Talking about the Fatty

Would be a shame to see its shield made into a personal shield due to the impact on its appearance (as well as making T2 arti even weaker than they are at the moment - i.e. countering a fatboy is one of the main uses of T2 arti and outside of that they're usually a really poor choice). While it's not functionality that tends to be used, it also nerfs the mobile factory aspect since units built by the fatboy are no longer able to be sheltered by the shield.

What about changes to make it a bit more of a generalist/all round unit? In terms of a few random ideas for buffing it slightly that wouldn't remove its iconic look (I'm not suggesting all of these at once but figured one or more of them might appeal):

  • triple the anti-air and torpedo attacks on the fatboy (they'd still be very weak, but would have a slightly more noticeable impact against small attacks)
  • Increase the shield health by 5k and decrease the main unit health by 5k coupled with a reduction in shield recharge time from 120s to 90s
  • Make the fatboy able to build units while moving (I'm assuming this isn't feasible since I think it's been suggested a few times in the past and is related to the engine) to allow for a greater focus on the mobile factory part of it, or alternatively increasing the build power to be equivalent to 3 t3 factories instead of 2 t3 factories.

If UEF isn't considered to have sufficient options for assaulting an enemy base at the experimental stage of the game then another option is to buff percies very slightly.

@maudlin27 said in Talking about the Fatty:

  • Make the fatboy able to build units while moving

This was unironically Fixed in Equilibrium (also the same for the other mobile factory units)

Give the Fatboy anti-artillery defenses - similar to TMD for tactical missiles. A unique, interesting feature that helps against artillery fire bases but doesn't help against anything else. Fits the role of the unit being 'experimental' too.

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

That sounds like giving a washer anti-sam flares.

Frankly the upcoming nerfs to air t4s are a big help for both fatties and percies so I’d rather see how that impacts viability of the units for UEF than adjust anything atm.

T2 Arties are still a great counter do fatties even if the bubble shield gets reduced to a personal shield simple to the size of the fatty itself. Talking generally about t2 arty, either the opponent builds a couple of shields around them and the fatty needs some time to break through or he spreads out the arty. Due to AoE of the fatty that'd take a long time as well.
I wouldn't consider giving a personal shield makes arties less stronger against it.

@ftxcommando said in Talking about the Fatty:

Frankly the upcoming nerfs to air t4s are a big help for both fatties and percies so I’d rather see how that impacts viability of the units for UEF than adjust anything atm.

I didn't even have T4 air exps in mind during the discussion since they're pretty expensive anyway. Lower tech air will still be the most effective counter, especially T2 if we talk about Cybran/Sera or otherwise just T3.


The Fatboy really doesn’t need anti artillery flares… although it’s cool if something like that is actually possible

If it should get a buff, just increase the shield HP and improve recharge time, no need to rework the unit. Getting rid of the bubble shield would ruin the look imo

put the xbox units in the game pls u_u

I'm strongly against removing the bubble shield. And as others have noted - it doesn't solve the problem of the unit being too big.

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

@deletethis why tf is not implemented? Does it break the game in some way? Sounds crazy to me since this is a really cool feature never used because you don’t want your EXP to stay still

FAF Website Developer

@femboy said in Talking about the Fatty:

@deletethis why tf is not implemented? Does it break the game in some way? Sounds crazy to me since this is a really cool feature never used because you don’t want your EXP to stay still

Even if you ask me, I do not know!

Maybe we will see it implemented in 2-3 years.

Ask the balance team or whoever else is in charge why they didn't implement the already-made code.

Make a toggle for bubble sheild or personal, sheild has a small amount of useful ness inside your base, last cast I watched the Fatboy sheild saved the smd from a raid.

Building while moving should get implemented.

Making the AA longer range would be nice and add to the area control like it does with the czar

It has been on the agenda to be implemented for a while now. The reason it didn't happen yet is because it isn't trivial to do so - other issues simply took more precedence.

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

@sladow-noob said in Talking about the Fatty:

@ftxcommando said in Talking about the Fatty:

Frankly the upcoming nerfs to air t4s are a big help for both fatties and percies so I’d rather see how that impacts viability of the units for UEF than adjust anything atm.

I didn't even have T4 air exps in mind during the discussion since they're pretty expensive anyway. Lower tech air will still be the most effective counter, especially T2 if we talk about Cybran/Sera or otherwise just T3.

T2 does nothing to stop a percy push and a fatty is just there to make a percy push more likely to succeed. T3 air isn't really that great against percies either.

@jip said in Talking about the Fatty:

I'm strongly against removing the bubble shield. And as others have noted - it doesn't solve the problem of the unit being too big.

That's not true since the bubble shield results in overspill and makes parashields kinda pointless for a fatty.

I think the unit named Fatboy should remain fat, keeping its large size and bubble shield. And I think the Fatboy is already a pretty good unit as it is.

While the fatboy might be a bit underwhelming due to easily being countable, I don't think UEF struggle in the late-game stage. The land experimental category might be just about the only category where the uef isn't near-best or outright best. And they have much to compensate this weakness (great t3 land, t3 gunships, great turtle options).

If the consensus is that UEF falls too far behind in this gamestage, I would rather look at the GCs and Ythothas ability to slaughter T3 land, than change the fatty much.

UEF isn't outright best in any t3 category lol, well early t3 land stage they are the best.

The biggest strength of the fatty is that it is one of the only hard counters in the game and that 1 existing essentially turns all snipers irrelevant. No other t4 does an equivalent impact on the long term game state even if fatty can't just be right clicked into enemy base while you go to the bathroom to win the game.

I don't have much to add to this post, aside from saying that if a unit is pointless in anything but meme scenarios, it's a waste.

Fatty's wreck has 23k mass and <12k HP, and I once made a Fatty and its wreck disappear with 8 tacticals. So, -11k mass per tactical to the wreck. Give it tacdef, and flak if possible.

I think fatboy may need to get an abikity of unload. So it will make shield stronger and makes shells fly faster and maybe a 10% rate of fire buff while in that state. Copy rights reserved from SC2 =).

"Good luck and a safe landing commanders!"

I have no idea how I missed Yudi's post but he basically pointed out the exact thing I kinda tried to say.

As Banani said actually increasing the dps + speed of the shells might be the way instead of buffing the shield hp / general hp. The Fatty would be able to stop incoming T4s faster / is a higher threat and therefore can defend structures better, which are relevant in the lategame such as t3 arties.
