personally. I haven't downvoted your posts either. I also haven't attempted a second-class joke at your expense, like your... let's say, feeble attempt just now.

And that I have no detailed knowledge of IT matters, I have mentioned myself a long time ago.

@hoschmosch said in Connection issues never been this bad:

@spikeynoob said in Connection issues never been this bad:

@hoschmosch said in Connection issues never been this bad:

That's your personal opinion, and that's okay. What does one need as a mod? A lot of time, a great deal of knowledge about the game, and a respectful, neutral, and objective approach. Do I have all of that?

Given your response to the ddos attack, it is evident that you are neither knowledgeable nor respectful. Hope this helps!

Yes, it helps, but not in the way you might imagine

In the first place, it is evidence that I don't care as little as those who could solve it. In the second place, you seem to have trouble understanding the meaning of your words. I was respectful by not addressing anyone personally. I haven't downvoted your posts either. I also haven't attempted a second-class joke at your expense, like your... let's say, feeble attempt just now.

And that I have no detailed knowledge of IT matters, I have mentioned myself a long time ago.

"I haven't done any of the horrible you've done to me! All I have done is accuse people who have spent many, many hours improving this project of not caring because I'm mad I can't play as many gap games a day!"

@hoschmosch said in Connection issues never been this bad:

Then do me a favor and just take a look at any random forum thread discussing criticism of FAF . Afterward, reconsider your statement.

I literally read all forum posts every day, so I don't need to reconsider, thanks.
If someone states things aren't working and are understanding and don't flame the mods/admins for not doing anything about it, then they have been met with respect, though it is sometimes hard to keep that up, when people are unable to read the message right above their own question in discord, which would have answered their question. But it is also disrespectful to not want to put in any amount of effort and then expect to get 5 pages of answers.

@hoschmosch said in Connection issues never been this bad:

the admins claim to know what to do, but their precious time prevents them from investing that time in their own project and the community

They know what to do and they are investing time, you probably just underestimate of how much time it takes to fix these issues. Also people that want to help out for just this issue aren't such a great help either, since learning how the system works will take a good amount of time (also from the existing admins), so quickly helping out is also not a feasible option. (when you start out as a sysadmin and you only intend to keep the job for ~6 month, nobody will bother with telling you anything and will just tell you to sort some cables)

@hoschmosch said in Connection issues never been this bad:

an admin who invests more time in constantly giving us long-winded statements

However everyone is damanding long winded statements from the admins themselves. Everyone is asking what's going on, why it's not working and how long it takes and when a moderator without the technical know-how answers they are unsatisfied.

@hoschmosch said in Connection issues never been this bad:

Considering that the quality has been in the gutter for about a year

How do you come to this view?
I see people play every day and aside from the ddos attacks it was pretty stable
ofc there are disconnection problems (as brutus mentioned above), but those take time to fix, since it requires completely rewriting the ice adapter.

@hoschmosch said in Connection issues never been this bad:

In the first place, it is evidence that I don't care as little as those who could solve it.

You do realize that brutus (the guy with the skills) is not participating in this discussion?
He cares and is working on it, while you are trying to make his work look bad and useless in some random effort to get him to give up on the project, since apparently you don't give a single fuck about FAF and want it to close down for good. (at least it seems that way from how you tell every admin to quit, since they are doing a terrible job).
How you can believe that you care more than him is beyond me.


@redx said in Connection issues never been this bad:

@hoschmosch said in Connection issues never been this bad:

@spikeynoob said in Connection issues never been this bad:

@hoschmosch said in Connection issues never been this bad:

That's your personal opinion, and that's okay. What does one need as a mod? A lot of time, a great deal of knowledge about the game, and a respectful, neutral, and objective approach. Do I have all of that?

Given your response to the ddos attack, it is evident that you are neither knowledgeable nor respectful. Hope this helps!

Yes, it helps, but not in the way you might imagine

In the first place, it is evidence that I don't care as little as those who could solve it. In the second place, you seem to have trouble understanding the meaning of your words. I was respectful by not addressing anyone personally. I haven't downvoted your posts either. I also haven't attempted a second-class joke at your expense, like your... let's say, feeble attempt just now.

And that I have no detailed knowledge of IT matters, I have mentioned myself a long time ago.

"I haven't done any of the horrible you've done to me! All I have done is accuse people who have spent many, many hours improving this project of not caring because I'm mad I can't play as many gap games a day!"

Attacking someone in a game forum because they are actually one of the few who are still playing the game... smart boy

@hoschmosch said in Connection issues never been this bad:

@redx said in Connection issues never been this bad:

@hoschmosch said in Connection issues never been this bad:

@spikeynoob said in Connection issues never been this bad:

@hoschmosch said in Connection issues never been this bad:

That's your personal opinion, and that's okay. What does one need as a mod? A lot of time, a great deal of knowledge about the game, and a respectful, neutral, and objective approach. Do I have all of that?

Given your response to the ddos attack, it is evident that you are neither knowledgeable nor respectful. Hope this helps!

Yes, it helps, but not in the way you might imagine

In the first place, it is evidence that I don't care as little as those who could solve it. In the second place, you seem to have trouble understanding the meaning of your words. I was respectful by not addressing anyone personally. I haven't downvoted your posts either. I also haven't attempted a second-class joke at your expense, like your... let's say, feeble attempt just now.

And that I have no detailed knowledge of IT matters, I have mentioned myself a long time ago.

"I haven't done any of the horrible you've done to me! All I have done is accuse people who have spent many, many hours improving this project of not caring because I'm mad I can't play as many gap games a day!"

Attacking someone in a game forum because they are actually one of the few who are still playing the game... smart boy

You're right, I'm sorry. I underestimated how important you are. It's far more noble to attack one of the few people keeping this thing alive so you have a game to play at all. Keeping FAF running is easy, playing Gap all day is the true challenge.