@sylph_ Ngl the ~700s I train in 1v1 ladder still do a quite bad job at their economy / floating / wasting mass, that's the main reason they're 700 ranked. So far my experience;
Thing is, that I can understand snowy. He's decently high rated so he doesn't suffer the other problem I'm about to mention, but he's still looking for indepth analysis and the difference between e.g. a 600 and him is just massive so he understands the dynamics better and don't want to simply look at the stats. E.g. Freeman does a lot with sandbox and stats, which is nice and all, but I personally don't really care if blazes are stronger than yenzenes cuz t3 shields exist in the game. Which he doesn't do in sandbox cuz he's talking about just t2. And the same is probably with snowy and the other topics. The other thing is that if you want to learn as a new player, having lower rated players give advice isn't always a good idea. I personally learnt other games as well and had the bad luck of a low ranked explaining stuff to me which I applied, so yeah. You can guess why I didn't become good. But that's not rlly my main point since it's not the training channel (besides that your responses so far were decent so don't misunderstand this please).
I do play low rated games with my main account, I don't smurf anymore since I got perma banned for it years ago lol. I use some games to train someone in there by following what they're doing but most of the time I'm just playing, seeing what people rant about.
Funnily enough I asked a while ago if I could see the balance channel to simply.. well.. see it. And since I can see it now (due to joining) I can tell you that it makes literally zero difference. A few random numbers and that's about it, most of it happens in VC anyway and since everyone has a decent understanding of the game we don't go into detail (since we know what each other mean) aka. lower rated people prob won't even understand most of it without having 10 different questions. So I can see your thought and I shared it, but I can tell you it wouldn't matter. That's why Farms does the balance-talk streams now to explain it so everyone can understand it and ask.