Commander Survival Kit (A new SIM Mod)
Hello everyone,
I want to inform that any new Unit, which is coming into CSK will be included in an seperated Unit Pack.
It will be called CSK Units and will be a standalone Mod.
Compared to CSK and CSK Research CSK Units will only include the new Units, Effects, Projectiles and Abilites.
Anything UI and SIM related Content such as the two Managers or the Research Interface will be not included in this Unit Pack.
Player which are only interested to play with the new Units only will also get an support as well.CSK Units has its own Development Progress will be Released Independent from CSK and its Research Addon.
Regarding to new Naval Units:
I want to present you a Model and two rough Design Drafts for the Aircraft Carrier.UEF Tech 3 Fast Battleship:
Based on an modernized Montana Class
Planned Name: Missouri Class
Texture now in Development.UEF Tech 3 Aircraft Carrier:
I have created two different Drafts for this ShipLegend:
Red = Take-Of
Green = Landing
Yellow = Bridge/IslandThis is the Model of Draft 2:
Both Carrier Models are still in Development.
Which one do you prefere more?
The Design with the highest Rate comes into CSK.I will post the finished Textured Models and other Progress on the next Development Update.
See you soon and stay tuned for more Updates
Best regards
I couldn't find, but what do the colors refer to in your design?
Hey Jip,
Sorry my Mistake I have forgotten the Legend:Red = Take-Of
Green = Landing
Yellow = Bridge/IslandThe Post above has been updated.
I have copy the Model of the Amphibious Assault Ship above and do some modifications on the Design.
These are the modifications in Detail:
- Side Hangar has been removed
- Stern Hovercraft Factory has been removed
- Replace the Large Bridge Section with an smaller one.
- Some Changes on the Flight Deck
The Result are two Models, which are good for an UEF Tech 3 Aircraft Carrier.
What do you think about this?
Hello everyone,
UEF Amphibious Transports has been added to the GitHub Repository of CSK for Testing.
There are available in these two Mods:Commander Survival Kit
Commander Survival Kit Units (Now available in Early Access)There are Buildable on Tech 2 and 3 by the Land and Naval Factories.
The Amphibious Transports are using the new Transport System which is used for the upcoming Bunkers.
Here is the Guide how it Works in Detail:
UEF Experimental Battlecruiser:
Based on the Zumwalt Class
Now available in Early Access on the GitHub Repository of this Project.
It is included in these two Mods:- Commander Survival Kit
- Commander Survival Kit Units
A Experimental Battlecruiser, which comes with interesting Abilites.
Similar like its Real Counterpart, which is actually an Stealth Guided Missile Destroyer.
The Ship is Designed for Stealth and Long Distance Ambush Attacks.
It has access to these following Weapons:- 4x Railgun Gauss Artillery Turrets
- 20x Tactical Missile Launchers
- 8x Torpedo Tubes (4 on each Side)
- 8x Anti Torpedo Tubes (4 on each Side)
To make it more Interesting and of course worthable to be called as an Stealth Ship.
This Experimental Unit has access to 4 Main Abilites:- Smoke Generator/Smoke Screen Ability
- Stealth Generator Ability
- Jamming Generator Ability
- Air Staging
The Ship is buildable in the UEF Tech 3 Naval Factory as an Experimental Unit.
Later the Ship will get access to an new type of Drone, which is Designed for Combat and Anti Air Support. So you can expect an nice Expansion for this Experimental Unit in the future.
AI Support and the Unit Build Icon is already included as well.
Have fun with this new Naval Unit on the Seas.
Stay tuned for more updates.
Best regards
UEF Tech 3 Advanced Battleship:
Add the UEF Tech 3 Missouri Class Advanced Battleship into Early Access on Github
It is buildable in the Tech 3 Naval Factory.
The Ship has access to these following Features:- A Massive Broadside of 12 Guns + additional Weapon Systems.
- Stern Air Pad for refuel and repair Air Units
- Secondary Turrets (Switchable from Ground to Air Mode and backwards)
- Maximum Health of 55000
- Build Costs are a little bit more then the Summit
The Design is based on the Montana Class Battleship.
AI Support and the Unit Build Icon is already included as well.Stay tuned for more updates.
Best regards
The First new Aeon Units are currently in Development.
Behemoth Experimental Habitat Walker
Shisa Experimental Assembly Walker:
Arrival Sequence:
Both Walkers have an Arrival Drop Sequence if the Build Process is finished.
Or if they are spawned by the Unit Spawn Console.
How this Squence looks like will be presented later with an Demonstration Video.Final Note:
Both Walkers will have different Abilites and have access to Enhancement Upgrades.
They are inspired by the Hierarchy Walkers from the Game Universe at War. -
Hello everyone,
its time for an new Development Update.5 New Units will be available in the next Early Access Update of CSK and CSK Units on GitHub soon.
UEF Tech 3 Guided Missile Destroyer
I have add some Texture and Model Improvements in the Ship.UEF Tech 2 and 3 Maser Tanks
These Tanks are inspired by the Maser Tanks from the Godzilla Universe.
Categorized as Anti Experimental Support Units.
They are able to Stun enemy Units with the additional Freezer Granade Launchers.
The Powerful Maser Cannons have an good Range and Damage Output as Well.
Originally Developed to save Cities and Civilians against Gaint Creatures, which have been Not Seen in the Game yet.Stay tuned for more Updates
Best regards
They're looking great
, I don't often play mods but the work you've been producing is inspiring regardless
Thanks Jip glad to hear you like it.
Of course more is on the Horizon for this Project.
Personally I really looking forward to Integrate these new Units into the Mod soon:
Outposts, Bunkers and Fortresses for all Factions
The UEF Tech 3 Amphibious Assault Ship and the Tech 3 Aircraft Carrier.
And some other new Toys for all Factions. -
Hello everyone,
Its time for an new Development Update for this Mod.
4 new Units are now available in Early Acces on Github:
2 for the Aeon
2 for the UEFThey are included in this Mod:
Commander Survival Kit Units
"Oberon" Tech 2 Bomber:
This Bomber is actually the direct successor of the Aeon Tech 1 Bomber.
It drops 6 Bombs instead of just 1 and has more Health."Mysterian" Tech 3 Siege Tripod:
As an Counter for the UEF Percival and Cybran Brick.
The Aeon are getting an Siege Tripod, which is armed with two powerful Laser Beam Cannons.
Next to of an strong Armor and an good amount of Health this Walker is Amphibious as well.UEF:
"MC-100 Beamer" Tech 1 Maser Tank
An small Maser Tank joins the UEF on Tech 1.Samantha Clarke Class" Tech 3 Aircraft Carrier
This Aircraft Carrier is named on an well known UEF Commander, which dies during the Invasion of the Seraphim on Capella (Forged Alliance Intro Movie). The Carrier comes with an AA Missile System and some TMD's. One of the nice things to be mentioned in terms of the Details: Some Decorations can be found on the Flight Deck. These Decorations are Models from an Tech 1 Engineer or the UEF Aircrafts, which are buildable by this Carrier. This gives the Carrier an more better look instead of having an Empty Flight Deck. The Decorations are just Entities, which using the Model of these Units and are not playable Units itself. Jip has already informed me about the new Function for Carrier Units in FAF. He will help me out to introduce that to my Carriers in CSK soon.
Stay tuned for more Updates
Best regards
Hi CDRMV, mod is looking great! Are there any other tags you think I should exclude to prevent things from spawning in waves that shouldn't spawn?
I did add a setting to AI Wave Survival that allows players to limit how many T1-T3 Experimental Units spawn in waves from mods like Total Mayhem. The setting actually works with any Unit Pack, and it creates two lists of units per tech level. Units that cost more mass than vanilla units are added to the second list, which players can adjust the spawn rate of in settings. For example, any Tech 1 units that cost more than 400 mass would be put in the second list. Don't know if that setting will be useful with your up-coming mod.
And I am currently re-writing the Options for AI Wave Survival so that the mod can work with the Steam version of Supreme Commander and, possibly, LOUD. I was following how you have your options configured, and this appears to work. I had a question, does the "pref" value link to another file?
For example:
pref = 'Ref_PointsGenInt',Is the 'Ref_PointsGenInt' another value containing a text description in a different file?
Hey Rama,
first of all thanks for the FeedbackI plan to Create a full List of the Tags before the new Version of the Commander Survival Kit arrives.
However the upcoming new Units will be included only in Commander Survival Kit: Units the official Standalone Unit Pack of this Project. This Unit Pack will be Released next to of the next Version of the Commander Survival Kit. All new Units will have new Tags as Well. So the List will include them as Well next to of the ones from the two Managers. What I can say is the Unit Pack will contains several new Units including new Experimentals. So I think the new Setting in your Mod will be useful for them too.Regarding to the Lobby Options:
Loud has recently get an Integrated Custom Lobby Option Support, which is based on the Lobby Enhancement Mod 4.6. Steam requires the Installation of the Lobby Enhancement Mod 4.6 to get the new Lobby Options to Work. The SCD File is included in the Gamedata Folder on my GitHub Repository of the Commander Survival Kit or in the recent Download on Moddb.Only the "Key" Value is called by the other Files in the Commander Survival Kit.
I simple use the SessionGetScenarioInfo() Function to get the Values.
As an Example:
In the lobbyoptions.lua:
key = 'RefPointsGenInt',In the ReinforcementButtons.lua:
local ChoosedInterval = SessionGetScenarioInfo().Options.RefPointsGenIntThe pref Value is Not called/used by the Files in the Commander Survival Kit.
The Descriptions/Tooltips are defined in the two lobbyoptions.lua Files or in the CSKTooltips.luaHope that helps.
I did get the Lobby Enhancement Mod from your Kit. It is kind of hard to track down, though I did find the original hosted site. You will want to update the install instructions, which says:
Copy and paste the gamedata folder here:
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Supreme Commander Forged Alliance
Accept the Dialog to overrite it
This instructs people to over-write their entire gamedata folder, which would delete all the game files. The instructions should read:
Copy and paste the file "03_lobbyenhancement.scd" to the gamedata folder here:
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Supreme Commander Forged Alliance/gamedata
You also instruct people to accidentally over-write their mod folder, when you mean to tell them to copy the folder Commander Survival Kit to the mods folder, so that should also be updated in a similar fashion.
I don't know how you did it and what unpacking program you used but:
The mod is available on Moddb since many months and a similar installation Instruction is used on GitHub as well to get the Early Access of the Current Development Stage for the next Version. If that were the case, I would have already been informed by the people on Moddb or on my own Discord Server and changed the installation instructions accordingly.
The Overwrite of the Gamedata and Mod Folder doesn't delete any other Files or Folders, which are located in these two Folders. It just adds the Commander Survival Kit Folder or the .scd File to these two specific Folders. I use this Install Instruction personally several times and my other Folders and files are still available after doing this. Even other Mods are using a similar Install Instruction sometimes and didn't get any File Loses after that so far. This is mostly the Faster Way to Install a Mod instead of manually Copy and Paste them into these Folders.
I just tested it again myself to be Sure and it works exactly as I described in the Current installation instruction or above. All other files and folders still exist in these two Folders and have not been deleted by the Overwriting Process. However, I agree that there is a risk when using this method. So I will expand the installation instruction using the method Rama described above in his Post as an alternative Installation Instruction. If there are people who don't want to overwrite the two folders, they can follow the alternative Installation Instruction, which is mentioned above. -
Hello everyone,
Its time for an new but small Development Update for this Mod.
"Centipedarix K-47", Experimental Defense Walker
The First new Cybran Experimental has been added and is now available in Early Access on Github. Like any other new Units for this Project this Unit will be included in Commmander Survival Kit Units (short CSK Units)
This Unit is actually an large Mechanical Centipede and categorized as an Experimental Defense Walker for the Cybrans.
Its Main Feature is the Enhancement Upgrade System, which adds additional Weapon Turrets and Abilities to this Unit.Note:
The Cybrans will get other Centipedes on lower Techlevels soon as well.
They are currently in Development and will be added into CSK Units soon.
However these will not be the only new Cybran Units in this Project.
So we will see some more soon.Stay tuned for more Updates
Best regards
This looks amazing, great work