Why would you have left FAF?

Everyone responding to players expressing their reasons for leaving with "you're wrong" should just shut up. Your arguments will not convince someone to keep playing once they decided to leave and you're only discouraging others from speaking out. Doesn't matter if you're right, you're just shitting up a rare, useful feedback thread for no reason.

Basically none of the feedback here has been useful lol

The survivorship bias is thinking an rts game was a good idea, we shoulda made it a ftp loot shooter

@femtozetta you're so smart! if you couldn't tell people they stopped playing for the wrong reasons, how would others possibly realize how highly intelligent you are? You're right my suggestion was basically 1984. Your previous post alone contributes more to this thread than all others combined. You probably already knew exactly why people stop playing faf since your brain is so huge.

@phong While I see where you're coming from, femto has a point. It's not useful feedback when someone's reason for quitting FAF is that they don't want their team to matter in a team game. We more or less stopped getting "useful" or new feedback in this thread a long time ago.

All that said, I don't disagree with you either and the more experienced and veteran people like myself should be mindful of that, at least on the reasonable takes even if they're not necessarily accurate.

Femto's point hinges on what "useful" means. The info in here could be useful to faf policy makers to shape policy, or to other players, to shape behavior. Even if it's not useful to you that doesn't mean it's OK to discourage more responses. And it begs the question, why argue the matter? What possible reason does one have to contradict a player on why they're quitting? It gives off "scorned lover" vibes if anything.

Nine2 is like the nice guy asking everyone why they won't play with us anymore and every time someone speaks up there's a bunch of dudes screaming "you're dumb i'm glad you're leaving we didn't want to play with you anyway".

Can you please not?

Nobody would care if you just acted normal. Acting like this is some rare useful thread forever desecrated. It's funny.

@ftxcommando I'm just expressing my wish for less shitposts man, hopefully some people will consider it. Not you of course, my hopes are not set that high.

Oh no, phong shows off that he actually doesn't give a shit about any of the highbrow concepts he pretends to value and instead just needles people because he is little better than the people he pretends he isn't.



You can express a desire for people to treat each other with respect while simultaneously recognizing that a particular individual generally does not do that.

On a related note, and to answer the main question: general abrasiveness in the community, see here for a concentrated example among many.

I'm not a hugely competitive player so balance tends to be abstract for me. Haven't had a big problem with connectivity. Even ingame shittalking comes with the territory--people getting pissed when they lose and blaming their teammates is pretty universal.

But in a niche community, seeing people get trashed as a matter of course makes me question who I'm associating with. It also has the knock-on effect of making generally reasonable people testy in response.

Can't come into a thread bemoaning about how people ruin a useful thread and then intentionally attempt to prod a person to derail the thread further.

My post was about why I would have left FAF. The reply to your comment was incidental. If you felt my observations of your behavior as a component of a larger problem was an attempt to prod you, I applaud you for not taking the perceived bait.

You pinged me right after a convo sorta involving what you talked about, don’t get why you would ping me about your personal reasons for leaving unless it was directly responding to said conversation.

My response was made in that context, wasn’t even a response directed at you.

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Then let's continue to try to not derail the thread further.

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@nine2 1. because the game does not change. any proposals are rejected. the same thing is boring.

  1. the game has a bad balance designed for nerds. a simple player with beer and a hamburger does not experience any pleasure. No proposals to change this have been made.