Commander Survival Kit (A new SIM Mod)
Final Designs for the Resarch Interface
Hello everyone,
Progress Update for Commander Survival Kit Research.
New Lobby Option:
I have add a new Lobby Option to the Mod.
Here you can set which Research System do you want in the match.
The Option is usually set to disable, which has this following Effect:The Research System will work similar like the one in Supcom 2.
You just need to collect the Research Points by the Research Center.
If you have enough collected Points you can invest them on a Research Project.
Just click on one of the Buttons and the Content will be unlocked immediatelyIf you set the Option to enable it will have this following Effect:
You will need to collect the Research Points by the Research Center.
If you have enough collected Points you can invest them on a Research Project. Just click on one of the Buttons and the Research Progress will start. You will see a Progress Bar show up on the Button as well. The Button itself is still clickable compared to the other Option above. So if you click on the Button again the Research Progress will be aborted and you will get the invested Points back.New Advanced Research Tooltip:
The regular Tooltip from the Game was for me a little bit to simple.
So i have create a new one for my Research Buttons.
On this Screenshot you see the functional Prototype.
The Informations are still needed to be added to it.
But anyway this should give you a nice Preview for what is waiting for you.This new Toolitp will have these following Informations:
- Cost/Price
- Title
- Description
- Prerequisite
- Research Time
(Only available if the Research Progress is enabled)
Stay tuned for more Updates.
Best regards
Hello everyone,
Progress Update on Commander Survival Kit: ResearchResearch Interface Improvements:
Status for the Buttons has been addedRed = Not enough Points
Green = Enough Points available
Orange with tick = Research Project finished / Content Unlocked
Grey = Locked ProjectNew Line Textures
Extern Research Information and new Tooltip:
The Icon of any Project, which is in the Research Progress will now show up in the Main Interface of the Game. Located directly next to of the Research Button and the Overview of the collected Research Points.
A Progress Bar is included here as well.Additionally I have created a new designed Tootip to support the initial Research Interface in CSK Research. This new Tooltip is currently still in Development and will content thse following Informations:
- Project Title
- Cost
- Description
- Prerequisite
- Research Time
What you see on the Screenshot above is the current functional Prototype of the new Tooltip in action.
Stay tuned for more Updates.
Best regards
Hello everyone,
currently I'm working on some new Naval Units for the UEF.
Here are the first two finished Models with Texture:Tech 3 Guided Missile Destroyer:
Based on the Aleigh Burke Class Destroyer from the US Navy
Planned Name: Burke Class or John Paul Jones Class
Tech 3 Amphibious Assualt Ship:
Designed as an Support Carrier this Ship has access to an Hovercraft Factory as well.
Note: Texture is soon finished.The UEF will get an Tech 3 Aircraft Carrier as well.
The Model for it is currently in Development.Stay tuned for other new Naval Units.
Best regards
Those look great @CDRMV , I can help you with the mobile factory setup once that is merged in. See also:
Then it can produce hover units on the fly
Hey Jip :),
Glad to hear you like them.
Very good thanks for the Information.
I will let you know If there are merged in.
Is it possible to make it Work with Loud and the Steam Version of the Game too?Regarding to the Introduction of Amphibious Transports:
I plan to Create Amphibious Transports for CSK.
These Transports will use the Same new Transport System, which is used for the Bunkers.
For anyone who is interested Here is the Detailed Guide how this Works:
Since this System currently functional with Structures only.
I will need to Create an Prototype of an Amphibious Transport with this System. Unfortunately, I'm afraid the in-game Ferry ability itself won't work with it. So I will need to Create later my own Ferry Ability to Support this new Transport System. This will be a lot of Coding Work and afort but I think it is good to try this as an Experiment. Maybe I will need some help in this as well. -
@cdrmv said in Commander Survival Kit (A new SIM Mod):
Is it possible to make it Work with Loud and the Steam Version of the Game too?
I'm not sure. In order for it to work it requires various changes. It is compatible as in that if you include those changes in your mod that it would work there too. But I'm not sure if you're then still compatible to FAF, unless you specifically check for FAF there
I could ask Sprouto if he's interested in the setup, that may fix it for LOUD
I already use Version Checks in my Mods to keep the Compatiblity with each Gameversion.That would be great because Loud would Profit from this New Feature too.
Hello everyone,
I want to inform that any new Unit, which is coming into CSK will be included in an seperated Unit Pack.
It will be called CSK Units and will be a standalone Mod.
Compared to CSK and CSK Research CSK Units will only include the new Units, Effects, Projectiles and Abilites.
Anything UI and SIM related Content such as the two Managers or the Research Interface will be not included in this Unit Pack.
Player which are only interested to play with the new Units only will also get an support as well.CSK Units has its own Development Progress will be Released Independent from CSK and its Research Addon.
Regarding to new Naval Units:
I want to present you a Model and two rough Design Drafts for the Aircraft Carrier.UEF Tech 3 Fast Battleship:
Based on an modernized Montana Class
Planned Name: Missouri Class
Texture now in Development.UEF Tech 3 Aircraft Carrier:
I have created two different Drafts for this ShipDraft 1
Draft 2
Red = Take-Of
Green = Landing
Yellow = Bridge/IslandThis is the Model of Draft 1:
This is the Model of Draft 2:
Both Carrier Models are still in Development.
Which one do you prefere more?
The Design with the highest Rate comes into CSK.I will post the finished Textured Models and other Progress on the next Development Update.
See you soon and stay tuned for more Updates
Best regards
I couldn't find, but what do the colors refer to in your design?
Hey Jip,
Sorry my Mistake I have forgotten the Legend:Red = Take-Of
Green = Landing
Yellow = Bridge/IslandThe Post above has been updated.
I have copy the Model of the Amphibious Assault Ship above and do some modifications on the Design.
These are the modifications in Detail:
- Side Hangar has been removed
- Stern Hovercraft Factory has been removed
- Replace the Large Bridge Section with an smaller one.
- Some Changes on the Flight Deck
The Result are two Models, which are good for an UEF Tech 3 Aircraft Carrier.
Design 1:
Design 2:
What do you think about this?
Progress on the UEF Tech 3 Aircraft Carrier:
The UEF will get an Second one, which will be an Fleet Carrier.
More Informations about this Ship are coming soon. -
Two Models are finished:
UEF Tech 3 Advanced Battleship:
Based on the Montana Class Battleship
Planned Name: Missiouri ClassUEF Experimental Battlecruiser:
Based on the Zumwalt Class Destroyer
Hello everyone,
UEF Amphibious Transports has been added to the GitHub Repository of CSK for Testing.
There are available in these two Mods:Commander Survival Kit
Commander Survival Kit Units (Now available in Early Access)There are Buildable on Tech 2 and 3 by the Land and Naval Factories.
The Amphibious Transports are using the new Transport System which is used for the upcoming Bunkers.
Here is the Guide how it Works in Detail:
Screenshots of the Amphibious Transports:
UEF Experimental Battlecruiser:
Based on the Zumwalt Class
Now available in Early Access on the GitHub Repository of this Project.
It is included in these two Mods:- Commander Survival Kit
- Commander Survival Kit Units
A Experimental Battlecruiser, which comes with interesting Abilites.
Similar like its Real Counterpart, which is actually an Stealth Guided Missile Destroyer.
The Ship is Designed for Stealth and Long Distance Ambush Attacks.
It has access to these following Weapons:- 4x Railgun Gauss Artillery Turrets
- 20x Tactical Missile Launchers
- 8x Torpedo Tubes (4 on each Side)
- 8x Anti Torpedo Tubes (4 on each Side)
To make it more Interesting and of course worthable to be called as an Stealth Ship.
This Experimental Unit has access to 4 Main Abilites:- Smoke Generator/Smoke Screen Ability
- Stealth Generator Ability
- Jamming Generator Ability
- Air Staging
The Ship is buildable in the UEF Tech 3 Naval Factory as an Experimental Unit.
Later the Ship will get access to an new type of Drone, which is Designed for Combat and Anti Air Support. So you can expect an nice Expansion for this Experimental Unit in the future.
AI Support and the Unit Build Icon is already included as well.
Have fun with this new Naval Unit on the Seas.
Stay tuned for more updates.
Best regards
UEF Tech 3 Advanced Battleship:
Add the UEF Tech 3 Missouri Class Advanced Battleship into Early Access on Github
It is buildable in the Tech 3 Naval Factory.
The Ship has access to these following Features:- A Massive Broadside of 12 Guns + additional Weapon Systems.
- Stern Air Pad for refuel and repair Air Units
- Secondary Turrets (Switchable from Ground to Air Mode and backwards)
- Maximum Health of 55000
- Build Costs are a little bit more then the Summit
The Design is based on the Montana Class Battleship.
AI Support and the Unit Build Icon is already included as well.Stay tuned for more updates.
Best regards
The First new Aeon Units are currently in Development.
Behemoth Experimental Habitat Walker
Shisa Experimental Assembly Walker:
Arrival Sequence:
Both Walkers have an Arrival Drop Sequence if the Build Process is finished.
Or if they are spawned by the Unit Spawn Console.
How this Squence looks like will be presented later with an Demonstration Video.Final Note:
Both Walkers will have different Abilites and have access to Enhancement Upgrades.
They are inspired by the Hierarchy Walkers from the Game Universe at War. -
Hello everyone,
its time for an new Development Update.5 New Units will be available in the next Early Access Update of CSK and CSK Units on GitHub soon.
UEF Tech 3 Guided Missile Destroyer
I have add some Texture and Model Improvements in the Ship.
UEF Tech 2 and 3 Maser Tanks
These Tanks are inspired by the Maser Tanks from the Godzilla Universe.
Categorized as Anti Experimental Support Units.
They are able to Stun enemy Units with the additional Freezer Granade Launchers.
The Powerful Maser Cannons have an good Range and Damage Output as Well.
Originally Developed to save Cities and Civilians against Gaint Creatures, which have been Not Seen in the Game yet.Stay tuned for more Updates
Best regards
They're looking great
, I don't often play mods but the work you've been producing is inspiring regardless