BlackOpsFAF-Unleashed only for FAF v25
This is what microsoft says: in mind we can't help you if you change the folder and something went wrong.
(Windows updates, fixes, or service packs will no longer work)DON'T DO IT!
@uveso I'm not sure what you guys did in recent patches (3721+), but any unit using the Railgun01 projectile is borked. The particle effect won't go away, and it builds up in the sim, and lags the whole game. My last LAN game had the Citadel in it (via MCP, but I confirmed the problem on regular BlackOps game, too), and I had to constantly run the "Purge Projectiles" command in any attempt to try to finish the game.
Do you know of any short workaround outside of the obvious (banning units, etc)?
oh no - this is something we did. If I am correct the unit is the Citadel and it is part of Marlo's Compilation Pack?
@jip As implied, the unit is originally from the BlackOps line of mods. Yes, it is the Citadel MK II.
The unitpack, I'm talking about where I noticed the issue from, is Mixed Combat Pack (MCP): . MCP mixes together popular units, of various untipacks, and bugfixes/rebalances them together for one mod (TotalMayhem is notorious for having more powerful units vs. vanilla). My main interest in the mod is the backbone programming work he did, and notsomuch it being a convenient unitpack in one mod.
I did check over the BP file of his version of the Citadel, and it's fine. Here's a Winmerge report showing the differences: Citidel differences.7z . The left column is basically Uveso's BO release, and the right column is from MCP. The differences are just unit stats, and sourcing to make the unit work in his mod. And yes, I did follow-up on the Railgun01 files, and didn't see any differences there over Uveso's BO release.
I also mentioned running my standard mod array testing this (this doesn't include MCP - I only recently discovered it this past week). I ran a sandbox game, and this is where the screenshot came from. All those projectiles are "stuck".
I will see if any of my other mods are interfering with this, but I'm raising doubts. When I ran MCP, for my LAN session, the only other stuff running was basically QOL stuff. This seems to be something caused by the recent patches. I don't recall seeing this issue, beforehand, with the Citadel.
I'm quite confident that this is related to the patch and not mod interference. I'll investigate right away
@jip Considering I know little about the FAF integration level, so, this is appreciated. The sooner a hotfix goes out, the happier I'll be.
All that I know is that the Railgun01 projectile isn't native to Supcom, and it's borked on units that use it.
@Xathos I have this scenario:
But it doesn't cause any issues. Could you reproduce the issue with 1 unit, fire one, and then show me the content of your game log? Nevermind, it is the AA gun:
WARNING: Error running OnImpact script in Entity /projectiles/tdfheavyplasmagatlingcannon01/tdfheavyplasmagatlingcannon01_proj.bp at 1bf7ad80: 0 radius specified. stack traceback: [C]: in function `DamageArea' ...velop\supreme-commander\fa\lua\terranprojectiles.lua(863): in function <...velop\supreme-commander\fa\lua\terranprojectiles.lua:858>
It has to do with this, and therefore it has to do with the patch.
OnImpact = function(self, targetType, targetEntity) local pos = self:GetPosition() local radius = self.DamageData.DamageRadius local FriendlyFire = self.DamageData.DamageFriendly and radius ~=0 DamageArea( self, pos, radius, 1, 'Force', FriendlyFire ) DamageArea( self, pos, radius, 1, 'Force', FriendlyFire ) self.DamageData.DamageAmount = self.DamageData.DamageAmount - 2 if targetType ~= 'Shield' and targetType ~= 'Water' and targetType ~= 'Air' and targetType ~= 'UnitAir' and targetType ~= 'Projectile' and targetType ~= 'Unit' then local rotation = RandomFloat(0,2*math.pi) local army = self.Army CreateDecal(pos, rotation, 'scorch_001_albedo', '', 'Albedo', radius, radius, 70, 30, army) end MultiPolyTrailProjectile.OnImpact(self, targetType, targetEntity) end,
The issue is that we do not check the radius here - we expect that to be something else than 0. I'm going to discuss with Keyser whether this is something we should fix, or whether it is the mod that should fix it.
@uveso so why is v18 still in the Vault, should it not be this one?
this should be fixed inside FAF.Adding "DamageRadius = 1," inside modded unit blueprints does not work (still outputs 0 as radius)
self.DamageData.DamageRadius or 1` is also not working because the DamageData defaults the radius to 0 when its not existend.Kind of funny:
local FriendlyFire = self.DamageData.DamageFriendly and radius ~=0 DamageArea( self, pos, radius, 1, 'Force', FriendlyFire )
FriendlyFire is only true if radius is not 0, and the function crashes when radius is 0. Nice ^^
Are you talking about Black Ops ACU v18 or Black Ops Unleashed V19 ? -
well...I am looking at the mods listed in FAF when I type in "Blackops", Unleashed has last been updated 12/20/2020 and it says v18.
Is there a v19 in the Vault that is not showing there? I mean, I might be wrong here, but I do not see it.
When I host, I host v19 though.
Hmm i see unleashed v19 in the vault !?!
@uveso What file and line is that?
nvm - related to the post before.
@uveso nvm, if this (v18) were an issue it would have manifested long ago.
I can report the same projectile error with the Juggernaut battlestation unit BEL0307.
@dddx said in BlackOpsFAF-Unleashed only for FAF v19:
@uveso nvm, if this (v18) were an issue it would have manifested long ago.
I can report the same projectile error with the Juggernaut battlestation unit BEL0307.
Anything that uses the "Railgun01" projectile is affected. I found like 5 units that use it (they're all UEF units).
Yes - we're on it
That was the idea!
i just want to thank you for your feedback and support!
@Uveso Is this mod still up to date on the FAF client? I can't see a version number on there,
And Lambda seems to be broken
yes the Black Ops FAF version is the latest one.
When you say Lambda is broken, what unit do you mean ?
Is the lambda in the Black Ops ACU mod working ?