Why did you queue for 4v4 Full Share and not 4v4 No Share?

This question is directed at FAF players who repeatedly joined the matchmaker queue for 4v4 Full Share but not 4v4 No Share.

pfp credit to gieb

Had dual gap in map pool

Ras Boi's save lives.

the superior strategy in 4v4 noshare is sniping acus with t2 air
"just hide ur acu and build flak"
no u kinda need the strongest unit on the map to contest for the map or you just auto lose

very lame gameplay that nobody except global rating farmers enjoy

frick snoops!

It had usually too few players in the queue. I tried it once or twice, when there were more than 8 players. But I do prefer full share on random maps with a possible wider distribution of player ratings. Mistakes of one player (mine for example) don't punish the team as hard as they would on No Share.

Devils advocate, bring it back and also have a third option, for those who just want a game and dont mind either way

Didn't played no share cause no one was queuing. But i still hate that you get punished in full share if you end up killing a com cause a guy end up with double eco

Game is already rife with many abusable tactics that can make it a royal pain in the arse to play in teamgame setup, fullshare is capable of mitigating part of them and opening some more tactics. Meanwhile no share is just asking for the most stupid snipes to happen. Kill a single player in the most retarded manner. GJ you just won the game.

Also monke brain activates when acu see action. No such thing in no share as you need to hide below some random rock to not die and doom whole team.

I don't really like games without full share. Personally, I think full share creates the need for more thoughtful play. No cheezy snipes less you risk giving someone else double eco. You need to actually think about what will happen if you kill someone's ACU; Who will get the base? Is the kill worth it right now? Should I leave this lower rated player alive instead of killing them so they're a net drain to their team? Can I kill multiple players and overload this other player with APM? It's just more fun imo. Also it lends itself to hectic games when you're left alive with several bases and you're going nuts trying to do everything yourself, which I like.

@scout_more_often said in Why did you queue for 4v4 Full Share and not 4v4 No Share?:

Devils advocate, bring it back and also have a third option, for those who just want a game and dont mind either way

That’s literally multiqueueing.

Impossible to play any decent map without full share, all share until death games must converge to t3 mex simulator canis style to see anything more important than t2 air. Without full share you’ll essentially be making 20x20 maps an impossibility which is already a nogo.

get back to sleep little boy

Not a fan of team games ending because an ACU gets sniped... esp on 20x20 you really cannot just "move in and take over a base" so it is fairly lame.