@Xathos I have this scenario:
But it doesn't cause any issues. Could you reproduce the issue with 1 unit, fire one, and then show me the content of your game log? Nevermind, it is the AA gun:
WARNING: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/tdfheavyplasmagatlingcannon01/tdfheavyplasmagatlingcannon01_proj.bp at 1bf7ad80: 0 radius specified.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function `DamageArea'
...velop\supreme-commander\fa\lua\terranprojectiles.lua(863): in function <...velop\supreme-commander\fa\lua\terranprojectiles.lua:858>
It has to do with this, and therefore it has to do with the patch.
OnImpact = function(self, targetType, targetEntity)
local pos = self:GetPosition()
local radius = self.DamageData.DamageRadius
local FriendlyFire = self.DamageData.DamageFriendly and radius ~=0
DamageArea( self, pos, radius, 1, 'Force', FriendlyFire )
DamageArea( self, pos, radius, 1, 'Force', FriendlyFire )
self.DamageData.DamageAmount = self.DamageData.DamageAmount - 2
if targetType ~= 'Shield' and targetType ~= 'Water' and targetType ~= 'Air' and targetType ~= 'UnitAir' and targetType ~= 'Projectile' and targetType ~= 'Unit' then
local rotation = RandomFloat(0,2*math.pi)
local army = self.Army
CreateDecal(pos, rotation, 'scorch_001_albedo', '', 'Albedo', radius, radius, 70, 30, army)
MultiPolyTrailProjectile.OnImpact(self, targetType, targetEntity)
The issue is that we do not check the radius here - we expect that to be something else than 0. I'm going to discuss with Keyser whether this is something we should fix, or whether it is the mod that should fix it.