[Discontinued] Ethereal FAF Client 1.0
Show Games on: Dual Gap Adaptive
Show Games on: Astro Crater (and same maps) -
После последних патчей у меня все работает как часы.
Из пожеланий добавить:- Хотелось бы более удобный поиск реплеев. В частности добавить минимальную длину игры (чтобы не попадались игры по 5 минут или рехосты)
- Проблема мелкая но все же. Очень часто когда наводишься на автарки (да мне интересно кто где отличился) Название так и не высвечивается. Приходиться шаманить по долгу с мышкой чтобы попасть и все показалось
- Сделать страницу с кланами прямо в клиенте. Чтобы для вступления в клан не надо было переходить на сайт. И чтобы игрок мог сам попроситься в клан кинув запрос/посмотреть инфо о клане
- В руководствах дать ссылки на обучалки ютуберов, потому как сейчас бесполезный раздел
- В поиске карт (в разделе карты) сделать функцию чтобы убрать из списка уже все имеющиеся карты (иногда ищешь новую карту для разнообразия а вынужден листать страницы с теми которые у тебя уже есть)
П.с.: круто что спрашиваете мнение игроков
After the latest patches, everything works fine for me.
Of the wishes to add:- I would like a more convenient search for replays. In particular, add a minimum length of the game (to not fall games for 5 minutes or rehosts).
- Small problem, but still.Very often when hovering over the avatar (yes I wonder who got what) Title and not displayed. Necessary to long hover the mouse to get to and all showed up.
- Make a page with the clans directly in the client. To join the clan did not have to go to the site.And that the player himself could ask for a clan by throwing a request / view info about the clan.
- In the manuals give links to tutorials youtubers, because now we have a useless section.
- In the search for maps (in the maps) to make a function that excludes maps that have a player (sometimes player looking for a new map for a change but have to flip through pages with those that him already have)
P.s.: cool that you ask the opinion of the players
The only thing the client needs is an option to select a (single or multiple ones in a given order) prefered color for tmm (though I guess thats also for a significant part server work)!
Сделать возможным посмотреть список игроков ищущих ладдер ( в идеале чтобы и рейтинг было видно в этом списке ). Возможно если игроки будут видеть что у них есть оппонент они охотнее будут искать ладдер игры
Make it possible to see a list of players looking for a ladder (ideally so that the rating was visible in this list). Perhaps if players will see that they have an opponent, they will be more willing to look for a ladder game
@pryanichek thats a terrible suggestion, since it allows you to chose your opponents, which makes it possible to (somewhat) manipulate your ladderrating (just like ppl are manipulating their global).
@turinturambar yes you are probably right
@Eternal Could you add a link to game-related suggestions?
And for those unaware - this is about an alternative client written in C#
Fixing/ improving the vault search options would be nice. Right now the advanced search is still buggy, especially the "contains" option.
Also improving refafing times would be nice. It roughly 5 seconds for the process to terminate after you close the window, which is quite annoying. Especially since it is required so often with TMM now. This is the one edge python client had over the java one -
I was asked to clarify the purpose of the topic a little, so I reveal all the cards.
I will make a simplified client in C# and would like to know what you would like to see in it. -
Oh for a new client you should definetly prepare the implementation of the league system. Show it in aeolus for instance. Also instantly showing the ratings when hovering over a player in aeolus was quite a nice feature in python client.
I do like the subdivision of the play tab in the Java client. -
@harzernoob We'll see in the future, but honestly, I didn't like this league system
Mods/Maps managing tool.
I end up with a lots of mods when joining modded games, half of them i don't know what they do or if i actually use them (also mod dev making 10 copy of the same mod without any description make it hard to find the ones you actually need).
For maps i end up with 10 versions of seton's/gap/crater cause each time someone is not happy and move a rock a single inch and create another map. I have a hard time knowing which one are the one i play and the one who are just redundant and useless
some advanced chat functions would be nice
e.g. replying -
@harzernoob How is the contains buggy? This is the first I have heard of it
According to some tips, I decided to redo the interface, reduced the corners radius, changed some internal work of client.
Some variants of interaction with available lobby in client:
Left navigation window example:
Top navigation window example:
When you join a modded game your next game you host has those mods on, don't like that
My suggestions are from the perspective of a man who has no idea how to do this stuff. I can build you a multibillion-dollar structure but I cannot build a simple script or whatever you nerds call that shit lol. I have a lot of respect and envy for what coders and programmers can do and more so for those here at FAF who keep this place going so if these suggestions are asking a lot or are impossible please forgive my ignorance.
In the player card show the players' rank over their last 100 games next to their standard lifetime rank and 1v1 & 2v2 ranks. The idea is that you can see that yeah this guy is a 700 with 400 games but over his last 100 games he has been playing like a 1000 or like a 100.
A banner above their ranks that displays a preset trash talk type message that is based on their last 10 games. As an example, if they are 0-10 it could say "YOU'RE SCREWED" If they are 10-0 "Man, I'm good at this!" Doesn't have to be the game taunts, it just came to me as I was writing and think its meme cool but if a guy is 7-3 it could Say “He’s heating up!” naaaaaaa it should be the taunts and say “Run while you can”
A letter designation system beside the player rank that shows what kind of player they are. Base it on their lifetime rank and last 100 games rank separately. For instance, a 1000 rank with 1000 games and 900 of them are Astro is an A-1000. G-1000 for any Gap maps such as you_shall_not_pass or Gap of Rohan. S for Setons, DG for DualGap, L for Ladder, MG for mapgen, and OW for players with most games played in the more open world type maps such as hilly plateau and pyramid. The thinking here is that if a level 1000 joins a 1000+ mapgen lobby then the host can better balance the game as well as just other players being able to know who their opponents are. So then a DG-1000 could easily be an MG- 1200 on their last 100 rank (or even an MG-600 for that matter to reflect the learning curve that comes when switching playstyles in which case a host may have him vs a 600 and not against an 1100) Some people will be proud to be an A-1800 and that's fine if that's how they enjoy this game but when they join a 1500+ lobby and everyone in there is a L, MG or OW then this A is maybe kicked or maybe there is a G in there that the host would put him against.
On the player card have an emblem depicting what role they play, kind of like a class rating for a soldier. If I have most of my kills with Air vehicles then I have an emblem with an ASF (or whatever air unit) Naval gets a Battleship and Land gets a Chicken (because they are the best T4 land unit) Could even have a different emblem for how high the ratio between their kill types is.
For example, someone who has 50% kills with land 25% with air and 25% with naval has a Tank emblem but say after time they go to 70-xx-xx so they get a T3 Bot and at 80-xx-xx they now get a Chicken. Conversely, if that same player who was land maybe starting playing navy then their emblem would eventually downgrade and then upgrade to a navy class rating. Perhaps a player could have the ability to reset this feature too so that it would begin reassessing your style. So if you have high games played and never play navy anymore but are stuck with a navy emblem then you could reset and get your air emblem because you are an air guy now.
@lightbearer said in What would you like to see in new client:
My suggestions are from the perspective of a man who has no idea how to do this stuff. I can build you a multibillion-dollar structure but I cannot build a simple script or whatever you nerds call that shit lol. I have a lot of respect and envy for what coders and programmers can do and more so for those here at FAF who keep this place going so if these suggestions are asking a lot or are impossible please forgive my ignorance.
- In the player card show the players' rank over their last 100 games next to their standard lifetime rank and 1v1 & 2v2 ranks. The idea is that you can see that yeah this guy is a 700 with 400 games but over his last 100 games he has been playing like a 1000 or like a 100.
- A banner above their ranks that displays a preset trash talk type message that is based on their last 10 games. As an example, if they are 0-10 it could say "YOU'RE SCREWED" If they are 10-0 "Man, I'm good at this!" Doesn't have to be the game taunts, it just came to me as I was writing and think its meme cool but if a guy is 7-3 it could Say “He’s heating up!” naaaaaaa it should be the taunts and say “Run while you can”
- A letter designation system beside the player rank that shows what kind of player they are. Base it on their lifetime rank and last 100 games rank separately. For instance, a 1000 rank with 1000 games and 900 of them are Astro is an A-1000. G-1000 for any Gap maps such as you_shall_not_pass or Gap of Rohan. S for Setons, DG for DualGap, L for Ladder, MG for mapgen, and OW for players with most games played in the more open world type maps such as hilly plateau and pyramid. The thinking here is that if a level 1000 joins a 1000+ mapgen lobby then the host can better balance the game as well as just other players being able to know who their opponents are. So then a DG-1000 could easily be an MG- 1200 on their last 100 rank (or even an MG-600 for that matter to reflect the learning curve that comes when switching playstyles in which case a host may have him vs a 600 and not against an 1100) Conversely in a Dual Gap game the host can balance slots according to thier rank and experience level in that setting too. Some people will be proud to be an A-1800 and that's fine if that's how they enjoy this game but when they join a 1500+ lobby and everyone in there is a L, MG or OW then this A is maybe kicked or maybe there is a G in there that the host would put him against.
- On the player card have an emblem depicting what role they play, kind of like a class rating for a soldier. If I have most of my kills with Air vehicles then I have an emblem with an ASF (or whatever air unit) Naval gets a Battleship and Land gets a Chicken (because they are the best T4 land unit) Could even have a different emblem for how high the ratio between their kill types is. For example, someone who has 50% kills with land 25% with air and 25% with naval has a Tank emblem but say after time they go to 70-xx-xx so they get a T3 Bot and at 80-xx-xx they now get a Chicken. Conversely, if that same player who was land maybe started playing navy then their emblem would eventually downgrade and then upgrade to a navy class rating. Perhaps a player could have the ability to reset this feature too so that it would begin reassessing your style. So if you have high games played and never play navy anymore but are stuck with a navy emblem then you could reset and get your air emblem because you are an air guy now.
@lightbearer nice nice
- Impossible to calculate the rating for last X games.
- That's interesting, that's possible, can't really say about trash msg, but winrate for last 10/50/100 games is possible
- I have other system in mind. Color based on history of games. I had some confrontation about that in Russian discord, but I don't care xD. So the idea is color player in player card will be based on maps that he played and maybe winrate. So if he is playing mostly gap/astro/Seton/pass then he is red, of course I will count ladder, and affect to the color will be smaller. Smt like that
- Actually... It is possible, but it will require a lot of effect. Firstly, you need to analyze a lot of replays, secondly, you have to save this information somewhere. But that's only to get the average units he is making, and calculating the player spots can much difficult.