Maybe there is already a way to do it and I am too noob and stoned to figure it out but when your HQ dies and you are left with a support factory that factory can only build t1 units until you have a new HQ. Can there be an option to convert the support factory to an HQ rather than have to build a new t1 factory and upgrade that? It could work like the upgrade currently does and cost the same M/E but is just more convenient especially if it's already ringed by Pgens.

Best posts made by LightBearer
RE: Small suggestions topic
RE: Survive 5v5 map as Aeon
Have you considered the training channels in discord? I would imagine there are people there who could spend time with you helping you learn a few things. I myself never play Aeon because I am not good enough
RE: Make the tactical missile from the t3 submarines more usefull
The rare times I build t3 subs I typically turn off the TML because I dont want it to give away the position of the unit and/or give away the fact that I have t3 subs in the water....I try to use them only for surprise nuke attacks but thats just me and I suck at navy.
RE: Nvidia driver performance problem
@thecore said in Nvidia driver performance problem:
Looks like with update 496.13 the bug is back again, can others confirm?
I saw some people in chat the other day saying it was. I haven't updated my drivers yet to the newest because of that so the 472.12 I am on are working just fine. I'm scared to update lol
RE: How should we explain FAF's differences to FA on Steam?
I didnt read the whole thread so If i repeat what someone has already said than you can all call me an idiot.
I am thinking that new players that are familiar with FA but not FAF are not so concerned about each specific unit difference (because they can easily refer to an attached spreadsheet that has them side by side in a column for easy comparison) but are rather concerned with how the game plays differently. So is reclaim the same? Overcharge the same? ACU upgrades the same? What is different about the core meta of the game rather than simply unit differences. How do these unit differences change the core gameplay. Maybe in FA the ASF are weaker than in FAF so it needs to be explained how air battles are different because of that. I am struggling to find examples but I think I have said enough to make my point.
RE: Should you be able to send engineers to other players?
I think this is something that should be reserved for mods or "gentleman's agreement" type rule sets before a game not as a core mechanic of the game. (or maybe a setting that can be toggled) Sharing tech is awesome for certain maps/mods but for the most part, I would argue teammates don't generally share tech in the average game. The only time I ever share tech to or for seems to be when I am doing astro/gap type maps.
RE: Janky Chicken
I am a sera player for the most part and love the chicken as is personally. Not sure if the animation effects turning but to me I would be worried that changing it would affect the engrained meta use of the unit. Its frailty is part of what makes it so endearing to me lol.
On a side note, the hover chicken does look cool but I am curious does it now hover over water rather than being submersible? Just imagining 3 chickens hovering over the ocean racing out to take on a naval force....that's about the only way I can imagine ever being good at navy....with hover chickens lol
RE: Game was not reted. Reason - Unknow Result
@axel12 said in Game was not reted. Reason - Unknow Result:
@lightbearer Cause they are all volunteers maybe. And nobody gets paid XD
Not sure how your comment applies to mine. I was simply pointing out something I noticed with an FYI in an effort to make the volunteer devs aware of something. They fixed it and I am very thankful for their efforts as no doubt all of us are.
Latest posts made by LightBearer
RE: Panning with the mouse cursor doesn't work in borderless windowed mode
There is a specific option that enables mouse panning in windowed mode, have you enabled this?
Personally, I find zooming out and zooming back into my desired location is faster and more accurate than edge panning with the mouse or arrow keys but I suck so that's probably part of the reason why.
RE: Shadowlorda1's Seraphim Campaign Missions
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RE: Small suggestions topic
Maybe there is already a way to do it and I am too noob and stoned to figure it out but when your HQ dies and you are left with a support factory that factory can only build t1 units until you have a new HQ. Can there be an option to convert the support factory to an HQ rather than have to build a new t1 factory and upgrade that? It could work like the upgrade currently does and cost the same M/E but is just more convenient especially if it's already ringed by Pgens.
RE: [Discontinued] Ethereal FAF Client 1.0
Looks great. I love the notes thing. I foe laggers and assholes so it would be nice to see my notes to remember why. I tend to give assholes another chance but not laggers lol.
RE: Make high tech engis more efficient than low tech engis
I was wondering about this not long ago and was thinking that people don't want to dedicate their t3 factory to engines when they can spam t1 engines for bp and keep the factory (or factories) pumping out t3 units. The only thing that makes sense to me. I like using t3 engines so I use my HQ for engines only and a support factory or 2 for units.
RE: Bad connection with Wi-Fi
I have played FAF on wifi while traveling and it worked but I would highly recommend a wired connection if possible at your location.
RE: Supreme Commander Always Zooms Into The Same Position On Map
I had this a while back and I am pretty sure it was hardware-related.
RE: Survive 5v5 map as Aeon
@melanol said in Survive 5v5 map as Aeon:
@lightbearer said in Survive 5v5 map as Aeon:
@melanol as much as I suck using this faction I wouldn't change it. The beauty of FAF is the factions and their differences.
The beauty of almost no one playing Aeon in 1v1.
Fine by me because I suck at defending against a well microed AEON army lol
RE: Mass/energy storage full/depleted ETA timers
more information on the BF is never a bad thing, nice