Updated Supreme Score Board (UI) Mod
Would it be possible to add the current amount of mass/energy your teammate has?
@Th3-11 said in Updated Supreme Score Board (UI) Mod:
IS there an option to enable to have the give units to Ally, like on previous version ?
That option is still there? Just select the unit(s) and click the unit icon on the scoreboard next to that player's name.
@Zokora said in Updated Supreme Score Board (UI) Mod:
Would it be possible to add the current amount of mass/energy your teammate has?
You can already see this on the scoreboard, just hover over the mass income on the scoreboard and it'll show totals.
Thank you very much - I would like to see the stats without hovering over it - Every time I want to check their numbers I have to interrupt my commanding/building flow just to hover over their name.
Wouldnt it be much better to see the whole eco and current income with a glance?
I will consider adding stored resources:- either as a cycle (every 1-3 seconds) between stats for income and stored resources
- or next to income resources:
Thank you so very much for your thoughts on this - This looks really awesome.
Nice rating you have there HUSSAR
@Tagada said in Updated Supreme Score Board (UI) Mod:
Nice rating you have there HUSSAR
haha, my rating is almost impossible to reach
But seriously, I added code to rename names of AIs (based on their type and cheating options) with names of high-rated FAF players. -
The scoreboard remains when the Campaign UI is turned on:
This is relevant for campaign maps such as the Seraphim campaign and / or Rainmakers. The objectives and available actions (In the case of Rainmakers: a scout plane that you can control
) are effectively hidden and generally people are unaware of them until I tell them to hide the supreme score board.
The regular score board is 'hidden' when the campaign UI is turned on. I'm not 100% confident if you would want it the supreme score board to be turned off as they may think your mod is not functioning - which will cause overhead for you because it is. I'll leave the exact behavior to you but its current state is not friendly to campaign related maps
thanks for reporting this UI issue.While playing campaign, I suggest turning off SSB mod or collapsing its UI. By end of this year, I will finish implementing new UI framework where all my UI mods will be in moveable/dockable windows so players can configure UI as they want while playing the game instead of hardcoding positions of UI elements as it is done currently in FA/FAF codebase.
Is there a way to detect if the supreme scoreboard is there, and collapse it through (map) scripting? Because people do not close it manually and will therefore miss a lot of the intended information.
thanks @speed2, I will add this change to next version of SSB
Hi - returning player currently watching a lot of replays so I'm glad to see SSB is getting some love, thanks again for your excellent work HUSSAR.
My question: Where in the mod's files are the ratios in the first replay column calculated, and is this easy/acceptable to edit? I have incredibly basic coding literacy which I sometimes use to tweak mods for my own personal use, I was hoping to change the Built/Killed ratio in the first column of a replay scoreboard to Built/Lost. I'm not suggesting you change the columns in your next update just because of me, but if you're interested my logic is Built/Killed tells me basically the same thing as Killed/Lost (who's being efficient with their units) but Built/Lost would tell me something new (whose losses are sustainable).
@Sir-Prize SSB calculates both of these ratios in:
The kills-to-loses ratio is not displayed in the UI because I did not want to display to many of stats. However, you should be able to show it by modifying just this line of code:
FROM:Columns.Score.Keys = { 'score', 'ratio.killsToLoses'} --, 'ratio.killsToBuilt'}
Columns.Score.Keys = { 'score', 'ratio.killsToLoses', 'ratio.killsToBuilt'}
Wasn't quite what I meant - but you've pointed me to the right parts of the code to sort out what I wanted: I did a find/replace to change killsToBuilt to builtToLoses, which you'd already created in the code. I think it worked, based on manually dividing players' Mass Total by Total Mass in Units Lost (it's always close but slightly out, I'm putting that down to energy being used in the builtToLoses calculation). Thank you for the help!
You are welcome. From I recall, the energy is converted to mass by divisor of 150 (based on stats of fabs converter) in the calculations of those ratios. This way, cost of built/lost units with high energy is not discarded when comparing with cost of built/lost units with low energy. -
Yeah it's definitely good that energy is in the calculation, energy isn't free. Was just using the mass totals to check it was working. Here's a link to my version of it if anyone's interested, the Built/Losses ratio seems to be a pretty good predictor of the game's result at least in 1v1.
How about combining all the functions of each column in one icon, and changing them when you click on it? I know that you have sort by click, but I think it can be set to a different mouse event
Hey Hussar one thing I noticed is that when playing with cheats supreme scoreboard removed the functionality where you can change the army you control by clicking on the name. Would be a nice QoL thing so I don't have to turn the scoreboard off for testing.
How do your mod affect to layouts of another UI elements? Looks like it breaks my Scaled Resource Panel
i just did one import from common mod tools