@quarterblack said in Small suggestions topic:
A way to insert a build order at the beginning of the queue.
Ironically this is quite difficult as we have little to no access to the command queue of a unit. It appears the original developers (GPG) never finished that part of the programming interface.
@arma473 said in Small suggestions topic:
When you select an old replay to watch, if any UI mods are active, put up a dialog box asking the player if they want to turn off all UI mods for this replay. If the user chooses that, those UI mods will be re-enabled as soon as the replay ends. That way you don't have replays failing because of incompatible UI mods.
This is related to the client (and not the game itself) - therefore out of my hands. I also do not anticipate it to be a small feature.
@rlo said in Small suggestions topic:
When a player dies on full share and their based gets transferred to the highest score person on your team, could there be an option to accept or decilne their stuff and then it goes to the next person, or maybe a vote?
@arma473 said in Small suggestions topic:
It should even be possible to give the notification BEFORE the units go. As soon as the player dies, they stop being able to "gift" units/buildings.
I can work on a notification. Anything more complicated (being able to say no, for example) means two things:
- You get a pop up during your precious ASF fight
- It is no longer a small change
@kdrafa91 said in Small suggestions topic:
Is it just me or 90% per cent of time GCs dont know how to use the gravity pulling arms?
I've never had any issues. The colossus needs to be close enough.
@tcop969 said in Small suggestions topic:
One of my biggest requests is to be able to see friendly Radar bubbles.
I am not sure if this is possible. I'll ask KionX who is familiar with the decompiled C code.
@giebmasse said in Small suggestions topic:
Remove the guesswork and witch-hunting of "who is lagging" by storing more persistent connection quality data of the players per game session.
I am afraid we only have access to the ping of a player. Everything else is merely printed directly on screen. We could keep a track of the players ping for the last minute, that may make it easier to detect spikes (min / max ping past minute).
Things I'll be taken into account:
- Printing the team scores to the chat (host only)
- Chat notification when an ally receives units
- The repeat build hotkey being off
- Replace radar sound