We don't know what is causing these problems. We identified some reasons and resolved then (e.g. ddos protection of the main server, solving coturn cpu issues, potential network stress caused by a game change).
There is no visible reason why the problem still exists and we also received feedback that it is fixed for some of you. We have no tools to diagnose these problems any further, we have to develop them first.
We cannot rollback FAF as the system is not designed for rollback. Also there is no guarantee that a rollback actually fixed anything.
FAF had always been plagued by connection issues, and the world around is still changing. Back then we faced 24h disconnects, today we have providers pushing people into improper ipv4 ip pools with natting on provider level, data centers changing their connectivity and firewalls, we have more aggressive routers and security software than ever before. These problems doesn't even need to come from us, it could be imposed externally.
What we need is reliable data. Unfortunately available developer time in that area is more spare than it used to be a few years ago.