XtremWars 1.7 for all game versions
Update 18.Jan.2021(v1.4)
- Unit UEA0402 Optimized function call :IsDead() to .Dead
- Unit XEL0306 Optimized function call :IsDead() to .Dead
- Unit UEA0401 Optimized function call :IsDead() to .Dead
- Unit DEA0202 Optimized function call :IsDead() to .Dead
- Unit UELEW0004 Optimized function call :IsDead() to .Dead
- Unit UESE0001 Optimized function call :IsDead() to .Dead
- Unit URL0402 Optimized function call :IsDead() to .Dead
- Unit URA0402 Optimized function call :IsDead() to .Dead
- Unit URS0201 Optimized function call :IsDead() to .Dead
- Unit DRA0202 Optimized function call :IsDead() to .Dead
- Unit URS0103 Optimized function call :IsDead() to .Dead
- Unit URS0106 Optimized function call :IsDead() to .Dead
- Unit URS0104 Optimized function call :IsDead() to .Dead
- Unit UASE0001 Optimized function call :IsDead() to .Dead
- Unit URSE0001 Optimized function call :IsDead() to .Dead
- CIFMissileExperimentalTactical01_Script.lua Optimized function call :IsDead() to .Dead
- aeonweapons.lua Optimized function call :IsDead() to .Dead
- Unit uas0202 Fixed flare weapon.
- Unit ueaew0002 (Tech 2 Experimental Support Spaceship) Added "TeleportDelay = 10" to General table.
- Unit xsaew0002 (Tech 2 Experimental Air Transport) Added "TeleportDelay = 10" to General table.
- Unit ual0401 (Experimental Assault Bot) Added VeteranMassMult ( VeteranMassMult = 0.5, )
- Unit xsse0001 (Experimental Tech1 Spaceship) Added VeteranMassMult ( VeteranMassMult = 0.5, )
- Unit urse0001 (Tech 1 Experimental Spaceship) Added VeteranMassMult ( VeteranMassMult = 0.5, )
- Unit ueaew0002 (Tech 2 Experimental Support Spaceship) Added VeteranMassMult ( VeteranMassMult = 0.5, )
- Unit ura0402 (Tech 3 Experimental Transportation Spaceship) Added VeteranMassMult ( VeteranMassMult = 0.5, )
- Unit xsl0401 (Experimental Assault Bot) Added VeteranMassMult ( VeteranMassMult = 0.5, )
- Unit uelew0003 (Tech 2 Experimental Deployable Tank) Added VeteranMassMult ( VeteranMassMult = 0.5, )
- Unit url0402 (Experimental Spiderbot) Added VeteranMassMult ( VeteranMassMult = 0.5, )
- Unit xsaew0002 (Tech 2 Experimental Air Transport) Added VeteranMassMult ( VeteranMassMult = 0.5, )
- Unit uese0001 (Tech 1 Experimental Spaceship) Added VeteranMassMult ( VeteranMassMult = 0.5, )
- Unit uase0001 (Tech 1 Experimental Spaceship) Added VeteranMassMult ( VeteranMassMult = 0.5, )
- Unit uelew0001 (Tech 1 Heavy Tank Experimental.) Added VeteranMassMult ( VeteranMassMult = 0.5, )
- Unit ualew0001 (Tech 1 Hover Tank Experimental.) Added VeteranMassMult ( VeteranMassMult = 0.5, )
- Unit uelew0004 (Tech 2 Experimental Heavy Bot) Added VeteranMassMult ( VeteranMassMult = 0.5, )
- Unit ualew0002 (Tech 2 Experimental Tractor Hover Tank) Added VeteranMassMult ( VeteranMassMult = 0.5, )
- Unit uaaew0004 (Experimental Tech 2 Bomber) Added VeteranMassMult ( VeteranMassMult = 0.5, )
- Unit xrle0004 (Tech 2 Experimental Deployable Bot.) Added VeteranMassMult ( VeteranMassMult = 0.5, )
- Unit url0403 (Tech 3 Experimental Mega Bot.) Added VeteranMassMult ( VeteranMassMult = 0.5, )
- Unit urlew0001 (Tech 1 Experimental Deployable Bot.) Added VeteranMassMult ( VeteranMassMult = 0.5, )
- Unit xslew0001 (Experimental T2 QuadBot) Added VeteranMassMult ( VeteranMassMult = 0.5, )
- Unit xsle0001 (Experimental Tech 1 Assault Bot) Added VeteranMassMult ( VeteranMassMult = 0.5, )
- Unit uea0401 (Tech 3 Experimental Spaceship) Added VeteranMassMult ( VeteranMassMult = 0.5, )
- Unit uea0402 (Tech 3 Experimental Transportation Spaceship) Added VeteranMassMult ( VeteranMassMult = 0.5, )
- Unit ualew0003 (Tech 2 Experimental Heavy Assault TankedBike) Added VeteranMassMult ( VeteranMassMult = 0.5, )
- Unit dea0202 (Fighter/Bomber) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 1.000 to 0.875
- Unit xsa0202 (Fighter/Bomber) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 1.000 to 0.675
- Unit xaa0202 (Combat Fighter) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 1.000 to 0.875
- Unit xsse0001 (Experimental Tech1 Spaceship) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 6.000 to 5.500
- Unit urse0001 (Tech 1 Experimental Spaceship) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 6.000 to 5.500
- Unit ueaew0002 (Tech 2 Experimental Support Spaceship) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 6.000 to 5.500
- Unit dra0202 (Fighter/Bomber) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 1.000 to 1.125
- Unit ura0205 (EMP Bomber) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 1.000 to 0.950
- Unit ura0402 (Tech 3 Experimental Transportation Spaceship) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 12.000 to 11.500
- Unit uaa0102 (Interceptor) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 1.000 to 0.575
- Unit xsa0306 () Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 1.000 to 1.250
- Unit uea0102 (Interceptor) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 1.000 to 0.625
- Unit ura0204 (Torpedo Bomber) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 1.000 to 0.950
- Unit uea0111 (A215F Support Rev) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 1.000 to 1.150
- Unit xsaew0002 (Tech 2 Experimental Air Transport) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 5.000 to 4.900
- Unit uaa0204 (Torpedo Bomber) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 1.000 to 0.725
- Unit uea0306 (Fighter/Bomber) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 1.000 to 1.125
- Unit uese0001 (Tech 1 Experimental Spaceship) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 6.000 to 5.500
- Unit uase0001 (Tech 1 Experimental Spaceship) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 6.000 to 5.500
- Unit uea0103 (Attack Bomber) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 1.000 to 0.750
- Unit xsa0203 (Gunship) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 1.000 to 0.675
- Unit ura0203 (Gunship) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 1.000 to 0.775
- Unit xsa0103 (Attack Bomber) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 1.000 to 1.150
- Unit ura0103 (Attack Bomber) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 1.000 to 0.850
- Unit uea0203 (Gunship) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 1.000 to 0.750
- Unit uea0105 (A215F Support Rev Destructor) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 1.000 to 1.150
- Unit uaaew0004 (Experimental Tech 2 Bomber) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 4.000 to 4.250
- Unit ura0102 (Interceptor) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 1.000 to 0.650
- Unit xra0105 (Light Gunship) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 1.000 to 0.750
- Unit xsa0102 (Interceptor) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 1.000 to 0.800
- Unit xsa0204 (Torpedo Bomber) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 1.000 to 0.575
- Unit uea0112 (Tech 1 Gunship) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 1.000 to 0.750
- Unit uea0204 (Torpedo Bomber) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 1.000 to 0.850
- Unit uea0401 (Tech 3 Experimental Spaceship) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 12.000 to 11.500
- Unit uea0402 (Tech 3 Experimental Transportation Spaceship) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 12.000 to 11.500
- Unit uaa0203 (Gunship) Changed damageradius in weapon (DeathImpact) from 1.000 to 0.875
- Unit xsl0303 (Siege Tank) Deleted StandUpright = true,
- Unit xsl0202 (Assault Bot) Added StandUpright = true,
- Unit uelew0004 (Tech 2 Experimental Heavy Bot) Added StandUpright = true,
- Unit xrle0004 (Tech 2 Experimental Deployable Bot.) Added StandUpright = true,
- Unit xslew0001 (Experimental T2 QuadBot) Added StandUpright = true,
- Unit urs0106 (Aviso) Added "HOVER" to Categories.
- Unit urs0201 (Destroyer) Added "HOVER" to Categories.
- Unit urs0104 (Arty Frigate) Added "HOVER" to Categories.
- Unit urs0103 (Frigate) Added "HOVER" to Categories.
- Unit ual5001 (Mobile Air Staging Platform ) Added "HOVER" to Categories.
- Unit uab2105 (Anti-Air Air Turret) Added DeathImpact Weapon for aircrash.
- Unit xsb2106 (Air Point Defense) Added DeathImpact Weapon for aircrash.
- Unit xsb2105 (Air AA Defense) Added DeathImpact Weapon for aircrash.
- Unit ueb2106 (Air Point Defense) Added DeathImpact Weapon for aircrash.
- Unit xsb2206 (Point Defense) Added DeathImpact Weapon for aircrash.
- Unit uab2106 (Air Point Defense) Added DeathImpact Weapon for aircrash.
- Unit urb2206 (Point Defense) Added DeathImpact Weapon for aircrash.
- Unit urb2105 (Anti-Air Turret) Added DeathImpact Weapon for aircrash.
- Unit ueb2206 (Point Defense) Added DeathImpact Weapon for aircrash.
- Unit uab2206 (Point Defense) Added DeathImpact Weapon for aircrash.
- Unit uab2207 (Anti-Air Flak Artillery) Added DeathImpact Weapon for aircrash.
- Unit ueb2105 (Anti-Air Turret) Added DeathImpact Weapon for aircrash.
- Unit urb2207 (Anti-Air Flak Artillery) Added DeathImpact Weapon for aircrash.
- Unit ueb2207 (Anti-Air Flak Artillery) Added DeathImpact Weapon for aircrash.
- Unit xsb2207 (Anti-Air Flak Artillery) Added DeathImpact Weapon for aircrash.
- Unit urb2106 (Point Defense) Added DeathImpact Weapon for aircrash.
- Unit urb4401 (Tech 3 Experimental Anti-Nuke.) Changed Damage for weapon (Zapper Anti Missile) from 1000 to 60000.
Hello again. Myself and my friends are having some issues with this mod. If we play stand alone (player vs AI) there are no issues. However when we try to play together either player vs player or doing AI stomps we run into constant desynch issues. The desynch detected box will pop up as soon as the game launches.
We have tested this on standard maps, vault maps and generated maps. We don't have the issue on the exact same maps when not using Extreme Wars.Cheers
Hello JQtwo,
a desync means that one of the players has a different mod version or the mod is not propper installed or a file was changed.
Do you have a game.log from the last desynced game ?
@uveso Hey, is the mods still available in FaF? And the UEF T4 transports work?
Yes the mod is still available and working.
If you play the FAF develop version then also transporters work.The error where you can't select/build transportes is not from the mod, its a game bug.
fixed here: https://github.com/FAForever/fa/pull/3248 -
@uveso Thanks for your reply. I have this Mod, is this the right one as I search your name on the Vault and can't find it.
Yes the UEF transport can't be selected still on my version. I apologise, I don't know how to play FAF developer version, nor download an update via github.
Could you help if possible?
Yes i did not enter my name into the mod, i am only the maintainer not the author.
You can always check this page to see if you have the right version number:
https://forum.faforever.com/topic/364/updated-mods-for-faf-and-vanilla-steam -
@uveso Awesome thank you so much. This worked for normal games.
Just one more question if I may, since this fix works for standard games, do you know a way to get the transports to work on Campaign Co-Op Missions too?
Just wait for the game patch.
We are testing all changes first with the develop branch.
In 4-6 weeks this will be patched to the release files.Campaign and coop are using the release files and will work automatically after the patch
@uveso Oh awesome. Thank you for your replies and continuous hard work on FAF.
you are welcome
Uveso thank you so much for bringing this mod back to life and having it available to both FAF and steam. I do have a question however, Do you happen to know if this unit was ever added to the mod or if its possible to have in the mod?
i do recall seeing it in a mod or something but i cant remember where. i could be mistake but i was double checking with you or with anyone else here if they know
Hello holybeast67,
thanks a lot for you kind feedback.
Sadly i have never seen this UEF Carrier in any mod.
Looks like it was never released. -
Dang what a shame but thank you either way for the quick response! really appreciate it
In case you did not have it already, here is my general mod thread:
https://forum.faforever.com/topic/364/updated-mods-for-faf-and-vanilla-steamThere you will find updates and changes for all my mods that i maintain and some of my own mods.
i shall keep this in my updates thanks for it! and really again thank you for making the mods available
This post is deleted! -
Update 16.Feb.2023(v1.5)
- Unit UAL0401 fixed Tractor Claw; disallow targets: Ships, SACUs and Experimentals
- Unit UALEW0002 fixed Tractor Claw; disallow targets: Ships, SACUs and Experimentals
Hello Uveso. What version is the 'Extreme Wars' mod in the vault rn. I know the old game type was 1.0. If it's current, any updates to fix some of the invisible models? Correction: Seems in 1.5 the UEF Mech Marine is built instantly instead of in 7 seconds so the game skips the spawning of the model, leaving an invisible Mech Marine. This is the only unit that seems to do this in my testing.